A Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2012 yaoi story
A Donatello and a Kraang droid story
Donatello's weird encounter with a Kraang droid
One day Donatello was going to TCRI when a Kraang droid pushed him up against a wall (the Kraang droid was a human looking Kraang droid), Donatello struggled, but the Kraang droid calmly kissed him with lots of passion. Donatello struggled more and more. The Kraang droid surprisingly had a tongue, so he licked Donatello's lower lip, who continued to struggle. Donatello felt as the Kraang droid moved three fingers on his left hand down his neck, Donatello blushed slightly but still continued to struggle. After a couple of minutes the Kraang droid pulled away from Donatello, who said, "What.. What.. What was that about?" The Kraang droid said, "Kraang is that which as known as in love with the one known as you." Donatello's eyes went wide and slowly the Kraang droid kissed him again. Like last time the Kraang droid licked Donatello's lower lip, who didn't have much control because he opened his mouth allowing the Kraang droid's tongue in, but he did still struggle. Donatello felt as the Kraang droid wrapped his tongue around his own. After 5 more minutes, the Kraang droid pulled away again and Donatello felt dazed because he wanted the Kraang droid to kiss him again surprisingly. This time Donatello kissed the Kraang droid, who kissed back, Donatello licked the Kraang droid's lower lip, the Kraang droid opened his mouth allowing Donatello's tongue in, Donatello and the Kraang droid wrapped each other's tongues over one and other. Donatello then pulled away and smiled and said, "As long as my bros don't find out.. Maybe we can go out sometime.." The Kraang droid nodded and said, "Kraang would be that which is known as happy to be what is known as dating the one known as you." Donatello smiled and said, "Alright, I'll see ya probably tommorrow evening.." The Kraang droid nodded and moved to where Donatello could leave, Donatello then headed home to the sewers.
The end