So that night they come up with a plan confusing the day lights out of Dr. Blowhole wondering if Deadpool was just toying with him. Soon he got tired and ordered one of his minions to get things ready for bed. He's asleep an hour before Deadpool calls him again.
"Hey Dr. B! I have some good news for you baby!" says Deadpool, much like a movie director
"What is it?" asks Dr. Blowhole confused
"I have those abusing penguins about to turn them in" says Deadpool
"No no! Bring them here." says Dr. Blowhole
"Why? The animal people can take care of them and break their bad habits" says Deadpool
"Don't ask questions. Do it and I'll pay you in chimichangas." says Dr. Blowhole
"Chimichangas?! Why didn't you say so?! Send me the directions and I'll be there in no time!" says Deadpool
Dr. Blowhole did as asked before they hang up. Deadpool got excited about it.
"Focus! You know the plan?" asks Skipper
"Yeah yeah. I "deliver" you to him and distract him while you guys break in and ruin his plans." says Deadpool
"That's right alright let's go!" says Skipper.
They head out following directions to his new hideout as the other one is still getting cleaned up from the last mission. He just won't give up and thinks he can easily recruit someone to destroy the penguins. The four boys can't take a break with the bad guys always up to something. When there, Rico hacks up his a net and Deadpool helps them into it. He hoist up the four making sure their really not hurt.
"This will be fun" says Private
They high five each other before heading in. The boys pretend to be in sever pain, groaning. The lobsters lead in Deadpool with the penguins on his back. Dr. Blowhole comes in on his segway.
"A dolphin on a segway? That's so cool! Oh right hee, here you go, four abusive penguins." says Deadpool gently setting them down
"Great!" says Dr. Blowhole "Larry! Go get Mr. Deadpool his chimichungas ." says Dr. Blowhole
Deadpool claps as the lobsters run off to do so.
"Hey! Can I play on your segway before I leave?" asks Deadpool
"Huh?" asks Dr. Blowhole.
Deadpool hops on behind him before Dr. Blowhole can say "no".
"This is so cool! What's this button do?" asks Deadpool
"Don't press that button!" says Dr. Blowhole
Too late, Deadpool sends him into the water giving the Penguins the opportunity to go make a mess of everything but Rico hides a cam recorder to view later. They head for Dr. Blowholes office looking for records and uses Rico to destroy them.
"This is sort of fun" says Private
"That it is" says Skipper
"So that's how you move this thing! Wee! Look at me go!" calls Deadpool
He starts moving it with Dr. Blowhole following.
"Get back here!" says Dr. Blowhole
Hes flopping behind Deadpool, but Deadpool ignores him having fun.
"They see me rolling! They hating!" sings Deadpool
"Not that song! Give me back my Segway!" says Dr. Blowhole
"Killjoy!" says Deadpool, still going
"I can't move without it!" says Dr. Blowhole
"Really? Your looking well without it now!" says Deadpool
The boys come back and curl up in the net like they were there the whole time. The lobsters come after Deadpool.
"Well time for my friends to go!" says Deadpool
He turns the Segway around.
"I came in like a wreaking ball!" he sings before climbing off of it.
The lobsters and Dr. Blowhole scream running for the hills. The Segway wrecks a lot of things in its path before crashing and breaking.
"Well you've been a good host its time to go. Bye!" says Deadpool
He grabs the boys and Ricos cam recorder. They grab some chimichugas and popcorn. They head back to the zoo where everyone gathers to watch Deadpool trying to figure out the Segway and driving it around.
The End