The alarm clock was ringing. A weary eye poked out from under the covers, glaring at the little machine.

Grumbling, she pressed down on it. Grumbling, she stood up and drew back the curtains.

"You take way to long to wake up, dear." A soft voice chimed from across the hallway, amused.

She shook it off. "Laugh all you want, Gwen," her voice was equally playful; showing the ease that only two long-time friends could muster, "but I relish my sleep."

A brown head poked trough the door, smiling at the one currently changing in the room, her gaze lingering maybe a bit too long on the others' body.

Who noticed. Throwing the top over her head, she sighed, muttering, "You do know that you have a boyfriend, currently?"

"Mhm," Gwen murmured, "and you do know that we were married?"

Her eyes gazed over the others' form again, glinting. "So you have no right to complain, dearest husband."

Another sigh, followed by blonde hair being pulled into a low ponytail.

The brunette continued, undeterred. "Times have changed; you said so yourself, no?"

Finally, blue eyes met green as the blonde stepped over. "Yes. Though, I did not mean it in such a way."


They were walking down the small hallway of their rather cozy apartment, which was located in the middle of downtown London. Arriving in the kitchen, the blonde grabbing a set of keys, they set out to their destination.

Half a step ahead of the brunette, the blonde barely heard her mutter, "Lance is quite understanding, once we ironed out the details, Artoria."

Aand here it is, ladies and gentlemen: My reason why I pulled an all-nighter last evening. I present thee my dream, that just wouldn't leave my head: Café of the Round, in which the Roundtable Knights lead a cafe.

… yes, it sounds crazy. That happens when you watch Cake Boss, Shokugeki no Soma and have a Fate/Zero commercial in between. I have no excuses, except that I really wanted to see the knights interact post-grail war, in manner similar to Gemstones.

I couldn't help myself, sorry xD.

These Bakery AU Drabbles will be somewhere between Gemstones and Land of Golden Apples length-wise, depending if I write them on my phone like the latter or on the laptop, where they turn out longer.

I don't really have an updating schedule for this – and don't worry, it's not taking away time from Gemstones, actually; it's helping me characterize the knights. First chapter is rather short, next will be the next two strips, which should be longer.

(Also, don't expect me to dish out awesome recipes one after another. I am not Buddy nor Soma, and my culinary skills are limited to maybe 10 different types of cakes. That said, maybe I'll include one or two.)

Happy baking everybody!