AN: Hello, everyone! So as my first Klaroline Drabble Collection, "52 Weeks of Klaroline", draws close to the end (only one more chapter left, I'm emotional!), I've decided to start 2 new ones. "Eternity Tastes Like Your Blood On My Tongue" will be a collection of canon, pre/post canon and in general, supernatural AUs, while the second one, "All Roads Lead To You" will contain all human and crossover/fusion drabbles.

The first few updates will be fics that I've already published on mine tumblr or written for Klarodrabblequest but haven't had a chance to upload them here yet. Still, I hope you'll enjoy them and maybe some of you haven't read them yet. And I'll start on the new stuff soon enough :)

This one below is a really short drabble inspired by one of the amazing gifsets by Paula (howeverlongs) "Sometimes silence speaks louder than words". So you can blame HER for any feels!

Words. Letters, vowels and consonants, flowing together to form a sentence.

Caroline likes words. She knows she's a talkative girl. Orders, confessions, gossip, witty retorts - it's all part of her day, puzzles in her routine. They come as natural as breathing to her.

Blurted out on the spur of the moment. Spontaneously revealed. Barked out in haste.

I always say the wrong things.

Klaus is different.

Worldly. Sophisticated. Suave.

His words are controlled. Pouring down slowly, like honey, they coat the valley of one's ears. Every sound, every single lilt of his voice, the gravel of his accent - planned, premeditated, overthought. The poison melts off his tongue and seeps through veins, seducing the unsuspecting victim.

What a word master he is.

There is a whole world out there, waiting for y o u.

You mark my words…small town life, it won't be enough for y o u.

for some reason, cares only about y o u.

It was all for y o u.

I've tried to stop thinking about y o u. And I can't.

For her. About her. Her.

And Caroline knows, that with her - it's different. Oh, the honey and poison of his words pierce her skin and flow through her bloodstream all the same. Opening her mind. Enticing her. Seducing with possibilities.

But the control is not there. She's cold, he reacts, sentences slip off his tongue and stun her to silence.

How do you respond? What answer can you find, when this man, the most powerful creature on Earth, allows you a glimpse, a glimpse at his heart? The longing in his voice tugs at something in her, deep inside, and what more can be said, when he's just laid cities at her feet, kings and queens bowing low before her throne?

And you can have all of it.

He throws challenges, gifts her the worlds, uncovers it all, the truths that are both fair and ugly.

His gaze burns through her skin, his mouth grazes her cheek and his promise paints goosebumps over her aching soul.

I intend to be your last.

And all she can do is stare back, words failing her for the first time, dying silent on her lips as only the little gasp fills the space between them.

She's not ready.

But then, deep down, under all the excuses and all the pain - she knows, clear as the tattoo etched on his skin and loud as the hummingbird singing in her ear.

She knows, someday she will be.

And someday she is.

Because all these words and all her silence have always led to the same path, right here in this moment.

Caroline strolls to their bed and molds herself against Klaus. She nuzzles her head into the crook of his neck and whispers, "I love you."

A pleased hum reverberates in his chest as his lips brush her forehead and she can feel his smile that forms against her skin.

Happy, she smiles back.

Because sometimes, silence speaks louder than words.

The promise that lasts through the lifetimes. Spanning centuries, wars fought and lost, civilizations built and then ruined.

He intends to be her last.

And he is. And she is.

Thank you for reading! Any thoughts? I know it's more "lyrical" than what I usually write but that's just where fingers dancing on my keyboard took me, haha.

Till next time,

Kate :)