Being king of Mewni is something that Marco Diaz was moderately prepared for. It seemed easy enough, granted he had been prince consort for three years, so he had learned tips and tricks from the current king, Star's father. However there was something even bigger on the horizon and Marco was certain that he wasn't ready for. Star was always a handful, she was always causing some sort of mischief, and Marco could never have imagined what she was like as a child. But in just 6 short months, there would be another Star.

That's right, the crown princess, Star Butterfly-Diaz, and her husband Marco were expecting their first child. And she could not be more excited, she took and hour everyday to examine her baby bump, which was barely there because she was only three months pregnant. What surprised Marco was that she was even showing already, but he just waved it off, it's likely that Mewmans have a shorter gestation period than normal humans do. Aside from the small bump, one could barely tell the crown princess was expecting, she had no morning sickness or fatigue. She was the same old Star, much to her husband's dismay.

If Star was known for anything, it was her reckless behavior; and that was one thing that pregnancy was not going to change, and Marco knew that. There was no taming Star Butterfly. Luckily for him, he knew that at this very moment she was at her Drs appointment with one of her lady's-in-waiting, so she was not in any immediate danger, he hoped.

As if by some unknown force, his wife bounded into the room just as she had left his thoughts.

"Hi Daddy Marco!" She squealed as she ran to him and hugged him

"Hi Star," he hugged her tight. "How did your appointment go?"

"Oh my gosh! It was amazing! Guess what we're having!" She asked excitedly, hiding something behind her back.

Marco was taken aback by her statement. "Star, you're only three months pregnant, there can be no way that you already know the baby's gender."

She looked at him as if he has seven heads. "I don't know that yet Marco."

"Then what do you mean 'guess what we're having'?"

She beamed at him, "Guess how many babies we are having silly!"

He was now the one to look at her funny. "Um, one? Like most normal people."

"Oh please Macro," she shoved him a little bit. "You know we aren't normal! These babies are going to be half mewman and half human, there is nothing normal about that."

"Did you say babies? Plural?" Marco's eyes widened at the thought of having two little Stars running around the palace, the original was enough to deal with as it was.

"Yes sir," she nodded proudly. "You, Marco Diaz are the father of not one! Not two!" Marco began to sweat after she said "not two," because three babies seemed like a lot. "Not three!" That's when everything around Marco began to spin. "But four precious little babies!" She proclaimed as she produced a picture of her ultrasound, showing four little entities seemingly huddled together.

"Oh great," was all Marco got out before his world went black.