
"You've got to be kidding me?" she asked, her hands out in front of her as she attempted to keep him away from her.

"No, I'm not!" he started with a chuckle. "Just try it!" He took a timid step toward her, but back away again when she reached for her wand. His smile only brightened as he watched her, though, something about this form of friendship was what he'd always wanted.

"I'm not putting that anywhere near my mouth!" Ginny said, shaking her head again and again. Seamus laughed, one of his hands resting on his stomach as the giggled turned into a full blown stomach rumble.

"Don't worry!" he said, trying to supress more laughter. "Professor Sprout and Snape both agreed it was non-toxic." His tone implied he thought that was all she needed, but Ginny felt her mouth open in incredulity.

"That doesn't mean it's worth ingesting," she stated, the look on her face suggesting she found the idea of it disgusting.

"C'mon! It's delicious."

She looked at him, her eyes weary. He was holding a flask in front of him, the swirling purple liquid was unlike anything she had ever seen – it looked almost alive.

"You sure it's safe?" she asked, peering into the flask apprehensively.


She let herself deflate a little as she took it from him, her hesitation still prominent. She took a deep breath before she pressed the cool metal to her lips. She tipped it back slightly, letting the liquid rush down her throat. It was warm, but also cold. It was spicy, but also sweet. Somehow it was everything all at once and yet nothing.

"What is that?!" She asked, wanting more but not knowing what more would mean. Seamus smiled, taking the flask back.

"It's my signature brew," he began to explain. "It's supposed to be a mixture of firewhiskey and butterbeer, but I didn't know the ingredients of either – so I experimented. It's not as alcoholic as the former, but definitely more than the latter."

"So, you're trying to get me drunk?" Ginny giggled slightly, then frowned, not quite sure why she did. Seamus' smile faded slightly.

"No, nothing like that," he said, looking worried that he was trying to imply something.

"I'm kidding, numbscull," she laughed, taking the flask back. "It's really good though!"

"Hey, hey! Take it easy! You're definitely not old enough to be drinking this heavy a liquid, no matter who you ask." Seamus was smiling widely as he reached for the flask. Ginny was holding it just too far away, and as she shifted slightly Seamus realised that they were very close – closer then he should probably be getting to his best friends ex.

"I'm sorry," he said, stepping away slowly. Ginny's smile dropped and she handed the flask back.

"No, I am," she said softly before turning to walk away. She looked back at him for a moment. "It really is good."

"Thanks." Seamus looked down at his creation, taking a swig himself. He hadn't realised how deeply his feelings had run until he was close enough to act on them. As he stood there watching her go, he wandered what Dean would think, and he knew that choosing her would be the last straw in his friendship with him, but at this moment a larger part of himself couldn't find it in it to care.

A/N: Words - 563

Charms - someone invents something