Sengoku Guardians Episode 001 – The Saiyans of DC
Reminder: Hello, I am the creator of the fanfiction the Sengoku Guardians, previously named Justice League XYZ, and here is how I do this, rule A: I work on a chapter or update when I find or make the time for it, so be patience. Rule B: While I'm attending college for three or four days per week (including/excluding tutoring.), I'll be sure to work on my spare time after my college assignments are done. And rule C: While we're on the subject, please try to remember that I do not own Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT or the Justice League and DC franchise since they all belong to their respected owners/creators but have only created this fanfiction in respect and creativity, all provided by XYZ Entertainment. One more thing, in this version, there will be pairing with existing and/or OC characters. This is a crossover of Justice League and Dragon Ball series so please enjoy! If any of you should know, I'm autistic and have a very short-term memory pattern so excuse me for the self-insert and the lazy writing.
(In the background seven orange balls with stars from 1 to 7 were flowing through in fast pact. As they were gathered in a circular pattern, the balls were glowing brightly.)
Narrator: Long ago, there laid a set of seven magic wish orbs known as the Dragon Balls. When gather together, they summon an eternal dragon to grant the user any wish he or she so desires. (Soon all of the Dragon Balls glows as a beam of light was spiraling from left to right as the light died down to reveal a green Dragon as it roars.)
Narrator: There lived a race of warriors with monkey-like tails and uncontrollable passion to battle. (The Saiyans were displayed shooting energy blasts at their enemies and another of Saiyans defending innocent aliens.)
Narrator: Legends said that the goddess Zaiya gave form to the vicious great apes into that of humanoids. (An illustration displays a Saiyan-like goddess turning the Great Apes into humanoids. Next were several Saiyans in silhouette form with lights in the center of their bodies.)
Narrator: They were originating a warrior race of light. However, they began to fight over the light and soon the darkness corrupted their hearts and made them commit evil. (Then the lights of some of the Saiyans turn to purple to illustrate darkness corrupting them. Next the goddess Izaya looked sad and pitiful at the Saiyans killing innocent people.)
Narrator: Zaiya was sadden by the evil committed by the very creations she made. It even brought great despair when she saw that not only did her creations decided to join a monster of a tyrant to further bring destruction and sorrow to other races in the universe, but the very same man who brought up the Saiyans then decided to exterminate them… and he succeeded. (Frieza shot out a Supernova toward the Planet Vegeta as it created cracks on the planet's surface, erupting volcanic explosions and earthquakes until the entire planet was in a cosmic explosion while Frieza laughs menacingly.)
Narrator: Or so he thought? (A kid Goku appeared in his Turtle Hermit gi, following a young adult Goku.)
Narrator: Nearly thirty years later, a Saiyan baby was sent to a green healthy planet called Earth to conquest it. But instead, he transformed from a savage warrior into a pure hearted child. He devoted into helping others and fighting for innocent people. That Saiyan goes by the name of Kakarot by birth and Son Goku by choice. (In the background, were the Demon King Piccolo, Final Form Frieza, Perfect Form Cell and Kid Buu as a Super Saiyan Goku flew with a fist aim at them.)
Narrator: Goku has battled against the darkness of evil like the Demon King Piccolo, the Saiyan Prince Vegeta, the Evil Emperor Frieza who he kills to avenge his people, the Ultimate Android Cell who was defeated by his half-breed son Gohan, and the Terror of the Universe, Majin Buu with all of the strength of the people of Earth. He became the first Super Saiyan and alongside his growing sons Gohan and Goten, he has protected the Earth from countless enemies. (Goku reunited with his loved ones, friends and allies on the Lookout.)
Narrator: However, this story is not about the Legend of Goku himself. As history believed that Goku and Vegeta were the only true Saiyans left and the rest being descendants of the "extinct" warrior race. However just before Planet Vegeta met its demise at the hands of Frieza. A small number of Saiyans with pure hearts of good, believed the words of Bardock, the father of Goku, that Frieza was going to annihilate them for fear that a Super Saiyan would be born among them. Alongside them, Saiyans; twelve groups consisted of 500,000 each, were somewhat spared from the destruction of their home planet and into another universe. A universe… full of superheroes.
