*Constellations: A NaruSaku Drabble Series*

Prompt 1: Feathers

Her ultimate weakness was an embarrassment.

She could topple mountains with her fist, slice a spinal cord with a chakra-laced pinkie and protect those around her with all her heart and soul. Unless you touched her feet. Her stupidly sensitive, overly-ticklish feet that were the bane of her existence, and no, not the reason she wore boots with such thick soles, thank you very much Kakashi-sensei, shut up.

She'd kept this her most carefully guarded secret for years because it would only lead to merciless abuse and teasing from her so-called team mates. But she was stupid. Of course they'd figure it out, they'd been comrades for years, they knew each other in and out and they didn't keep things from each other, that was an unwritten rule. This was the exception to said rule. But then the fateful day came, and her life as she knew it was over.

Her and Naruto were busy spring cleaning her apartment on a hot April afternoon. Well, she was cleaning. He was lazily flicking a duster around while complaining incessantly about how hot he was, and how bored he was, and how Sakura-chan, I need ramen! As usual, she ignored his whining. She was kneeling on her couch, reaching down the back for a forgotten scroll that had been there god knows how long.

'Just a little bit further', she thought, pushing herself up on to her knees so that almost her entire torso was hidden from view behind the sofa. So you see, you couldn't blame Naruto for glancing her way and pausing mid-rant to stare unabashedly at her ass that was waving in the air.

In retrospect, the silence should have warned her of immediate doom.

If she had been looking at him, she would have seen a grin slowly spread on his face as his attention turned from her ass to her feet, bare and kicking in the air to retain her precarious balance. With no hesitation, he leapt forward, grabbed one of her ankles and began his assault with the feather duster he held in his hands. She let loose a shriek and immediately began flailing in his grasp, managing to hit her head on the wall as she wrenched herself upwards. But Naruto was relentless and his grip on her ankle only tightened as she attempted to kick him off. All her attempts at retaliation resulted in was them both falling to the ground, her crying and screeching and laughing as she tried to control herself enough to push his hands away from her abused foot.

And, of course, that was how Kakashi found them. A pile of limbs and laughter on the floor, and he could only wonder how these two were some of the most powerful ninjas he knew.

Looked like her secret was out, and lord only knew what her team would do with this precious information. Shit, she was screwed.