Disclaimer: Masashi Kishimoto owns Naruto. I only own the story

Hidden Leaf Gates

Third Person P.O.V

"It's good to finally be back in the village." A certain loudmouth genin says.

"We should go report to Tsunade that we have returned." His perverted mentor tells him.

"Can't you do that? I want to hang out with the others." Said genin whines.

"Tough luck, brat. We are both going. Tsunade would probably get mad at me if I let wander off before she gets the chance to see you, anyway." Jiraiya tells him.

"Fine, but after we get all caught up, you can expect me to jump out of that window." He says as he starts moping off towards the Hokage's Tower.

*Time Skip*

"Well Naruto, it's been nice catching up with you. I'm glad to hear everything went well. You are dismissed." Lady Tsunade said.

"Thanks, bye Granny Tsunade." The knucklehead ninja said quickly before running and jumping out the open window.

"How many time do I have to tell you, do not call me that!" Tsunade shouted out after him.

Naruto chuckled as he heard her yell after him.

While falling, Naruto pushed chakra to his feet and stuck to the wall, quickly moving his feet to the same speed he was falling. Once he hit the ground, he turned left and ran up the Hokage Mountain.

Once he reached the top, he sat on the the Fourth Hokage's head. He began searching for his classmates. Using his altitude as am advantage to see wide distances. After a minute or so, he saw them all leaving a Dango shop.

He jumped to his feet, then began running down the face of the mountain. He ducked and dodged throughout the civilians, trying to get to his friends quickly. His friends were in sight, so he yelled, "Hey guys, long time no see, huh?" This got their attention.
They turned to see who it was. Once they recognized him, there were many faces of shock, happiness, and one really red face.

"Naruto, it's been so long." Tenten said.

"Yeah, what has it been, two years?" Kiba asked.

"It's been about three years,actually." Neji supplied.

"Whatever the amount, we are glad you're back!" Lee shouted.

"Hey Naruto, don't be too troublesome." Shikamaru said.

"Tenten, Kiba, Shino, Lee, Shikamaru, Choji, Neji, Hinata, Ino, Sakura, and- who is this?" Naruto asked, referring to a girl their age, with purple hair tied up in a short ponytail, dull eyes, deep purple shirt, ANBU pants, and black shinobi sandals.

"This is Anko." Sakura informed.

"Anko? Wasn't she that sadistic woman from the second stage of the Chunin exams?" Naruto asked.

"Well, that's the keyword,was.She's different now, as you can see." Sakura told him.

"You must be Naruto. I've heard so much about you. I'm Anko, but you know that." Anko said, holding out her hand. Naruto hesitantly shook it, thinking it was some kind of trap.

"Well we really should all get caught up. How about we all go get barbecue later on?" Naruto asked. Choji was the first to agree. Soon after, everyone voiced their agreement.

"Cool, let's meet up, say,8:00?" Naruto asked. Once again, everyone agreed. Soon after, everyone broke off into seperate conversations, each group going their own way.