For this chapter there will be a part talking about Callie's birthday, which she will turn eighteen. They never found Robert Quinn so she never got adopted. Plus Callie gets to go home... eventually

Stef and Lena were holding on to each other for dear life hysterically crying.

"Charge to 200…. push another epi…. Come on Callie, come back."

Then all of a sudden the room gets silent except for a BEEP….BEEEP….BEEEP noise.
"We got her." A sigh of wave of relief washes over Stef and Lena.
"Lets bring her straight to the OR," Dr. Rogers then turns to Stef and Lena, "I know we haven't gotten the results of the CT yet but I want to bring her straight to the OR for exploratory surgery and we will get the results as soon as possible."
"Do what you need to," Stef said before Dr. Rogers leaves to catch up to Callie. Stef and Lena take a few minutes to get themselves together. Stef takes her phone out to make a call and Lena asks, "who are you calling?"

"My captain, I want to put a rush on the restraining order for the family and make sure they have an APB out for Liam. Is about time we get this bastard."
"Okay I'm going to call the school and tell them I need the day off. Wait, do you think we need to take the kids out of school?"
"I don't know, what do you think."

"I think that once we have an update on how the surgery is going we should make the call then."

"Good idea," Stef says as she walks out the room to talk to her captain.

After Lena's phone call, she sits in the chair next to where Callie's bed was and zone's out.

Stef walks back in the room, "I think we should go to the cafeteria to get something to eat, even if it is just a banana." Lena nods and exits the room with Stef hand-in-hand. They ate in silence until Lena says, "what happens if she doesn't make it. I don't know if I can handle loosing another child."

Stef grabbed Lena's hand, "Callie is a fighter. She has gone through so much I have not doubt in my mind that she can get through this. We are not loosing her, not today."

Lena looks at stef and says, "how can you be so amazingly strong? I feel like I'm five seconds from completely falling apart."

"Because one of us has to be. We have five kids which means we both can't break down at the same time. I am strong for you right now but there will come a time, sooner than you know it that you will be strong for me. That is why I love you so much. You are just as strong but you show it in your own way."

"I love you so much Stefanie Marie Adams Foster."
"And I love you too Lena Elizabeth Adams Foster." Once they finished eating then when to the waiting room, "Instead of sitting here do you want to go for a walk around the hospital." Lena nodded and they walked out the building. 30 minutes later, they came in and sat on a couch cuddling each other. Lena looked at her watch and said, "How is it only 10:30am, if feels like it should be night time?"

Stef laughed, "These last two days have been the longest in my entire life. I think we need a vacation after this."

"If only it were possible." They sat in silence before both of their phones buzzed

How is Callie doing? Brandon said in the family group chat. They both look at their phones, then back at each other.

"What do we say?"

"That we are waiting on the doctor to wait and see what he says." Before Stef could press end a doctor came to the waiting room asking for the parents of Callie.

"Callie is currently stable and we discovered what cause the Callie's episode earlier," the doctor said taking a pause before he continued, "the complication occurred because when closing up during her first surgery, the doctor failed to check the body cavity before closing."

Stef had an idea of what the doctor was saying and asked angrily, "What are you trying to say?"

"There was a scalpel left in Callie's abdomen that, every time she moved, cut her small intestine. Fortunately we were able to repair all the damage and there will be no long term issues."


"Stef please come down yelling isn't going to do any justice here." Lena said causing Stef to walk out the hospital but Lena continued, "When can we see your daughter?"
"She is in the ICU now and should be waking up soon so whenever you're ready."

Lena thanked the doctor and walked out the hospital to where Stef was.

"What happened to you in there?" Lena asked.

"They left a scalpel in our daughter, that's a knife Lena. Every time she moved the scalpel was cutting her internal organs. How was I supposed to react?"

"I think we should call our lawyers."
"You're damn right we are calling the lawyers. We are going to sue their Asses. I think we should take the kids out of school now."

