To my beautiful readers and fellow Ouran writers:

There is a guest reviewer out there and they are constantly bullying fan fiction writers on this site, mostly under Ouran fics. They are posting under the pretense that that they are being helpful and kind, instead of rude, blunt, and not really constructive. This is not a kind person. They've already attacked me with two "kind" reviews where they've called me an idiot and my character a b*tch. They continue to find fan fiction on here and have trolled many other writers.

I think because my last few messages about this story were aimed at this anonymous reviewer they have decided to come at me even harsher. But in the words of a wise meme... "Ain't nobody got time for that!" I survived high school and college many moons ago and can handle this. But for those of you who happen to see that anon-guest reviewer...

Stay strong. Keep writing. You are all wonderful.

And if someone doesn't like your story, your writing, or points out every error without politely helping you-and if they can't refuse the urge to be volatile, just ignore them. They don't have to read your story and they're not doing you a favor. You don't owe them a thing. I encourage you all to stay positive and write your heart out!

Remember that scene in Doctor Who where he takes Vincent Van Gogh to his art exhibit? Remember that feeling of an artist down on his luck, miserable, suffering through mental disorders? He had his friends. He had hope. He had love.

I love you all!

Your Otaku Princess,
