Reid smirked up at Morgan. "Plans you wouldn't cancel? I don't know…some of your dates? Definitely family holidays." Reid had heard the older agent speak of his family often enough to know that he loved his mother and sisters beyond measure, and was equally terrified of them.

Morgan shook his head, pushing at Reid's shoulder to make him sit back on the couch. "I'd cancel any date in a heartbeat for you. You've gotta know you're more important to me than any date…you do know that, right?" Reid's reassuring nod was too slow in coming for Morgan's liking so he sat down beside him, probably closer than he usually would but he needed proximity, needed to reassure himself that Reid was going to be ok. "Reid, you are far more important that any date, meeting or family get together. Though I would have to take a second to call and let my ma know I wasn't coming."

Reid smiled at his friend. "Even so, what were you going to do? There's nothing to do except lie around and wait for it to pass." He insisted softly. "Why would I interrupt your life just so you can sit around here while I'm miserable company?"

Morgan groaned, leaning his head back on the couch. "Because, Boy Wonder, sometimes it's nice to have someone take care of you. Not have to get up because you're thirsty, not have to answer the door for take-away, because someone's making you home-cooked meals instead. Sometimes it's nice to just sit back and let someone else handle it all."

Reid frowned in confusion; he remembered his mother doing those things when he was little, but no one else had even tried since he was a small child so he didn't understand why Morgan would now. "But…why would you want to do that? Wouldn't you rather just leave me to it? I've got it all down to a particular routine, you really don't have to take care of me Morgan."

He watched in shock as Morgan launched out of the couch and started pacing. "I want to do it because I want to take care of you Reid. I want to know that when you need help you'll actually remember that you can reach out a hand and I'll be here. That you'll remember you don't have to do things alone, not anymore. I want to take care of you because then I'd know that you're taken care of while you're ill."

Reid blinked slowly at him as his pacing slowed to a stop and he stood there staring at the genius. "But…teammates don't usually…do they?" Reid asked slowly, loath to admit another gap in his understanding of the social world he didn't often participate in.

Morgan smiled sitting back down beside the kid. "Teammates…not so much. Parents, very close friends…lovers; people who are very close like to be given the chance to take care of the people they love." He explained softly. He knew how uncomfortable Reid was with pointing out what he didn't understand of social norms, and he was always pleased when the kid came to him with a question about it. It showed him how much he was trusted.

Reid nodded slowly. "People who are close. Okay, I'll let you know in future if I'm too ill to take care of myself." Just as a smile tugged at Morgan's lips Reid turned a serious gaze on him. "But, no babying me, if I say I'm well enough to do something, it's up to me."

Morgan nodded, content with that arrangement for now. "You've got yourself a deal kid. Now, is there anything in particular you feel like eating? I'm gonna head out and get some groceries so I can make us dinner."

Reid shook his head, tucking his feet up on the couch and leaning against the armrest. "No, whatever's easiest." He answered, eyes slipping closed. Morgan took the cup of tea out of his hand and set it on the coffee table before turning back to look Reid over. The kid had fallen asleep sitting up, his neck at a funny angle where he had his head propped against his hand.

Morgan watched him for a moment before shaking his head. Picking the kid up and shifting him down the couch so he could lie down was easier than it should have been; he'd lost weight since he'd been off from work. Morgan made a mental not to pick up some junk food in the hopes that the kid might graze on the stuff between meals.

He left a note on the coffee table to let Reid know he'd gone out for groceries and he'd be back; he knew the kid would jump to the conclusion that he'd decided to leave him to it after-all, and he didn't want the kid thinking that. Snagging Reid's keys on the way out so he wouldn't have to wake him when he got back, he quietly let himself out of the apartment.

There was a small grocery store within walking distance that Reid liked to support, Morgan couldn't quite remember the story Reid had told him about the family but he knew the kid had a soft spot for them. He was half way there when his phone started belting out a chirpy tune that was designated to Garcia.

"Hey Baby Girl, what's up?"

"I just wanted to know how our Junior G Man is. Is he alright Morgan? Are you taking good care of him?" her worry carried easily through the phone, and if it hadn't her complete lack of flirting would have been a pretty good indicator.

"Now how did you know I was going to see Pretty Boy today? I know you're omniscient, but that's usually limited to our cases…" he teased. She knew he only teased when things were alright, or going to be alright.

He heard a deep sigh and could practically feel her rolling her eyes at him. "Come on now Derek, don't be so dense. You're in love with Spencer and you like to protect him. Of course you would go to take care of him now that we're off work. Plus, when you know he's not well, there's only a certain amount of time you seem to be able to stay away from him. You reached that two days ago and that's why you were so snippy at the end of the case."

Morgan stopped in the middle of the sidewalk, eyes wide. "Garcia…did you just say that I'm in love with Reid?" he asked, voice tight. Much to his surprise, the statement didn't make him angry. He was more shocked at how when it seemed to cover everything that had been bothering him lately.

"Derek Morgan don't you go freaking out on me! You love him, and that's fine, none of us think badly of you for it. In fact, as long as you don't break our Junior G Man's heart, we're all for it. You both deserve to be happy, and if that happiness comes from each other all the better. I know you've been figuring it out for yourself but…you needed a little shove to cover the last of the distance."

Morgan shook his head, a smile tugging at his lips. "More like you were getting impatient and decided I needed to hurry up, huh?" he teased, starting to walk again. "Reid is alright, considering. I'm headed to the grocery store so he has some actual food in his apartment."

Garcia groaned on the other end of the phone. "Derek Morgan, I know perfectly well that Reid is going to be ok, otherwise you wouldn't have answered the phone. Are you going to tell me when you plan on telling him you're in love with him?"

Morgan grinned. "I'm not telling you that, I might jinx myself!" he chuckled. "I gotta go Baby Girl, food to buy and things to do." He hung up before she could convince him otherwise.