It was a frosty night and Yugi had forgotten his jacket. Well, not forgotten, per se. He just hadn't brought it. He didn't think he would need it, and yet, here he was; shivering away. He hated himself for it. The only consolation was that Yami was with him. They were just walking home from the movie theatre. They had gone on a date and it was a lovely night out. But, as it got later, the temperatures dropped low. Yugi could barely stand it. Stuck in his thoughts, he didn't notice the concern on Yami's face.

Yami saw that his Aibou was uncomfortable and cold. He, however, prepared for the weather and was quite warm with his coat. Yami sighed and pulled off his coat, putting it on the smaller boy's shoulders.
Yugi noticed the sudden warmth and looked up at Yami questioningly.

"Yami? Won't you be cold?"
"Yugi, I've had it on longer, and I'm perfectly fine. You need it more than I do."
"No! Don't give it to me! You shouldn't have to suffer because I was silly enough to leave my coat at home!"

As Yugi was taking off the coat, Yami stopped him.
"Yugi. Just take it. Please. I do not wish to see you suffer any longer. I am alright."

Yugi frowned and put his arm back through the sleeve he had took off. He sighed and nodded in hesitant agreement.
"Alright, Yami.. If that's what makes you happy."

Yami put his hands in the pockets of his pants and Yugi looped his arm through the opening space of Yami's arm. He looked up at him and smiled.

The content couple then continued their walk home.