Hunter X Hunter - Reborn
A normal person wouldn't have memories of her past life. Every life given should be a new one. But why, oh why, I am, dare I say, reborn in a world that shouldn't exist?
'I've never really given much thought to how I would die.' Yep. I completely plagiarised my first line from Twilight. But it's true. I guess even though I knew from the start that everyone dies, my optimism that I will live until I'm 100, rich and surrounded by my loved ones, will come true. This is why I ignored those donor forms that seem to pop out in front of me many times – okay – ALL the time.
Like for example, every time I pick out a cute diary, the line; In the event of my death, I wish to donate my eyes, heart, liver, kidneys… blah blah blah, is just the first freaking line my eyes will focus on.
And that time when I had to change my GP surgery form, the surgery sent me an application form AND then another letter specifically asking me that in the event of my death, should I want to donate my eyes, heart, liver, kidneys…blah blah blah.
And also those inconspicuous posters that no one notices except me.
Maybe I should've taken note of the signals and signed the damn forms.
My death was quick though. Not painless, but at least I wasn't tortured to death or had multiple needles stuck into me until my death. I didn't have to go through the pain of slowly disintegrating and watching my family and friends suffer with me. I didn't have to die while knowing I'm emptying my mother's and father's meagre savings from the bank and pushing them further to debt.
Yes. In a way, I am happy that I died in a car crash that was not really my fault.
WAIT – Didn't I receive calls from stupid people asking me if I was involved in a car crash that wasn't my fault before I died exactly from that?
JESUS! I was a psychic!
And I didn't even know it!
Well, after that awful shocking pain of getting hit on your side by another car and the feeling like your head just got smashed, blood and brain matter exploding out of your head, I felt nothing for a long time.
I may have been a goldfish, clownfish or a Paracantharus hepatus aka Dory.
In that short or long period of time, I mostly just let myself floated away. I cried most of the time. But in that void, I was restricted to move. It occurred to me that maybe I was being tortured after my death. After all, I wasn't the best child there was.
No. I was an angsty, lazy teenager with insecurity and family problems. I just realised this now. Sure, I kinda knew I was a little insecure but I wasn't that aware of how much insecure I was.
In that tiny black space, I recited to myself all the bad things I've done – judging others to make myself better, criticising other people, being jealous of how pretty other girls are, and being jealous when my friends are doing better than me in school….
Damn, was I a very jealous girl.
Then, one day, I started hearing things. It grew louder and more pronounced as time passes. But since it was the first thing for a very long time of isolation that I heard, I caught on it and desperately searched for it. Every time I heard it, I felt comforted. Thus, came a point that it was all I waited for. That soft tilting melody – a woman's voice. Sometimes, the melody goes up and down like she was singing. Sometimes, it fluctuates when she is saying something I don't understand. Sometimes, it wasn't her. The voice sounded deeper but still comforting.
Of course, my comfort bubble had to burst eventually.
After a long time of everlasting darkness, I was suddenly assaulted by a cacophony of sounds, an array of scents and from my closed eyelids (I cannot open them), there was light. I felt giant hands holding me, passing me from one pair of giant hands to another. I screamed and relished at the feeling it brought to my throat. I kicked and punched through the empty air.
Because after a long, long time, I felt things I never thought I could anymore, things I took for granted but not anymore. I felt, I heard, I smelled, I tasted, I saw light.
I am now alive.
Author's note;
Hey, this will be my first Hunter x Hunter fanfic, I hop you'll enjoy it. I really don't like, in fact, I hate Mary Sues so if you guys notice my leading self insert becoming little Miss perfect, please do tell me!
Abby D.