Hello fellow fanfiction writers and readers, here is another chapter of my story that I hope yall will enjoy. As usual I own nothing except new characters and ideas, I make no money from writing, and all rights go to the rightful owners. To see outfits and character pictures head on over to Polyvore Noellamonster. Thanks for reading and please review!
I dressed as Eric left the shower, his body dripping with water his face down right sinful, but I remain sitting waiting for him to dress for the day. He actually took his mother's death hard, love was love, I guess. I nor Four really batted an eyelash when our mother got death. Tris was very distraught over her brother's fate, so I stepped in, Jack after that granted him life in Amity. The Priors are very grateful to me, if not for my assistance it would have been death. Life was back to normal other than Percy leaving Dauntless with a once in a life time chance to go back to Erudite and marry Cara, he took it, I hoped after time he and I are back to how we once were.
I proposed some changes to Jack, Johanna and Mr. Prior to help ensure our safety, to ensure we don't go back to what we once were. A grand council with a leading faction member, a total rebuild of our city, deep underground is water, we have the man power now we needed the will.
So would say, I used everything in my means to get what I wanted, they be right. Over this last ten years, our city has become great, more than it ever was, power was up and running, building destroyed to use, great lakes came, nature returned it was Paradise now.
Tris and Four married nine years ago, Will and Christina eight, Marlene and Uriah nearly four. So even as I sit here watching my own husband dress as my hands rest on my round belly, and our twins playing on the floor waiting for their father to hurry.
Life was good.
His deep voice breaks into my day dream "Ready, love," his hand out to me. His face concerned as he helped me from the black leather sofa. It was a small yank but I was up as the twins came running up to me.
Their voices mixed together, identical twins, both with black hair and near black eyes, their hair nice unlike their fathers, they had longer hair to his short hair. They're taller than children their age other than Jasper my nephew, he looked a lot Tobias.
A new set of Dauntless born are being raised here, we take pride in that, but we also let them know they have the right to choose. Choose where they want to go when they reach sixteen years of age, a right of passage.
I yawned before taking the twins hands "Come on Brice, come on Bradly. Time for us to go see your friends and have something to eat." I still refused to know the sex of our last child, and I mean last. I helped Eric with Dauntless as a Dauntless leader and head researcher here.
Tris was finally having a girl after having Jasper, Christina has yet to have a child, and Marlene is with child as well. The halls are more lit now, wider as well with certain sections like the chasm are not kid safe. An ideal we came up with after the first round of kids were born and I told Eric I was with child. Rilee left to Abnegation about five years ago, but once I was chosen by Dauntless to head our section of the council with Jack, Johanna, Rilee, Percy and Lynn from our new faction, Assentation. We will never have another factionless issue again.
I walked with the twins and Eric behind us his hand resting on the small of my back "Momma, are we having a sister or brother," Brice asked Eric was the one having a harder time telling his sons apart, a fact which I am sure will haunt him until the day he dies.
But as their momma I knew, "We will find out in two months, boys. But which one do you trouble makers want," it echoed around the cold stone walls, the smell of the white waters and musk could be smelt.
"Brother," Eric dreaded having a girl. I think it is another boy as well, so we aren't worried. Four waved us over, well me and the kids not Eric but it was a package deal.
The boys run off towards their favorite Uncle "UNCLE TOBIAS, JASPER," was screamed as I hugged Tris and Christina. Maya smiled walking over with Frank hand in hand taking a seat next to us.
"Hey, Eric. We have to go look over the bridge soon," he shoved more food into his mouth as I stood, my stomach uneasy.
"I am going to go get something for my stomach, Eric take the twins to the care center for me please," he was up his hand on my belly.
"I am sure it was watching Frank eat," I smiled as giggles are heard. I kissed my nephew and twins before Tris, Maya, and Christina all walked with me.
It was the same but not, a few left us a few joined us over the years, but right now I was about to have this baby. It was hours before the twins were born and Eric was unbearable in those hours.
The ward was nearly empty when I lay in a gown on the bed, ready to get checked, it might be a false alarm. It hurt as normal but Marlene smiled "Hope you're ready, you are dilated to nine. My head hit the pillows thirty minutes later as a scream ripped from my throat, Tris holding my hand as Christina and Maya ran to find my husband who was either at the bridge or on the train.
"Breath, Wyatt. Just fucking breath," Tris yelled over my own screams, Tobias was helping Marlene until Shauna arrived or her mother. His face was pale, but he never let that stop him.
My voice was nearly gone as Tobias cleaned my forehead once again "WHERE IS MY FUCKING MORONIC HUSBAND. I FUCKING HATE HIM," I really did, never again would I have another, Cara created a shot and it was mine.
Tris tried, bless her soul, she tried "He is coming, let's not forget to breathe," I may kill her.
Marlene was a pro "Push, now," this was the same process every contraction I pushed as hard as I could, hearing monitors going off.
"Are you stupid, don't you know how to breathe," Tris snapped as I lunged for her, she moved right in time.
"It helps not to, you want to keep breathing you'll hold my nasty hand and shut it," and she did.
"Black hair, come on last push, Wyatt," I gave it everything I had, it felt like every single bone in my body was on fire as they broke at once. Screaming mixed with my own as my child wiggled from my womb.
The cries continued until the baby was cleaned and wrapped in the black blanket, keeping the little one snug and safe.
In that moment when our child was handed to me by a beaming Four, in walked Eric and with a smirk Four announced "Congratulations Eric, you have a little girl," the only sound after was Eric's head hitting the door frame and a few chuckles to be honest.
But my daughter would be loved.