Sorry, its so short. I've been struggling with homework, so I haven't been able to get on FF very often. If you guys get annoyed with the wait, just shoot me a pm, and I'll upload the next one. Really, my main problem is motivation, or, lack therof. You should what I can do when I have it! I could probably change the world! Okay, getting off topic. Enjoy and reveiw. Or flame, if you feel like it; that's fine too.

Chapter 18


"Are you all right, Slippers?" asked Leo, "You're all red."

(It may be added here that every time Hopper talked about the last part of the plan, the princess and her beau blushed).

"Oh, yes! I'm fine…just a little hot. That's all," responded Slippers growing even redder, realizing that Leo had noticed his embarrassment.

"Slippers, you look sick!" said Leo, quite alarmed. "Where's a thermometer?"

"No, Leo!" Slippers whispered, "I'm fine, it's just, I'm not used to this much exercise. I'll be over it by tomorrow."

Leo looked unsure. "Really?'

"No, but-"Slippers gave a little groan, and thought quickly, "I'll tell you later."

"Okay, later then."

Slippers sighed with relief.

A few minutes before they left again, Leo approached Slippers who was in a more private part of the meadow.

"Well?" asked Leo.

Slippers wore a doubtful expression, "You promise not to tell anyone?"

"Cross my heart, and wish to fly, stick a birdie in my eye," Leo chanted."


"In other words, Slippers, I promise," amended Leo.

"Oh, okay, Well-its me," whispered Slippers, looking down at his his paws.

"What's you?" asked Leo.

"I'm the one who, who…who," he faltered.


"I kissed Snow-Fur," he said in a rush, and was now beet-red.

Leo's eyes grew to the size of apples. "Gosh, really?" he asked in disbelief.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone!"

"Tell anyone what?" asked Deuce who had approached Leo from behind.

Leo with his eyes closed said, "I promised not to tell anyone that Slippers was the one who kissed Snow-Fur..Oopsy!"

Slippers went white, then red, then white again, then fell on the grass in a faint.

Leo scolded himself, saying, "Darn my big muzzle!"Then they heard Hopper calling, "Deuce, Leo! Time to leave!" he added, "Anyone seen Slippers?"

Deuce spotted a bucket of water and quickly poured it on Slippers, who got up, and started coughing, as some of the water had entered his mouth and throat. Hopper appeared and looked questioningly at the soaked cat.

Out loud, Deuce asked Leo to get some towels and at Hopper's inquiry, explained that Slippers had fallen into the creek for an unexpected bath.

After Slippers dried off, they resumed the hike, Slippers doing his best to avoid Leo. Deuce felt bad for Leo as well as Slippers. He knew his friend had a horrible time keeping secrets and that this secret was really big. So, Deuce resolved to fix the problem.

Deuce came up to Slippers and said in a low voice, "Slippers. I am sorry that Leo has such a loose tongue, but he feels really bad, you know?"

"Being sorry won't fix the fact that he told you, will it?" retorted Slippers.

"Leo can be a very good friend, once you get to know him, but secrets are his one weakness. Plus, it was kind of a big secret; that would be hard for anyone to keep, and he has never had to keep a secret from me. I don't think you should be too hard on him."

"I guess so, but I've never really confided any secrets to anyone; I did not know who I could trust," Slippers sighed. "Alright, I'll give Leo another chance."

Deuce grinned and replied, "You won't regret it."

Deuce went over to Leo and told him that Slippers wished to talk with him, and after a little talk, they were soon best of friends.