I know this is short, but it's more of a prologue.

Aang didn't know what had happened. One moment he was his spirit and then everything was cold. But he couldn't do anything. He hadn't felt like this since...since...since he was twelve.

Katara was watching the sunset when a bright light shot into the sky. She gasped and dropped the basket she was holding. The only time she had seen that was when her and Sokka had found Aang. Korra was far away, so what could have made the light? She called to the white lotus guards and they immediately ran out with a search party.

Several hours later she fell to her knees in front of something that could not be. The iceberg was so similar to what had been, and inside she could see him. It was Aang. One of the white lotus guards stepped up next to her.

"What do want to do Katara?"

She couldn't stop smiling. "Send word to Republic city. Tell Tenzin, his family, and Korra to come at once."

The guard ran off to do that and the others stood by and watched as Katara got ready to water bend. With her water bending the ice burg cracked open like the other one had, so long ago.

She walked as fast as she could around and into the hollow. And there was Aang. But not how Katara had expected. It was Aang has he had been when he was forty. He looked up weakly at her and spoke in a hoarse voice.

"Ka-Katara? What's going on?" He looked at himself. "Why am I not dead?"