"Okay I will go get them and you go back inside to Callie, we wouldn't want her to wake up with no one there." Lena gave Stef a kiss and walked toward their car. Stef took a few more deep breaths before walking back into the hospital and towards Callie's room. By the time Stef got to Callie's room, Callie was already awake.

"Hi honey, how are you feeling?"

"Happy?" Stef laughed at her response.

"Oh yeah, why is that," Stef asked a little curious if it was the drugs she was given or something else.

"Because I had a dream, a really good dream and I know everything is going to be okay."

Stef more intrigued now, "Really, what was the dream about?"

"Well it was about the future. I ended up going to college near by and commuted, Brandon went to Julliard, Jesus went to college for wrestling, Mariana went to Harvard for med school and Jude was going to graduate high school and looking for law schools. I graduated and was a high up person in CPS and was able to change a lot of the shitty issues in the system. I am married to this really handsome guy and I was happy. Everything was okay and the best part was that we were expecting a daughter named Elizabeth Marie."

"What about me and momma."

"you guys now own the house and adopted a 5 year old girl….um idk her name but she was cute and a mini you. She latched on to you like Lena does with Jude. Oh and your also buying your first grandchild everything and anything you see in sight."

"how far into the future is this? This sounds like a future but your mother and I are no where near owning your house in the near future."

"I don't who far into the future but enough years for me to go to college and get married."

"Well sounds great Callie girl. I'm glad you're happy."

Getting more serious Callie asked, "Umm mom, did you find out why what happened earlier happened?"

"Yes, yes we did." Stef said not wanting to give the details.

"Well, what happened?"

Stef took a deep breath before answering, "Long story short, a scalpel was left inside you and every time you moved, it was cutting your small intestine, but it was fixed and now you are 100% okay." By the end of Stef's speech, Callie was shocked.

"Are you serious?!" Callie asked in disbelief.

"Yup, that was my reaction earlier but I went off on the doctor after he finished."

"Can't we sue or something. Isn't it mal practice or something like it?"

"Lena is calling our lawyers right now and picking your brothers and sisters up. We didn't tell them about what happened."
"STEF!" Callie yelled, "How could you do that. They had a right to know."

"First down yell at me like that and second we understand but we didn't want to scare them too much and we were waiting for news on your surgery before getting the kids."

"Okay I see where you are coming from."

Lena and the kids walked in and Lena rushed to Callie and gave her a big hug.

"Oh thank god you are okay. You scared us."

"I know, but apparently I'm not the one who should be saying sorry."

All her brothers and sisters looked at her with a puzzled look, "I will tell you guys later."

"A different doctor walked in the room and said, "Hello Foster family, my name is Dr. Cramer and I'm the chief of surgery at this hospital. I was informed about the complication and am dealing with it as we speak. For now I will be taking over your case to make sure the rest of your recovery goes smoothly. As far as the surgery, I took out the object and repair the damage done to your small intestine. For now we are going to have you on a liquid diet for about 3-5 days and then you can start to consume solid foods. I want to keep you one more night just to make sure everything is healing."
"Thank you so much Doctor Cramer."

"I also suspect that we will hear from your lawyers soon. This is not my first malpractice suit so when ever they get here let me know and your legal team is on standby."

"I will let you know," Stef said as he nodded and left the room.

Lena says, "well that went over smoother than I thought."
Jude spoke up, "what does he mean my malpractice and why are lawyers getting involved."

Before Stef or Lena could speak, Callie said, "during my first surgery, the doctor made a mistake which cause something to happen and I had to go back into surgery today to correct it."
"The doctor said an object so does that mean the doctor left something in you." Callie nodded. All her brothers and sister sat in disbelief.

Brandon says, "I've heard that happening on TV and Grey's anatomy but never in real life."

"Don't worry momma and Lena are going to take care of it. Our lawyers are coming within the hour because of the circumstances." Stef then tugged on Lena's shirt and pointed to the door.

