Kage's POV

Hello my name is Kage and I am a werewolf so is my sister Lyal and we are 12. We were adopted by a woman named Fraya. She is also the only person that knows that my sister and I are werewolves. Me and my sister are opposites, I am a tough, strong, overprotective, and caring tomboy but, the only people that have seen my caring side was Lyal and Fraya. Lyal is sweet, kind, strong, and caring. Compared to me and my sister I act more werewolf then my sister. Sometimes I act like a wolf too much, like I growl in human from and act aggressive. I have black hair, tan skin, and a very dark brown close to black eye and a glowing neon blue eye. I hide my glowing neon blue eye with my hair. Lyal has black hair, sun-kissed skin, and brown eyes.

Right now Lyal and I are watching wakfu in the living room at night because of our werewolf powers we sleep once every two weeks and Fraya is working tonight. I was wearing a black shirt with short jeans, while Lyal was wearing a purple shirt with short jeans, since we don't use pajamas because of our sleep problem. Also we find jeans comfortable. We watched wakfu until the end of season 2 and on the tv screen was a option to replay the series.

"Hey Kage you want to re-watch wakfu again", Lyal asked me with the remote in her hand.

"Sure, why not, we need something to do for the next five hours", I said as Lyal pressed replay, but the second she did a portal appeared and me and Lyal were sucked in. When we were sucked into the portal I blacked out.

When I woke up I feel myself laying on something hard. I snapped my eyes open and sit up to find myself laying on a dirt path. I look to my right to see a dragon lookiing like Adamai except it doesn't have horns, less scales, and it has more of a muzzle than Adamai. It also has black lips, brown eyes with purple flecks in them, a kind of glowing neon blue fur all over it's body except it's belly, black razor shaped spine, and purple scaled belly. The dragon noticed my shocked face.

"Hey Kage it's me Lyal", The Dragon said.

"Lyal you know your a dragon right", I said as Lyal looked at herself. Then looked up at me.

"Umm...Kage", Lyal said.

"Yes", I said.

"Your a Eliatrope", Lyal said. Then I look at myself to see me wearing a black version of Yugo's pants and shirt but no shoes.

Then me and Lyal stood up and I look to my left to see a heaven bag. We hopped into the heaven bag to see a mountain of kamas, some food, two beds, two cloaks, and a mirror. Me and Lyal go in front of the mirror to see how we look. I looked into the mirror to see I had a hat like Yugo's expect it is black with a glowing neon blue strip that goes in between the ears of the hat from the front of the hat to the back, the ears of the hat was one inch longer and had one kind of glowing neon blue ring around both ear, and at the end of the hat was glowing light blue fluff instead of the cream colored one on Yugo's hat. I also still had my hair covering my glowing neon blue eye. Once we were done looking at ourselves we hopped out of the heaven bag and walked down the dirt path to the village Yugo lived.