Hello again! i hope ya'll are having a great day! thank you to all who have reviewed, favorited and followed! and also thank you to all those who don't review but still read! this is the last chapter sadly. school has started for us, so our writing is going to slow down a bit. we are not going to stop writing and posting! we love ya'll to much for that! Aranel is working on her first story! and we are both very excited to share it! so when that comes out we would love to know what you think. I do have a one shot that will be coming out the 31th of this month. Because like hobbits give birthday gifts on there birthday, i want to give ya'll a present on my birthday as well! Its going to be a little bit of a sad one about Thranduil thinking about his wife, but i love writing that sort of thing. So be sure to come back for you present! and as always enjoy! :)


Tithen Darug = little wolf

Ada = daddy

Penneth = young one

ion-nin/ion = my son/ son

Hannon le draug mellon-nin = thank you my wolf friend

Celebdin means sliver silence


One week later

Thranduil was walk slowly around his gardens for a breath of fresh air. He had been healing nicely from the ambush, but was still not fully well. At times his head would ache and the world would spin for a moment, before once again falling back into place.

Although his shoulder ached under the bandages, the fresh air and the soft whispers of the trees soothed him. When he had fallen off of his horse, he was told, he had hit his head which caused him to forget many things. As he walked through the green gardens, the forest soothed his wary and troubled heart.


Legolas was once again with Penneth in the forest not too far from the palace. Watching as the pup jumped up to a tree after a black squirrel, Legolas came to a stop by another tree. This tree was dead, struck by lightning; its bark was black and flaking. Looking a little passed its dead roots, Legolas saw that the dead tree had, in life, grown right beside a steep decline.

Curious Legolas, grabbing onto the ruff trunk of the dead tree, stepped closer to look down. Suddenly the young prince realized how close he was to the edge. So he carefully started to back up away from the edge. Unknowingly Legolas stepped onto a dead root that was almost hollow with rot. His foot went straight through the roots.

Crying out in surprise he turned, trying to free it, when his other foot fell through. For a second he felt nothing, until he hit the slope and tumbled all the way down to the rocky bottom. The young prince just laid there, everything hurt.

Although the slope wasn't very deep, Legolas had hit a few rocks on the way down. Hearing Penneth's barking, he sat up and looked up at the pup. Tears fell down his face as he attempted to stand, he had twisted his ankle.

Ada... Legolas thought as he pulled his knees up to his chin.


Penneth barked again as Legolas sat back down with tears running down his face. I must find someone to help! The pup though, so barking one more time to let his friend that he will be back, Penneth raced off towards the palace. After rushing through the underbrush for a while, Penneth burst through a bush and into a stone clearing. Looking around, he caught sight of an elf strolling through the garden.


Thranduil looked sharply to his left as a small wolf pup burst into the garden as if he was being chased. He watched as the pup looked around almost frantically, until his eyes fell on the king. Scrambling up the pup then did something even stranger, he grabbed the hem of Thranduil's long robe and started to tug on it. Bending down Thranduil put his hand on the top pup's head to sooth him.

After the pup was calmed down Thranduil said,

"Now, tithen Darug, what is the matter?" At his words the pup seemed to get distressed again, jumping up, he ran to the spot where he had come into the garden. Looking back at the king and then though the hole in the underbrush, the pup barked. Walking quickly up to the wolf pup, Thranduil watched as the pup ran into the forest.

Curious as to why the pup was so upset, Thranduil followed. Soon Thranduil came to a clearing where the wolf was looking over a small cliff. Looking back at him the pup barked before looking back down. Walking over the edge Thranduil peered over. It his absolute surprise, he saw his son sitting at the bottom of the incline,

"Legolas! Ion!" He called hoping for an answer.

"Ada?!" Legolas called back in a shaky voice, "I fell, my ankle hurts."

"I'm coming ion-nin," Thranduil called back as he stepped closer looking for the best way down. Finally seeing a way down Thranduil started down the decline. Half falling, half sliding down the slope, Thranduil winced as the quick movement jarred his bruised head and bandaged shoulder.

