Hey guys, I know that this story is really short and I'm sorry I've just sorta been going through my own stuff at the moment and I've been sick so i haven't been writing a lot this so sort of just to wrap up the story. I thought I was more interested in this story idea than I was and I'm sorry for doing that to you all. If I write another Starco piece I promise it will be a more quality piece than this is. Thanks to everyone who read this story

As the months went by, Star barely showed the symptoms of pregnancy besides her growing abdomen, some mood swings, and constant cravings. The pregnancy was easy for her, but not her very careful husband Marco spent every waking moment trying to make everything safe for their kids and trying to make sure they had enough of everything. All while trying his hardest to keep his wife pleased. Though he would never tell her to her face, as her pregnancy progressed she became more irritable. He guessed it was her need for different foods every half hour, but he could never blame her or get mad at her, because she was successfully carrying four babies inside her body. If it were him, he'd be mad as hell all day too.

When it came time for the babies to arrive, Marco was proud to say, they were more than ready. They had a bag for the hospital prepared, he nursery was painted, decorated, and stocked, and they even had names picked out, so no matter what gender the babies were (Star wanted to be surprised) there was a name for each of them. Then it came.

An ear shattering scream came from Star Butterfly on the eve of June 21st, and her husband rushed from the shower in his floral towel to see what the issue was. What he found was his wife looking embarrassed that her water had broken.

"Star, it's perfectly normal to have your water break," he kept telling her as they were rushed to the medical wing of the castle.

"Shut up Marco," was always her response. The delivery itself took 7 hours, because Star was at first persistent about delivering the children naturally, but because there were four of them, that was not a possibility. But the princess of Mewni refused to hear it. So half of the delivery time was spent trying to convince her to have the babies the "safe" was via c-section.

Though he never really uses the skill, Marco can be very persuasive. So she agreed to do what he wanted, as long as they took the babies out in the way she wanted (Left to right of course). After an hour of surgery, there they were, two boys and two girls. And Marco couldn't have been prouder; his two boys, the middle children, looked just like him, brown hair, light tan skin, and brown eyes. His daughters on the other hand looked almost completely different, with the exception of both of them having blonde hair; the eldest was pale like her mother, with deep brown eyes and two small pale blue moons on her cheeks. And the youngest had tan skin, blue eyes and lots of hair, compared to her nearly bald siblings, and she also had two small flowers on her cheeks.

When Star came to, she was so happy to see her children. And then even happier when her family came in.

"So," her father asked, "what are their names?"

She beamed and took Marco's hand, "So the eldest girl, and eldest over all is Luna, the eldest boy and second born is Orion, the third born boy is Mateo and the youngest is Marisol."

"Lovely names dear," her mother cooed, petting her head gently. They spent most of the day holding and watching the babies, and as her parents were leaving Marco heard a muttering of "good luck" from the king. Because is these kids were anything like their mom, he really would need a lot of luck.