[Universe 7 – DBZ Universe]
[Planet Vegeta, Space] [April 1st Age 737]
(In the atmosphere of space close to Planet Vegeta, there stood a wounded Saiyan with a unique spiky black hair, black eyes, tan skin, his monkey-tail wrapped around his waist, and great build wearing a black and green damaged battle armor, red arm warmers, with matching leg warmers, black damaged pants, and black boots with green tipping. His name is Bardock, father of Kakarot who would later be known as Son Goku. Holding his battered arm with his other arm, he angrily stared down at Frieza, the Arcosian leader of the Frieza Force that the Saiyans were a part of. At least to those of Planet Vegeta. Surrounded by the men of the Frieza Force and Frieza, accompanied by his two best henchmen Zarbon and Dodoria. Recently, Frieza has decided to betray the Saiyans of Planet Vegeta by plotting their extermination.)
Frieza: This will be the last time we will see this planet in this universe. (Frieza exclaimed. This got Bardock further enraged by this betrayal.)
Bardock: Why?! For years we did everything you commanded of us. No questions asked! (Bardock shouted. Then he had a flashback of his comrades' corpse after they were slaughtered by Dodoria's men. Afterwards, Bardock snarled.)
Bardock: And yet, you turn your backs on us like the coward that you are! (Bardock said. Frieza smirks darkly.)
Zarbon: Is it not obvious yet. (A confident Zarbon replied.)
Dodoria: We were just using you monkeys. Like our own little puppets. (Dodoria said, much to Bardock's shock. Frieza's hand formed for a finger to stand as he creates a Supernova while Bardock creates his move the Final Spirit Cannon.)
Narrator (Voice-Over): Most have heard this story before of how a Saiyan baby was sent to a backwater planet known as Earth to conquer it as his father Bardock faces Frieza alone. Frieza feared that one day that a Super Saiyan would raise up and defeat him once and for all. (Narrator said.)
Bardock: This is for all the people that we've killed in your name! I wish we were never foolish enough to obey you! Here! HAVE IT! (Bardock screamed as he shot his Final Spirit Cannon. However, Frieza's grin grew bigger as he laughs evilly as his Supernova grew larger. So large that it absorbed the Final Spirit Cannon, much to Bardock's shocking surprise.)
Bardock: What! No way! (Bardock shouted in disbelief. As the Supernova was fully charged up, a sinister looking Frieza continues to laugh evilly as he fired his Supernova at Bardock and the pack of soldiers. The soldiers were gulping and screaming fearfully.)
Frieza Soldier #1: Lord Frieza! Please don't! (A soldier said in vain. As the Supernova was drawing closer and closer, Bardock screamed loudly as he was engulfed in the orb.)
Bardock: Yes, I… see it… now. (Bardock said slowly. Then he had one last forehead of his son Kakarot facing Frieza on Planet Namek.)
Bardock: (It's you, my son. You're the one who will defeat Frieza.) (Bardock thought. The vision ended. Bardock had one last proud smirk on his face.)
Bardock: KAKAROT! (Bardock shouted as he vanished within the Supernova as it contacted the planet's surface. However, there were pillars of light covering six islands with similar shapes to Hokkaido and Gyeongsang disappeared out of nowhere. Afterwards, volcanic eruptions were spreading across the planet as in mere seconds, the planet Vegeta blew up into smithereens. Billions of meteors were flying off from the aftermath of the explosion. Frieza laughs evilly.)
Frieza: Oh, my. This is… stupendous! Wow! What a great show! Unbelievable! Look at that! (Frieza gloated all his words. Frieza laughs evilly. In a part of Frieza's Spaceship, Zarbon and Dodoria were watching the aftermath of Planet Vegeta's destruction. After a few more seconds, the explosion sent out one last wave as the Planet Vegeta was no more along with the Saiyans, but a new beginning… in Universe 24 – the DC Universe.)
[Opening 1 – Journey to the West]
[Universe 24 – DC Universe]
[Metropolis: Skyscraper Level, Delaware] [March 31st, 2001]
(Flowing down in the skies above the city of Metropolis was a Saiyan boy, age nineteen, with brown hair in a spiky style and blue eyes without any pupils, wearing a white body armor with no protective gear, an orange bodysuit that was up to the knees and yellow boots in a high-tech style, a black and red hoodie and fingerless gloves with blue wrapping wristbands. He landed as he opened his eyes.)
