Criminal Minds FanfictionHeal Her Haert and Love Her

Summary: After Emily Prentiss left for London, England to work for the Interpol right after the end of season 7, her cousin, Danielle Prentiss joins the team when she is a bit shy and she does get the job done, but she has a secret that she keeps from some of the Agents at the BAU. They need an extra hand for help. And that secret that she has was that her mother abused her in her past when she was a kid. She feels broken for what her mother did to her. Danielle is transferred from NCIS in Washington D.C. to the FBI BAU in Quantico. Some of the team members has never seen her before. They don't get used to her at first for a while, but they will get use to her later on after they realize of what's happening to her. Alex Blake joins the team as well. Danielle's mother, Ellen, who is Ted's former wife abused Danielle nearly to death when she was a kid. She lives with her older brother, Eric and her Dad, Ted Prentiss, who is Anthony Prentiss' younger brother, who is Emily's father. The only ones that knew about her past is Aaron Hotchner and Emily. David Rossi never knew about the abuse and her past at first, but Hotch can fill him in later in the story. David knows he can heal her soul and her broken heart and he falls strongly in love with her in the process. He doesn't care about the fraternization rules. Rules are made to be broken. He doesn't care what the other Agents think and he also does not care about the age difference between Danielle and David. David Rossi wants to love Danielle and he takes good care of her. He can love and heal her heart. DR/OC pairing. Rated M for love making, language and flash back abuse from the past. Rated M for later in this stories.

Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds

It was a Friday 8 in the Autumn morning and Danielle Prentiss sat down in a chair inside Erin Strauss' office with her transfer paperwork, holding into her hands, which were signed by her former Director in NCIS agency to come to the BAU. She was transferred from NCIS in Washington D.C. She used to work with Arthur Tedwell's team. He's nice and gentle to her, but he's strict to her at times, but he's alright with her though. She was a bit shy when it came to meeting and being around new people at the BAU and she's very quiet at times, like almost all the time.

The Director, John Strauss of the FBI BAU in Quontico sat down with her and Erin as well when he looked at Danielle with his smile and he was glad to see her again. "Miss Danielle Prentiss, I'm so very glad that you're here with us today for your outstanding work and out in the field here at the BAU. And I also got a phone call from your former team leader boss, Special Agent Arthur Tedwell at NCIS and he says that you're doing very well in the field and you also get the job done as well. And I can tell that you're very well trained to do the job with us and although, there maybe some tough cases to deal with while you're here. We would love to have you here with us. Although, Agent Hotchner is the Unit Chief here and they really do need an extra member of the team around to give them a hand." A puase for a moment. Erin smiled softly at her. Danielle eyes and her heart lit up a bit when John said this. "All we need to do is that you'll do some paperwork of your transfer here and then we'll see what we can do while you're here today, okay, Miss D. Prentiss?" John said softly with a bit firmness in his voice, but he's really glad she's here with them. He, Erin, Hotch and Emily knew about her past. Danielle nodded 'yes' she said in agreement with them. After they talked some more about her working at the BAU on her first day, Erin gave her a new gun, credentials and her badge after she filled out the paperwork was done and they placed them on record. Danielle was very glad that she was there at the FBI Behavioral Analysis Unit. She would love to meet Hotch's team

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That very 10 at night when she got home from the BAU, Danielle saw her dad, Ted Prentiss sitting at the small bar table in the kitchen, having an evening snack while he's at his laptop. She was very tired, working long hours on her first day on the job and getting to know the Agents. But some of her colleagues were not used to her yet even though, they would get to know her better once she gets used to the new team. At the mansion, Ted was checking his emails for information about a kidnapping of a Marine's 16 year old daughter over in Washington D.C. And he was going to help NCIS to find the kidnapper. "Hey, Dad." Danielle said softly as she walked into the kitchen. Ted's 2 children. His son, Eric and his daughter, Danielle owned a mansion that had 4 to 6 bedrooms, a good size living room, a moderate size dining room, a study room, an indoor and outdoor swimming pools and 3 bathrooms and showers. And there were about 10 house maids and 2 chefs around to help them in the house and outside of the house. The Home was the same size of David Rossi's mansion.

When he heard Danielle's soft, but tired sleepy voice, Ted saw his daughter walked into the kitchen with a smile on his face as she tiredly walked over to get something cold to drink from the fridge when he looked at her from the bar counter with his laptop in front of him, working on the case. She looked like as if she had worked out at the gym. "Hey there, Dani, how's your first day on the job at the BAU today?" Ted asked softly. He knew that she was really tired just from the long day hours at her first day at work with the FBI Agents, doing some reports on some long pages of case files.

Danielle looked at Ted with a small smile as she got the small cool bottle of diet cranberry juice from the fridge and she closed the fridge door. She then turned around and she sat down at the bar where her Dad was at with her drink in her hand. "Everything went really well today, Dad. Even though, it's actually similar to the 1 that I used to work at NCIS in D.C. I really like it there at the BAU, Dad. Oh, and I saw John and Erin Strauss today and we were talking about the upcoming cases and they both says hi to you though and they were very happy to see me." A moment pause and then she continued. And on Monday, Erin is going to place me with Agent Hotchner and his team. They're going to need an extra person on the cases." She said quietly as Ted nodded in agreement and he smiled at that and he hoped that everything would go well for her. Danielle must have known that Eric went to bed early by now. Eric told her and Ted earlier that morning before they went to work that he was going on a flight to London at 7 in the morning to help Emily with capturing a serial killer who was the copycat of the killer, Jack the Ripper from the 1880's.

Danielle stood up from the bar stool as Ted looked at her with a small smile and he knew right there and then that she was feeling very tired when she walked around the counter when she hugged and kissed her father goodnight and she went upstairs to get ready for bed. On her way to her bedroom, Eric's room was across the hall. Danielle lightly knocked on his room door. She heard him say a sleepy, 'yeah?' from Eric and she slowly walked in. Her brother then looked up at his sister slowly walked in and he turned on his lamp light. "Hey, sis." Eric said as Danielle grinned. "Just so you that I'm going to London to help Emily with a serial killer case and I'll be there for a week and a half. I have to be at the airport by 5 in the morning and my flight is at 7." He added with a small smirk as he sat completely up in his bed when he told her this.

Danielle left the door a crack and then came closer and she sat down on the edge of his king sized bed when she sighed tiredly. "I know. Dad told me that you were going to England to help Em to catch the killer. Oh, and tell Emily that I said hello and we miss her." Danielle said with a small smile as Eric nodded in understanding with a smirk. And then she stood up and she leaned over to give her brother hug a goodnight and she walked out of his bedroom for the night.