When he reached the bottom Thranduil rushed over to his son. Legolas looked up as his father knelt by his side,

"Are you hurt, Legolas?" Thranduil asked quickly looking at a small cut on his sons face. Legolas mutely nodded his head in response as he pointed to his foot. Thranduil gently pulled off the shoe to see his son's foot, it was bruised and was a little swelled.

"It hurts," Legolas whimpered as Thranduil gently pulled his elfling into his arms and stood up. Thranduil ignored his body, his shoulder protested viciously, as he slowly climbed up the incline. Once the two had reached the top, Thranduil sat down with his son in his lap, to catch his breath and wait for the forest to stop spinning.

Thranduil hugged and rubbed his sons back until his tears subsided. Looking up, Thranduil saw the wolf pup that had lead him here. He was standing a few feet away, his tail wagging lazily from one side to the other. The pup whimpered and pawed the ground as if unsure if he should approach the two.

"Legolas?" The prince looked up at hearing his father's questioning voice. Following his father's gaze to the pup he said,

"Oh! Ada, this is Penneth. He's my new friend. He is a wolf pup. I was going to tell you, but-" he stopped short as his father held up a hand to stop him,

"There will be time to talk of this later, but all that matters right now is that you are safe. For I wouldn't have found you if your wolf hadn't have gotten me." Thranduil told his son.

"So you'er not mad?" Legolas asked sheepishly.

"Nay, ion-nin. I'm just happy you are unharmed. We can speak about the pup later," His father responded. Standing up Thranduil, with his son on his hip, started the short walk back towards the palace and the slowly setting sun. Penneth just stood in the same spot, watching as the father and son walked towards home. Legolas had rescued him and know he had done the same for the young elf, Legolas was safe, with his father. The forest called his canine heart, but he had found something here, something new. Something that felt so right and wrong at the same time. An elf and wolf companionship, Penneth had never felt as loved as he did with Legolas.

Looking into a nearby bush he saw a pair of golden eyes staring at him. A wolf, there was an invitation in those deep eyes, to come and be with his own kind. Legolas was safe… Penneth knew that this wouldn't last forever, but for now it would. He knew one day they would have to say good bye, but today was not that day. Making up his mind, Penneth turned away from the wolf and strode after the elves as they walked farther away. One day he would be welcomed into the pack, but for now he had found his pack.


One month later

"Come on Ada!" Thranduil heard Legolas call again from ahead. The king smiled as he watched Legolas run ahead with the wolf pup. Thranduil had been surprised and a little worried that a wolf was in his son's room. But after the pup had run to get him when Legolas had fallen and know watching Legolas and Penneth play, he knew the pup was completely loyal to his son.

"Don't run to far Legolas!" he called, when he thought that the prince was getting to far away. He was almost completely healed from the ambush and was now taking his son on a much promised hunting trip.

Hearing Thranduil's call Legolas and Penneth stopped, waiting for his father and the horse to catch up. When Thranduil drew near to Legolas, the prince fell into step beside him as Penneth ran ahead. The wolf jumped upon anything he thought might have moved. Thranduil put an arm around his son and they laughed at the wolf's antics.

Later that afternoon, when father and son had found a suitable camping place they sat down for a lunch of dried meat and berries. Legolas was dreading when they would have to set Penneth free. His father had told him that the wolf belonged with a pack of his own and that they couldn't keep him for too much longer. Legolas was drawn out of his daydreaming by his father's strong voice,

"You know, ion-nin, Penneth isn't much of a name." Thranduil told his son with a smile.

"Aye, Ada, but I don't know what to call him." Legolas replied and for a moment they fell into silence, thinking about names for the young wolf.

"Hmm, Ada, I don't know. I just thought of him as young one." Legolas finally said breaking the silence.

"Yes Legolas, but he will not be very young for much longer," Thranduil told his son.

"Will you help me with a name, Ada?" Legolas asked excitedly.

"Of course, my leaf. I think I have just the name." Thranduil said, calling the wolf over and grabbing the young wolf gently by the scruff under each of his ears. He looked into the young wolf's eyes as he said addressing the wolf, "Young brave wolf, as silent as the silver moonlight, I call you Celebdin."