Rota: Ah? Where… am I? I could've sworn that the planet collided with… Huh? (Rota regain consciousness. Suddenly, he remembered the massive earthquakes, pillars of molten eruptions as it went across the planet. He remembers being at a different spot on the planet, wielding a strange sword. After he received a message that his mother and sister were ambushed and killed by the Frieza Force soldiers, the Saiyan Rota refused to believe it until he went to the planet and saw his mother's corpse in complete shock. The shock was so traumatizing and after returning to Planet Vegeta and spotting Frieza's Supernova in the sky, Rota knew that his fate was sealed and tried to kill himself by aiming the sword to his chest. As the earthquakes were trembling the landmasses, soon Rota was engulfed in a white aura, much to his confusion. As the aura glows brighter, it flashes him completely as it disappeared along with him and a few more Saiyans on the planet, just before the massive eruptions appeared from the destabilization of the planet's core until it was finally blown to smithereens. The flashback ended. Rota realized that he wasn't in Planet Vegeta anymore because it was destroyed by Frieza. He could have sworn that he was with a group of fellow Saiyans with hearts of righteousness and would spare innocent people even from the other Saiyans and Frieza Force soldiers, had died as well. However, he saw a huge city that wasn't much advance tech, but nevertheless a magnificent sight and a tall building with a gold globe. Rota was more concern with looking for his missing friends than to be sightseeing.)
Rota: What? What's going on?! What happened to my home planet? Rashiro!? Daiku!? Namizu! Nion! WHERE ARE YOU!? (Rota shouted for his friends. However, there was no response at the night sky reaching him.)
[?]: HALT, HUMAN! (Rota turns to see several muscular men with bird wings coming out of their backs, and spears in their hands. Seeing that he needs to go incognito, he decided to put on his hoodie to cover his hair and eyes but made sure he still had his sight.)
Rota: (Who are these guys? They don't look like that they belong in this planet? Could this be martial law of some sort? It looks like Frieza hasn't force them into his army or better yet… I don't sense his ki here or anywhere? Still… it's best to play along.) (Rota thought. Then he turns to the Thanagarians with a reassuring smile.)
Rota: What seems to be the trouble? (Rota asked. Despite saying that calmly, Rota felt the rage coming in since he also saw humans being roughly push away to either their homes or to prison camps.)
Thanagarian Soldier: Show us your identification, or you will face punishment! (The Thanagarian soldier demanded. Rota's anger has been boiled forth. He calmly explains his reasons for being in Metropolis.)
Rota: First off, I'm not human! And second. You want to know who I am? (Rota asked, raising his power as his ordinary aura was becoming visible. Suddenly he had a vision. Rota sees a foreshadowing of Son Gohan, wearing a suit of a great gi short, black full body spandex, a red cape, an orange helmet with a visor, white gloves and boots with yellow outline, in front of crooks that had gone off the speeding limit.)
Great Saiyaman (Vision): Allow me to tell you my name. I am…. (Next Gohan, starting to go, makes a series of poses.)
Great Saiyaman (Vision): He who does not allow evil! The Champion of Justice! … The GREAT SAIYAMAN! (Great Saiyaman finished. Then he strikes one more pose with his hands positioned to the shape of an M with a shine of red and white. the first Saiyan in Universe 7 to have his superhero alter ego, the "Great Saiyaman." The vision ended. Rota blushes awkwardly at what he just saw. Still, he found his best way to introduce himself without revealing his name, but without doing some ridiculous poses.)
Rota: I am… (Rota froze in mid-sentence as he saw an opened page of a book about the Sengoku period of Japan mostly about Shinano Province and the most famous samurai being Sanada Yukimura. Once glancing on the Shinano part, Rota smirked.)
Shinano: I AM SHINANO! (Shinano declared. Then Shinano slammed down the ground as he unleashes a barrage of energy blasts, and the bird-men shielded their eyes but were hit directly. The energy volleys were converted into pillars of fire. The aliens' eyes widened as they're engulf into them. Once it ended, the bird-men were still alive but were knock unconscious with second decree burns.)
Shinano: I'm also in the mood for fried chicken! (A smirking Shinano added. From his hands came a tornado of fire that blasted all of the aliens out of the alley and across the street. They hit the ground, smoldering and unconscious, but alive. Rota, or to be accurate Shinano, looked up to see a ship hanging in the air. It clearly wasn't human tech, if the bird-men flying protectively around it were any indication. Feeling that he still needed to vent some anger, Shinano lowered his hands toward the ground and after powering up he flew up to the sky. He then focused flames out of his aura and rocketed towards the ship.)
