Rosie had called Margie and Alfonso to come over, and to make sure not to bring Yu and Ai. "Okay, you two. I have a mission that we need to do. We are going to be cupids!" Margie and Alfonso were surprised. The former asked, "We're going to be matchmakers? But to who?" "Yu and Ai of course! They're kind to each other, they compliment, they're names are even perfect! Yu and Ai sounds exactly like you and I!" Alfosnso said, "They do get along great." Margie asked, "But do you think this is what they would really want?" Rosie said, "Totally. And Valentine's Day is coming up, so it's perfect." Margie sighed, "You're hard to convince to not do things so, why not." Rosie remembered something Ai told her. "Do you want to know WHY Gracie built a store on Main Street of this town? Haven't you ever found it a coincidence?" Margie nodded. "Yu knew Ai was still a bit sad that you were gone, so when he rescued a genie and got a free wish (long story) he wished for you to come home but still be able to perform your dream. All to make Ai feel better!"

Margie was surprised. "Okay, you've convinced me."

After a couple of days, the plan was complete. Margie went over it. "Okay, Yu and Ai won't have to go to work that day because it's Valentines day. So, Rosie will say that she is going to another town for the day for a sold out concert. Alfonso will say that there's a pie eating contest he wants to enter. And I have a full busy day at GracieGrace. They don't close because Valentines is a big holiday for us. Yu and Ai will be alone, only you two will be helping behind the scenes. Got it? I can't help more than that, because I have work." The two nodded. "Get a good night's sleep, you'll need it."

The next day, Rosie and Margie told Ai what they were doing, and Alfonso told Yu what he was doing. Yu and Ai were both alone that day. Yu was sitting in his chair listening to Go K.K. Rider!, when he heard a knock at the door. He walked over, opened it up, and saw Ai. "Hello, Yu! Do you have anything planned for the day?" Yu responded, "No, Alfonso's out of town for a Pie eating contest, so I'm alone." She responded, "Yeah, Rosies out of town too, and Margie's got a full day of work." Yu asked, "How about we have some fun, today? I have a great board game." Ai said, "Board game? Sounds a bit boring." "Everyone judges that game before they play it. I find it pretty fun."

They played the board game and Yu was right. It was really fun. They were surprised to see some familiar faces as game pieces. After a fun, 30 minute game, Ai won. Yu looked at a clock. "12:00! Lunch time. Do you want to go that cafe that you designed? My treat." Ai nodded. "Okay." Rosie and Alfonso were watching through the window. It was going really smooth so far.

At the cafe, Yu and Ai had a nice lunch and fun conversations. They told each other about stuff such as embarrassing things they've done, when Tom Nook gave Ai a part time job the moment she moved to Animal Town, how shocked Yu was when he instantly became Mayor, etc.. Yu and Ai were walking around Main Street, when Ai smelled something. She looked inside Timmy and Tommy's store and saw chocolates on sale. She noticed Yu's mouth drooling.

Ai ran inside and bought some. She walked out and said, "Want to share them? Consider it repayment for buying me lunch." Rosie and Alfonso were still watching. They put up a fan in the store to make the chocolate smell come by them. The two enjoyed the sweets. Ai said, "My mother said that life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you will get." Yu replied, "I always thought life was like a highway." Ai giggled at that. Rosie and Alfonso left to tell Margie.

Ai shyly asked, "Yu...have you...ever...noticed a girl?" "I know that they exist. I see you, Margie, Rosie and Isabelle everyday." "Not like that, I mean have you ever had feelings for someone." Yu was starting to get what she was saying...and what he has been feeling for her recently. Yu said, "Yeah, this one girl." Ai was disappointed. "She's kind, has pink hair, and is an interior designer." She perked up. He continued. "I didn't know it was love, just something weird. But I think I know now." The two looked at each other. He leaned in and gave a peck on her cheek. Ai's face was as pink as her hair.

Rosie and Alfonso were disappointed later that they missed it.

Ai admitted, "I had a few doubts when I found out you were mayor, but I've come to find you a good mayor...especially with the big help you provided at my job." Yu said, "Well I couldn't have made this town better if it weren't for you." She leaned in to him. "I hope our lives are just as successful this year as last year."
