Title: Love of my Soul
Author: Artemis Luna Diana
E-Mail: [email protected]
Rating: R
Genre: AU, Crossover, Romance
Pairing: Harry Potter/Legolas
Time: HP: Harry's seventh year; LotR: after the quest, Aragorn is king, Frodo & Gandalf have left, Sam, Merry, & Pippin are in the Shire, and Legolas and Gimli are wandering around Middle-Earth. Note: Legolas has not begun the colony of Woodland Elves at Ithilien, and Gimli is not the Lord of the Glittering Caves.
Summary: Crossover b/w Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter. Something Albus Dumbledore says leads Harry to believe that if he bonds with his soul mate, then he would have a better chance of defeating Voldemort. He shares this with Hermione and Ron who help him find a soul mate search spell. The three cast the spell late one night, but something goes wrong. After the spell is complete, Hermione and Ron are unconscious, and Harry has vanished.
Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings, though I wish I did, and am not making any money off of this little piece of fiction. It is simply for my own enjoyment.
Thanks to: snapeysnapesnape for the excellent beta
Prologue: The Spell
{Hogwarts: November 12, 1997, 2:31 AM}
"Okay, all that's left is to say the words." Ron looked at Harry apprehensively. "Are you ready?"
Harry took one look at the nervous Ron and said, "Maybe we shouldn't do this."
"It's a little late for that," Hermione replied biting her lip. "You already drank the potion."
"Right. Okay." Harry closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He opened his eyes. "I'm ready."
Ron and Hermione sent him comforting smiles as they both raised their wands. They glanced at each other. "From three," Hermione said. "Three, two, one… Âme Chercheur!" Ron spoke the spell in perfect unison with her.
A white light flooded the room and poured out of the windows, making the astronomy tower look like a lighthouse from the outside. Teachers and students alike were awoken by the blast wave that followed. Snape, the only teacher awake at the late hour, hurried to the astronomy tower, from which light continued to pour.
As he opened the door, another blast wave erupted from the center of the room. He fell backwards, barely preventing himself from tumbling down the stairs. He crawled to the doorway, lifting a hand to shade his eyes. He could make out three figures, two with wands standing side by side and one standing alone unarmed.
There was a loud crack and the stream of light and magic ceased abruptly. Snape blinked trying to get his eyes to focus in the sudden absence of light. He entered the room carefully, wary of whatever magic had been wrought. There was no one standing anymore. Halfway into the room, he noticed something that brought a chill to his heart. The two holding the wands were unconscious on the floor: Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley. The third figure, who could have only been Harry Potter, was no longer in the room. "Merlin," he breathed. "What have they done?"
{two miles west of the Inland Sea of Helcar, Middle-Earth: dusk}
"Finally, we are going west again," Gimli said as he arranged his bedding.
Legolas glanced over at his friend, a slight smile on his face. "Is the endless travel too much for you?"
Gimli glared at his friend. "I did not say that. I can outlast you any day, Elf!"
Legolas laughed and climbed up the tree they were sheltering under. He stayed on the lowest limb, sitting with his back to the trunk. Gimli sat at the base of the tree. They fell silent as the sun dropped behind the horizon.
Just as the last rays of sunlight disappeared, a loud crack was heard, causing both warriors to jump up; Legolas with an arrow in his bow, and Gimli holding his largest axe in both hands. White light could be seen about half a mile east.
"Magic," Gimli growled.
"It's not elven," Legolas said.
Without another word, both moved forward cautiously towards the light. About six minutes later they reached the source of the light. At first there was nothing but a ball of light hovering about four feet off the ground, but slowly a figure began to take shape. It was a young Man. Before they could react, the light and magic ceased abruptly, leaving them floundering in the sudden absence of it. They heard a body fall to the ground.
Once their eyes adjusted, they approached the fallen human. When he didn't move, Legolas put up his bow and arrow and drew one of his daggers. He stepped close to the human and rolled him over. The human was young, having seen only twenty summers at most, but more likely having only seen sixteen. He was tiny for a human male. Perhaps only a little over five feet tall when standing.
"What is a human doing so far out?" Gimli wondered curiously.
"If he was awake, I'm sure he'd be asking the same about us," Legolas replied after a moment. The boy gave him the uncomfortable feeling that he should know him. "Though, what was the magic that brought him here, might be a better question to ask."
"Hmm," was Gimli's only response.
Legolas sheathed his dagger and picked up the boy. He almost stumbled backwards in surprise. The boy was incredibly light.
A/N: well, this is the product of staying up too late reading Harry Potter fan-fiction and listening to the Lord of the Rings soundtrack. This will be my first foray into the Lord of the Rings world of fan-fiction, so I am a little concerned that I'm not going to be in character in that universe. If I'm not, blame it on the AU part of this fic. After all this wouldn't be happening normally anyway, right?
I do have some idea of where this is going, but it isn't concrete, so I can't guarantee how fast the chapters will come out. Also, I do have other fan-fic stories that I'm working on that might slow this down. However, there will probably be two or three chapters that will come out pretty close to this one as the idea is still fresh.
Âme Chercheur! – is French for Soul Seeker (hopefully… I don't speak the language)
Any reviews or comments would be very helpful and appreciated.
~Artemis Luna Diana~