[Thanagarian Prison Shuttle – Metropolis, Delaware]
(Six members of the Justice League, some of Earth's greatest heroes, had been defeated. They had been betrayed by one of their own. Trapped in a sphere of red sun radiation lay Superman, the Man of Steel/Last Son of Krypton. In another cell, Wonder Woman, Princess of the Amazons, was bound to a pole by her own indestructible lasso. Near her cell was the Flash, the Fastest Man Alive, pinned to the ground by gravity generators. Across from him lay the Martian Manhunter, the last son of Mars, held by metals that he could not phase through. At the end of the hall were the cells of Batman, the World's Greatest Detective/Dark Knight, and Green Lantern, the Emerald Knight. The Green Lantern had been stripped of his power ring and was thus helpless. Batman was simply not seen as a threat. A sense of defeat hung in the air, along with silence. But that silence was broken by the sound of shouting and gunfire. The Leaguers tried to see what was going on, when the door to the cell chamber exploded. A semi-charred Thanagarian fell to the ground a few seconds later. Inside the chamber stood Shinano. He looked around at the brightly-clad people before him.)
Shinano: From what I can tell. These chickens are the bad guys. Please tell me I'm right, because I'm in a bad mood for not looking for my friends, and I don't want to make it worse by finding out that I fried the wrong side. (Shinano asked. He examined the captives closer. To be honest, he felt that he was right as Superman spoke up.)
Superman: We're the Justice League. We fight to protect the Earth, and the people who live here. (Superman clarifies. Unbelievable, it was unbelievable that Shinano now knew that he was on Earth, but it wasn't the same Earth where Kakarot is. Still, Shinano believes them. However, Shinano tilted his head in disbelief awkwardly.)
Shinano: Justice League? Seriously? Nobody thought that name was a little corny? (Shinano comments. Flash tried to raise his head, but the gravity was too strong.)
Flash: See? I'm not the only one who thinks so. (Flash trying to say it. Shinano stopped in front of Wonder Woman's cell, and his eyes narrowed. Shinano never did like the mistreatment of women, especially from what he was told from those in the Saiyan Army that did it "under orders," and this was a clear example of such actions. Shinano punched the controls to the cell, and the force field lowered.)
Shinano: Don't move. (Shinano warned, raising his hands to grab the metal pillar. A section of it began to glow, and then melt away. Wonder Woman was able to use her super-strength to pull herself free. She slid out of her lasso, and then attached it to her hip.)
Wonder Woman: You know, you could have just untied me. (Wonder Woman suggested. Shinano shrugged and showed his large ki with fire from the palm of his hands.)
Shinano: Sorry. These aren't really good for the dainty stuff. Especially when I'm enraged. (Shinano replied. He turned around and began walking out of the cell, but he stopped and turned his head back to Diana. He may be mad, but impolite was not in him. He starts to introduce himself)
Shinano: By the way, I'm Shinano. Shinano of the Saiyan race. Some of my kind had started to call me the Saiyan of Courage. Who are you? (Shinano asked. Diana smiled.)
Wonder Woman: People call me Wonder Woman. (Wonder Woman said. Shinano had noticed her red, white and blue leotard and boots. Aside from that, a tiara, and silver bracelets, she didn't wear much else. Shinano was glad that his face was already covered by his hoodie because otherwise he would probably be seen blushing at the sight of this beautiful woman. Any further conversation was halted by the appearance of a dozen Thanagarian guards rushing through the remains of the door. Seeing this, Shinano summons forth a sword with a hilt guard in the shape of a pentagon with the handle in the middle and the blade in the shape of a tsurugi.)