Although, Legolas finally had to say good bye to the wolf pup, Thranduil let Celebdin stay a while longer in the palace until they could find a pack for the young wolf. When Legolas and Celebdin finally had to say good bye, they somehow knew that one day they would meet again. But what they didn't know was that they would end up fighting beside one another for the very forest they loved.


As Thranduil finished the story his hadn't realized that tears had started to fall freely down his face. Thinking about the happy times of when Legolas was an elfling had made his heart break at the thought that he might lose his son. "Do you remember ion-nin? Remember your home and family?" The king choked out, "Do no-," His voice cracked. "Do not go where I cannot follow…" he finally whispered. With those few words Thranduil, with his head in his hands, gave way to the sorrow in his heart.

What more would this war take from him? It had taken his father, his beloved wife and now it threated to take his son. All through the night he had sat and talked to his son, he was so very tired.

"Aye... Adar." The small whispered words struck Thranduil like an arrow, whipping his head up to look into Legolas' pale, tired, and bruised face. "I- I do Remember." Legolas whispered softly in answer to his father's question. When Thranduil saw his son's face, he stared in disbelief.

Thranduil had thought he was going to lose his only son, but now his heart was filled with great joy and relief at seeing his son live. Thranduil quickly knelt beside his son's small cot and grabbing Legolas' hand in his own, said through tears of joy,

"I thought I was going to lose you."

"Nay, Adar, " Legolas said quietly, it was clear he wanted to say something else, but didn't have the strength to say much more.

But Legolas didn't need to say anything else, as the king cupped his son's face in his free hand. Thranduil laid his head on the cot beside his son, finally giving into exhaustion. After a minute the tired king was drawn out of his daydream and looked up at feeling a hand run slowly threw his hair.

Thranduil smiled when he saw Legolas staring back, a tired, but mischievous glint in his eyes. Thranduil had run his hands threw Legolas' hair when he was a child and upset. "I always wanted to do that," Legolas said in a small voice with a smile, "I will be fine, Ada." He said when he saw his father's worried expression.

"Ada, Celebdin is back." Legolas said looking at his father, who gave him his full attention. "He- he saved me, Stood over me until reinforcements got to me." Legolas ended softly, just speaking seemed to make him tired. "Where is he now?" Thranduil asked, wanting to thank the wolf. The prince opened his mouth to respond, but before he could a strong howl sounded in the distance. Thranduil stood and went to the tent's opening and peered out, but seeing no wolf he returned to Legolas. By this time Legolas was already half sleep, seeing this Thranduil lovingly kissed his sons forehead saying, "Losto vae ion-nin."


Later that night, Thranduil was awoken by a soft padding sound from where he had been sleeping near Legolas' cot. Feeling someone or something outside the tent, he went to investigate. Looking out into the clear night Thranduil saw a large wolf with the full moon shining blue on his fur. Thranduil immediately knew that this wolf was Celebdin, the wolf his son had hidden in the palace and the wolf that had saved his son from death.

Bending down and coming face to face with the wolf, Thranduil gently grabbed Celebdin's fluffy scruff under the wolf's ears in both of his hands.

"Hannon le draug mellon-nin" he told the wolf, "You will always have a place here." For a moment they stood there staring into each other's eyes, a complete understanding between the two.

Finally letting go of the wolf and standing up Thranduil let Celebdin into the tent. Thranduil watched as Celebdin silently tiptoed over to Legolas and after sniffing at his bandaged head, laid down beside his pillow. Lying back down on his cot, Thranduil, looking at Celebdin's open eyes, realized that they could both sleep soundly tonight. As the moon reached its zenith and the stars shined brightly, the Great King of the Woodland Realm fell asleep under the watchful eyes of a silent guardian.


Authors Notes:

Well Legolas is okay, Celebdin is back, and everyone is going to be alright ( for now! :P) lol thanks again to all who have read this story! make sure to come back the 31st for the next oneshot! but if you want to read something right know i do have a few other oneshots i have written called A Hobbits Many Tales and if you have already read that, my good friend Tori of Lorien has some awesome storys! i love her work it is just amazing! so if ya'll want to go over there and read some of her stuff its really good! and as always reviews are very welcomed! have a great day! see ya later!