Rating: T
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Hermione/Remus/Sirius
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em - not making any money off 'em. Dern it.
Word Count: 351


30 Day OT3 Competition/Challenge: Day 30 - Free Space

Pokemon Trading Card Collection Challenge: Garbodor- Silver - Write about someone whose home is a disgusting mess.

Hermione and Sirius walked into the small house. They both cringed at what they saw. Food containers littered the countertops, as did empty soda bottles. There were clothes strewn over the floor and various pieces of furniture, and a thick layer of dust coated every surface.

She wrinkled her nose in distaste. "Do you want to know what's funny?"

"Hmm?" Sirius asked, eyes riveted to the very old pizza sitting on the coffee table.

"If I had to choose between the two of you, my guess would have been you were the messy one."

"Hey," Sirius exclaimed, sounded extremely offended.

She raised her eyebrows at him. "Can you blame me?"

He opened his mouth to say that yes, he could blame her, but he thought about it. And instead of arguing against her assumption, he sighed, "Nah. I can see why you might have thought I would be messy."

Hermione nodded. "Do we still want Remus to move in with us?" she asked jokingly.

Sirius chuckled. "Well, we do love Remus, don't we?"

"Of course. The real question is do we love him more than we hate the thought of our nice clean house becoming like this?"

They shared a look.

"I heard that," a third voice put in.

Hermione blushed. "Well, um..."

Sirius had no qualms with being blunt. "Moony, you're a slob and the house Hermione and I share is very clean. You can understand our concern, right?"

Remus walked over to the two of them. First, he kissed Sirius, and then he kissed Hermione, making sure he made both of their toes curl.

He smiled at the sight of their glazed eyes when he pulled back. "Well, I love you guys as much as you love me. And that's why I'm going to work on curbing my naturally sloppy tendencies, but you need to cut me some slack if I slip ever now and then. Do we have a deal?"

Hermione and Sirius didn't have to even think about it. No matter how messy Remus was, he had been coming home with them one way or another.