Shinano: Get your friends out! I'll take care of this! (Shinano said. Shinano rushed towards the guards, punching, kicking, slashing and blasting his way through, leaving unconscious and burned bird-men behind him. He kept another group of guards busy while Wonder Woman helped each of her fellow Leaguers escape their cells. It was here that Shinano noticed that these people had superpowers. Well, four of them did. Wonder Woman could fly and had super strength, the Flash had incredible speed, Superman had all that and could shoot lasers out of his eyes, and the Martian Manhunter could become intangible, in addition to super strength. Batman and Green Lantern, who had no powers, were still more than effective. In short order, the already unfair fight became a beat-down. The few remaining Thanagarians were quickly subdued by the heroes and Saiyan. However, they were surprised by another group of guards attacking from behind. Wonder Woman was able to deflect the energy blasts coming from the guards' spears, but Shinano noticed a particularly rotund Thanagarian carrying a very large cannon. Rather than risk one of his new-found allies getting hurt, he jumped in front of the Amazon, and slapped the button dial on his belt with light engulfing him. Leaguers and Thanagarians alike shielded their eyes from the bright flash. In Shinano's place stood was himself, clad in armor with a black bodysuit and gloves, the metal plates were crimson red and the underlines were gold, his helmet had a visor while it was in the shape of a ape with wild hair and the armor even covered his long brown furry tail.)
[Kiblade Armor] Shinano: Come on, tubby! Hit me with your best shot! (Shinano taunted the fat Thanagarian. Gritting his teeth, the Thanagarian fired his cannon. Shinano stood calmly, not moving an inch. Instead of exploding, like everyone expected, the energy blast was absorbed into his body when he created a Ki Barrier. After dropping down the barrier, Shinano stared at the shocked Thanagarians.)
[Kiblade Armor] Shinano: My turn! (Shinano raised his hands holding his sword, and a wave of fire ki coursed out. Had it hit anyone, the blast would have packed enough of a power to be fatal. As it happened, Shinano had been aiming for the wall. A massive hole was blown through the ship. The city could be seen below. Shinano used a much weaker blast to knock out the remaining Thanagarians with a swipe, then turned to the Justice League.)
[Kiblade Armor] Shinano: Anyone who can fly, grab someone who can't! (Shinano exclaimed. Superman flew through first, carrying Batman. He was followed by the Martian Manhunter, who was carrying Green Lantern. Wonder Woman was the last out, carrying Flash. Before she got too far, she turned back to Shinano.)
Wonder Woman: What about you? (Wonder Woman asked concerned for her new ally. Shinano grinned at her inside his visor helmet.)
[Kiblade Armor] Shinano: Don't worry, I've got it covered. (Shinano said, reassuring. Shinano tossed his sword around and upon letting go was transformed into a skateboard-like hoverboard.)
[Sky – Metropolis, Delaware]
(After the Leaguers have escaped from the shuttle ship, they heard a powerful yet smooth engine sound. It was Shinano riding on his hover-ride as he flew through the sky with focus and calmness. Shinano then flew past Wonder Woman.)
[Kiblade Armor] Shinano: Let's get out of here! (Shinano said before he flew instantly like a blur. Flash looked up at the princess holding him.)
Flash: You know, it's possible, and I could be wrong here, but it's possible that that monkey-like alien guy is on our side. (Flash said. For some reason, the rest of the Leaguers started to think that Flash might be right.)
[Retail Store, Metropolis, Delaware]
(The Justice League and Shinano had managed to evade the Thanagarians, and had found shelter in a clothing store. Still needing to take his anger out on something, Shinano transformed his ride back into his sword and went outside. As the League caught its breath, Green Lantern turned to Superman.)
Green Lantern: That x-ray vision working again? (Green Lantern asked. Superman looked at a wall. What he saw truly amaze and surprised him.)
Superman: Just enough to see every Thanagarian within a two-block radius with second degree burns and completely knock out. (Superman stated. Flash gave a low whistle.)
Flash: Now I know why he calls himself "The Saiyan of Courage!" (Flash commented. Then a realization came to Flash, who raised an eye brow.)
Flash: Wait a minute! What's a Saiyan? (Flash asked. Despite being curious to know what a Saiyan is, Superman turned to Diana and the Martian Manhunter, J'onn J'onzz.)
Superman: Did either of you get anything from that guy? Is he really here to help us? (Superman asked. J'onn shook his head.)
Martian Manhunter: I did not enter his mind, but I sensed no ill will towards us. Only mild irritation. (Martian Manhunter confirmed. Green Lantern looked at the Martian, with confusion.)
Green Lantern: Why would he be annoyed with us? (Green Lantern asked. Flash gave a small smile.)
Flash: Maybe because the guys who always save the day needed saving? (Flash suggested. The rest of the Justice League rolled their eyes, while Diana shook her head. One of the many gifts given to her by the gods was the ability to read emotions.)
