Oh my gosh! It has been FOREVER, I repeat FOREVER since I updated. The story was supposed to be over by now. Super Supper Sorry about the long wait. I could give some many reasons why I haven't updated but I shall not. On with the show! (Happy THIRD BIRTHDAY STEVEN UNIVERSE!)

Disclamier: I do not own SU or any of its wonderfulness. Just Thulie.

Amethyst headed out her room in the temple. She made her way to the living room. She found Pearl hunched over the table.

"Hey P!" she said

Pearl looked up, "Oh hello Amethyst. What are you doing up?"

"Just going for a midnight snack. What about you?"

"I don't sleep Amethyst."

"Oh! Right!" Amethyst laughed "So, where's Garnet?"

"She went to the kindergarten." Pearl said

"What? Pearl, do you know how much of a bad idea that is?" All snack was forgotten

"Relax, she's not touching any of that stuff." Pearl assured her "Garnet and I are just doing a little research."

"And what have you found?"

"The substance was developed during the war, most likely. To enhance non-soldier gems. The effects would wear off which is why they had to keep injecting them." Pearl said

"So, why is Thulite going corrupted and not just super-soldiered?" Amethyst asked

"That's what we're trying to figure out. If we can understand that then we can find a way to reverse it."

"Uh, Pearl. Steven has healing spit doesn't he? It worked temporarily for Centipeedle!"

Before Pearl could say anything, there was the sound of the Warp Pad. Garnet stepped off and went to sit on the couch. The room was quiet. Amethyst looked at Pearl who looked at Garnet.

"Did you find anything?" Pearl asked

"The goop is old." Garnet said

"Yes, we've established that." Pearl said

"There's no sign of any other corrupted gems anywhere." Garnet said

"Well, that's good right?" Amethyst asked "In a sense." Pearl said

Garnet leaned over to look at what Pearl was examining. She had found Thulite's papers in Steven's room. They were certainly something.

"Apparently, Thulite was drawing her memories." Pearl said "The ones she ripped up weren't the happy ones."

"Is that what I think it is?" Amethyst pointed to one

Everyone turned their attention to the one Amethyst was looking at. It was the diamond authority symbol.

"We found our culprit." Pearl said

"We already knew that." Garnet said "Pearl keep looking."

Pearl nodded. Amethyst hopped onto the top of the couch. She leaned over so she could see the papers better.

"What if she's not dangerous anymore?" she said

"Not possible." Garnet said "Thulite's already showing signs of corruption."

"Then why did we send her off with Steven?" Amethyst asked "Why don't we just bubble her until she can figure this whole thing out?"

Pearl looked up from the papers, "We believe, Amethyst, that she won't hurt Steven. We're learning to trust her. Plus, bubbling involves poofing her. I don't think she'd agree to that."

Amethyst turned over to her back. Garnet remained silent. Who knows what she was thinking with the visor hiding her expression. She hoped Ruby and Sapphire weren't arguing again or else that would cause another problem.

Amethyst looked at Thulite's drawings from upside down. She saw the injector drawing and inwardly flinched. There was one with glowing eyes, and then one with her holding Rose's hand. The one directly afterwards was Rose's pink sword. It looked rushed and sloppy and there were dried wet spots on the page.

Something had gone wrong and it had to do with Rose.

"Pearl, you were Rose's most trusted gem." Amethyst said getting up off the couch "Did she tell you anything about Thulite?"

Pearl was taken aback. She didn't expect the conversation to be turned to her.

"Well did she?"

Pearl shook her head, "Nothing significant. She told us all she was found in the kindergarten…and you remember what happened to Thulite don't you?"

"Yeah. There was something wrong with her and she was going corrupted but no one knew why." Amethyst said "We were all scared except for Rose. No one knew what was going on…except for Rose. Don't you see? Something happened with Rose and Thulite. Why are there so many drawings of her ripped up?"

Garnet picked up the sword drawing, "Thulite was bubbled. She had to be poofed."

"Rose…poofed Thulite?" Pearl asked

Amethyst shrugged, "Duh."

It was a hard truth to accept, but she was proud she was the one who solved it.

"She wouldn't poof her without a good reason to." Pearl said "Rose…Rose isn't cruel."

There was a quick moment of quiet.

"No, she isn't." Amethyst agreed "Cause we know Rose was trying to help Thulite."

Garnet nodded. Pearl looked at her fingers which were suddenly very fascinating.

"Well." She said "It's late and Steven and Thulite will be back from Greg's soon." Pearl stood up

"P it's like one o'clock in the morning." Amethyst said

Pearl flushed, "It's never too early to be prepared Amethyst. I'll start getting his bed ready."

She began to walk away. Amethyst slid down from the top of the couch and Garnet leaned forward.


Pearl froze and turned around.

"What do you know?" Garnet asked

Pearl had been caught. When Amethyst caught her the first time she was able to get away with it. Not that she enjoyed lying to them, it was just harder to share information that Rose only shared with her. Despite her hesitation she explained.

"Rose came to me the day she was bubbled away. She was devastated. She told me she was unable to help Thulite. Thulite just wouldn't let Rose help her because…..because the injection serum had worked.

"It turned Thulite into a mental corruption. Everyone she saw became an untrusted, unrecognizable,enemy. Got too close and she'd attack. I'm sure you remember when we started seeing less of her; Rose had tried to keep her where she couldn't hurt herself or anyone."

Pearl paused here. She shifted her weight(which really wasn't anything) to one side. Then she started again.

"In the end, she and Rose were fighting. Rose accidently caused Thulite to retreat into her gem. Rose didn't mean it…she truly wanted to help her."

It took a moment to process this. In that time Pearl had turned around to start walking again.

"Pearl." Garnet called

Pearl stopped again.

"Get ready for Steven. We have some work to do."

This chapter sounded like a detective story. Also the title is based off of We Know from Hamilton.