"Momma and I will be outside for a second."

Lena says, "I'm surprised at how Callie is taking all of this, I wouldn't have suspected her to be in such a good mood."

"Well there is a reason for that," Stef said as she took a pause, "the first thing Callie said to me when she was awake was that she dreamt of her future. She said she was a high up worker for CPS and she changed pieces of the system. She also said that she was married and expecting a little girl name Elizabeth Marie. She also said that we adopt a 5 year-old girl in the future. How crazy is that?"

Lena was shocked and had tears in her eyes, "that is crazy vivid. I can't believe that she would dream such a dream. I so amazed that first she would be having a child so soon and naming her after us and that we would adopt a five year old girl. Do we know what she looks like or her name?"

"No, Callie said she didn't know anything beside the fact that she had blond hair. Wait she said that I would have a relationship with her like you have with Jude."

Lena smiles, "well no wonder why she is smiling so much. It is the good thing that has happened to her in a while."

They walked back into the room to see their kids smiling and laughing.

"This is a nice sight to see," Stef said letting her kids know the parents are back in the room."

"We were thinking of party themes for Callie's birthday party."

Stef smirked and replied, "oh we are throwing her a party?"

Mariana replied, "well duh she is turning 18, which means she can finally be legally apart of the family."

Stef and Lena were both caught off guard. With everything that has been happening lately, they knew it was Callie's birthday soon but didn't realize how important.

"Ya know sweets, you will officially be an adult in the eyes of the state so we technically can't adopt you but you know we will always be family."
Callie responded, "I may be an adult soon, but that gives me the opportunity to change my name," pausing for a second, "Stef can you come here for a second.

Stef walks over to Callie who whispers something in Stef ear, which brings Stef to tears. Stef nodded and they hug.

Lena asks, "Callie what did you say to my wife to make her cry so much."

Callie smiled and said, "I wanted to get her permission first, but lately this idea has been flowing through my head. When I'm eighteen I will be granted permission to change my name, and that is the first thing I plan to do. I want to officially be a part of this family, so that means changing my last name to Adams Foster." Callie paused seeing the tears start to flow down Lena's face, "but then there is my middle name, Quinn. We were never able to find him and I want my name to mean something so I want to change it to a name that exemplifies strength, courage, loyalty, love, and most importantly friendship. So once the paper work is finished, my name will become Callie Stefanie Adams Foster."

Callie basically had everyone crying in the room. Lena walked over to Callie and said, "that is the nicest thing anyone has ever done."
Stef pulled away, looked at Callie, then Lena with a devilish look in her eye. The both said, "MAMA SANDWHICH!" and pulled Callie in for the tightest of hugs.

Stef finally spoke, "I am so honored that you want to do that. You mean so much to me love, but are you sure you want to do that."

"I am 100% positive. You guys have given me so much that I never though was possible. Stef you gave me someone I could actually open up without thinking I would be beaten half to death. Lena you showed me that there are still nice people in the world who do their best to give back. Plus you gave me three more wonderful sibling, well four soon, who I wouldn't change for the world."

Lena was the first to speak up after a few minutes of sobbing, "all right kids, you can either do you homework here or at home it is your choice."

"Emma is supposed to be helping me with math around 4 so I'm ganna choose home."

Mariana says, "I wish I could stay but I need my computer to do my work and that is at home."

"I have a piano lesson so I can't stay either."

"I want to stay and maybe you could help me with my math Callie."

Stef took the kids home while, Lena and Jude stayed. While Jude was doing his homework, Lena walked over curiously and asked, "Mom told me about your dream."

Raising her eyebrows, "well what do you think?"

"It sounds like a wonderful future and I am honored that you would name your child after me."

Callie smiled, "I knew you would. I'm not sure what my thinking is like in the future but if it were to happen now, I would want my child to be named after the best people I know. I changed my name for Stef and plus I prefer Elizabeth as a first name than Marie."