Wonder Woman: I sensed anger, pain, concerns, and despair. Whatever happened to him was terrible, and it nearly broke him. (Wonder Woman said sadly. Flash looked down, a little ashamed of himself for making jokes at the expense of someone in pain. Everyone else paused, lost in their own thoughts. The moment passed as the armor clad Saiyan that was Shinano reappeared in the middle of the group.)
[Kiblade Amor] Shinano: That should take care of any trouble for a while. What's next? (Shinano asked.)
Martian Manhunter: The whole city will be covered by now. (Martian Manhunter said.)
Flash: Maybe we'll get lucky and they'll all go home. (Flash said. The others looked at him in blank expression, highly doubting that suggestion.)
[Kiblade Armor] Shinano: Trust me, we're never that lucky. (Shinano added.)
Flash: A little optimism can't hurt at a time like this! (Flash said. Before the monkey-like alien could reply, a booming voice could be heard from outside.)
[Kiblade Armor] Shinano: Optimism, huh? (Shinano asked. The Flash slumped.)
Flash: Something like that, yeah. (Flash said.)
Batman: We're going to have to go underground for the time being. Keep low and rethink our plan of attack. (Batman spoke, his voice rose with authority.)
Wonder Woman: How exactly do we hide when the whole city is looking for us? (Wonder Woman asked.)
[Kiblade Armor] Shinano: Not to mention the fact that your costumes are about as stealthy as the Saibamen recklessly attacking without any self-control. (Shinano responded. The League looked at him in confusion. The young Saiyan hero slapped his forehead.)
[Kiblade Armor] Shinano Great, just great. I kept on forgetting that I'm no longer in my home planet nor am I in my home universe. (Shinano said. Then he turns to the others.)
Shinano: Saibamen are artificial lifeforms the Saiyan Army created for training purposes and for more troops. Sorry for the confusion. (Shinano said, explaining what Saibamen are. The League shook it off as they did not blame him.)
Martian Manhunter: He is right. (J'onn said, drawing the others' attention away from their new ally as he held the sleeve of a nearby coat.)
Martian Manhunter: They're looking for our costumes. But without them, we are ordinary citizens. (J'onn finished. As he spoke, the Martian Manhunter shapeshifted into a brown hair and eyes human man in a brown trench coat. Flash is shocked by this.)
Flash: Whoa, wait a second! What about the whole secret identity thing? I mean, I trust you guys, but what about him? (The Flash said while jerking his thumb in Shinano's direction. Feeling a bit hurt by Flash's comment, the Saiyan narrowed his eyes dangerously.)
[Kiblade Armor] Shinano: True. You definitely CAN'T trust the guy who pulled your sorry butts out of a prison ship. That would be stupid. Or CAN'T trust a lost young adult alien who lost his friends since getting send to this world. (Shinano snarled. Shinano's patience is already at its limit considering he would rather be searching for his friends than dealing with a group of incompetents, brightly-costumed heroes and saving an Earth that he was completely unfamiliar with. The more anger he erupted, the more accidentally power ups were made, much to the Leaguer's surprise to see how much power their new ally possess.)
Flash: Whoa! Little hostility there! (Flash reacted, lifting his hands in a passive motion and taking a step back.)
[Kiblade Armor] Shinano: Look, I didn't ask to be here. I didn't ask getting prepared to kill innocent people or getting prepare to serve a monster bend on ruling the universe with an iron fist. Especially after the HELL that he made me and my friends go through! (Shinano said angrily. Shinano sighed to relief himself of his anger.)
[Kiblade Armor] Shinano: I'll help you take your world back, since saving innocent lives is already a DAMN passion for me to carry on. But after that... I'm going to search for them peacefully. (Shinano finished with a pause in the mid-sentence. After Shinano trailed off, letting the others decipher his intentions with their own imaginations. Shinano sighed.)
[Kiblade Armor] Shinano: And as for this secret identity dilemma... (With that, Shinano lifted his hand to the button on his right shoulder and tapped it. In a flash of light, the armor was returned into its pocket dimension storage by the young Saiyan man of nineteen years as he reverted back to his Saiyan combat armor and clothes and takes off his hoodie while he was still wielding his blade.)
Rota: I'm Rota. Rota of the Saiyan race. (The Saiyan adolescent said, with a notable lack of emotion in his voice. The others were stunned to see Rota's true form.)