"How about you wait a few more years before giving us our first grandbaby. We are too young for that."

Callie laughed, "okay I promise." Lena snuggled with Callie as they watched Jude do his homework.

Stef came back around 6pm to bring a smoothie for Callie and dinner for the other two.

Callie saw the bag Stef brought in and asked, "What did you come packing with?"

"I brought some PJs, a blanket and a pillow, oh and your teddy bear."

Callie's face turned red; she didn't think anybody knew about her teddy bear.

Stef smirked, "You didn't think we knew about your teddy bear, did you." Callie nodded. "Well momma and I know everything so here you go." Stef said as she handed Callie her teddy, "Its name is Colly. It was the last thing my mom gave to be. I found this necklace in the bag of things the police gave to me."
"All righty Jude it is time for us to go home and get ready for bed." Lena said as Jude began to pack up his things. Lena gave Stef a hug and said, "tomorrow night it will be you and me snuggling up in our bed. No kids, just us." They kiss and Stef says, "Oh yeah that sounds wonderful my love." They kiss again, say their I love yous and Lena left for home.

Minutes later a cot arrive for Stef, "Mom, how did you get that."

"I'm a cop, I can get anything I want if you say the right thing." Callie laughed at Stef's response.

Since finding out the gender of her new sibling, Callie has been thinking about what they might name the baby. Callie knew if she asked Stef that she would have to be careful about what she said.

"Mom, have you and momma thought about what you are going to name the baby?"

"Please tell me, it would make sitting in this hospital bed a lot easier."

"Fine, but only because you are in the hospital but you must promise not to tell anyone, including your nosey sister." Stef said as she climbed on to Callie's bed. Callie rested her head on Stef shoulder as Stef spoke, "so if is going to be a boy we were thinking Jacob Francis Foster." Callie was shocked, "seriously!"

"Of course, we wanted to name him or her after their amazingly strong sister."

Callie was smiling from ear to ear, "So what about if it's a girl?"

Stef laughed, "if it is a girl then her name will be Francesca Jacqueline Adams Foster, Frankie for short."

Callie smiled, "well I thing that is a great name for her. If it is a girl of course. Although writing her name in school is going to be a nightmare."


The next morning the doctor gave Callie the all clear to go home. However, before they left, the lawyers came in, "Good morning Stef and Callie."

"Good morning Lester. How did everything go?"

"So the hospital has decided that they ware going to settle with us because if it goes to court we have a strong case and will most likely win."

Callie and Stef were shocked, "wow that was fast."

Lester responded, "the hospital wants to keep this situation under wraps and keep the media attention at a minimum. With that being said, the settlement paper work should be finished by tonight and you should be seeing the monetary reward by the end of the summer?"

Callie looked confused, "monetary reward?"

Lester explained, "because it was the fault of the doctor, the hospital is going to pay for the surgery along with the hospital stay and the your recovery. Because of the severity of this case, leaving a scalpel in your body instead of a rag or tweezers per say, the reward will most likely be a million if not more. The money will be in Callie's name as well because she will be an adult by the time it is rewarded."

Both Callie and Stef were dumb found. They knew it would be a lot of money but they didn't think it would be that much. They were both speechless and just starred at each other.

Stef spoke first, "Thank you so much Lester, we look forward to hear from you." Stef turned to Callie, who was still frozen in shock from the news.
"Are you okay Callie?"

"I uh…. I'm just not…. It's just weird that something good has actually happened to me. I'm just not use to this feeling. Also that is a lot of money, which is also something I'm DEFINITELY not use to."

Stef picks up the bags and puts an arm around Callie, "Well get use to it kid. I don't think we should tell the others about the money or at least the amount. I don't want them getting any ideas."

"Sounds good." Callie says as the walk out the hospital doors feeling the complete opposite from when came in.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter... I'm leaving for college tomorrow so IDK how often I will be updating this story plus I am starting to work on another story as well. Thank you again for reading :)