Green Lantern: A kid? (Green Lantern asked in complete disbelief.)
Green Lantern: You're telling me a kid had to rescue us from the Thanagarians? We must be doing worse than I thought! (Green Lantern retorted. Rota looked a bit mad at the kid remark as he told him off.)
Rota: I'm nineteen, tough guy! And I've been saving the lives of other worlds and people since I was twelve. (Rota barked. More stunned silence ensued. The League was surprised that their new young alien friend has been saving people since he was that young.)
Superman: Since you were twelve? (Superman questioned, raising an eye brow. Rota nodded and held up his sword.)
Rota: Long ago, a small group of pure hearted Saiyans questioned the evil committed by their race. And aside of the legendary form known as a Super Saiyan, they have discovered that the Saiyans have lights that can evolve into pure lights and as such they can forge swords made as a part of one's heart and soul known as Kiblades. This Kiblade of mine has the power to be the blade of evil's bane and it choose me. Its name is the Flame Sky. And I have been using this Kiblade in saving multiple universes from evil forces such as Vegeaku, Maker of Darkness and other villains and madmen that seeks multiversal conquest. (Rota said. Some of the Leaguers find it odd that a sword that is made of a person's heart and soul would require a name, but didn't push it. Although they were amazed that this young man here has been saving other universes since he was twelve years old. Rota continued.)
Rota: To make this story short, in time evil again took root on Planet Vegeta, but the descendants of that Saiyan clan never succumb to darkness. Especially when a tyrant annexed my race. I'm one of those descendants along with my friends. That's the short and long versions of my story so far. (Rota finished. The League were surprised even more when he explained a big portion of his backstory.)
Diana Prince: And you've had this weapon for seven years? (Diana asked. Rota frowned.)
Rota: Look, how about we go over my history after we sneak out of the city that is currently occupied by bird-like aliens. Besides I gotta change my attire a bit since they have seen my combat armor. (Rota suggested. Batman nodded in agreement before stepping forward and removing his cowl, revealing black hair and piercing blue eyes. Rota paused, recognizing the look in those eyes. They reflected the pain that Rota himself now felt. The pain of losing your whole life in an instant.)
Bruce Wayne: I'm Bruce Wayne. Flash is Wally West. Superman is Clark Kent. Green Lantern is John Stewart. And you know Diana and J'onn. (The billionaire explained. Rota glanced over at Flash and smirked.)
Rota: Really? Wally? (Rota retorted. Flash sighed.)
Flash: Shut up. (Flash replied as he took off his cowl, revealing red hair and green eyes.)
[Metropolis: Street Level, Delaware]
(A few minutes later, every member of the Justice League was dressed up as normal civilians, with Superman wearing a blue business suit and glasses, Diana wearing a long sleeve blue shirt and jeans while tying up her hair in a long ponytail, Green Lantern with a skull cap, brown hoodie, blue t-shirt and brown pants, Batman wearing a leather jacket along with grey pants and a turtleneck, and Flash going with dark jeans, white t-shirt and a brown jacket. Rota simply stuck with his normal attire but without the armor and boots as he replaced them with a pair of normal fingerless gloves, brown shoes in a similar style of boots, navy baggy pants, and had his tail wrapped around his waist, disguising it as a furry belt. Rota puts away his Saiyan armor in a special Saiyan technology storage item similar to a capsule. They were now standing outside in the alley that they had come through previously, Bruce poking his head out to see if the coast is clear. Rota senses for any ki of the Thanagarians coming their ways, but so far none were there.)
John Stewart: We need to split up. They expect seven of us. Who takes the kid? (John said. Rota gave the powerless Green Lantern a death-glare as Bruce spoke up. The Dark Knight looked over the group.)
Bruce Wayne: We need to get to Gotham City. We can regroup at my house there. Try not to draw attention to yourselves. (Batman said. Then he moves to Diana and Rota.)
Bruce Wayne: I'll take Diana and Rota. We can pose as a family out on the town. (Bruce finished. Then they began to walk away, the young Saiyan hero and Amazon princess following his lead. However, the billionaire felt a sudden chill as Rota walked alongside him, an empty gaze facing forward as the teen spoke in a cold voice.)
Rota: Okay I know I'm new to this planet, and I'll pretend we're a family if I have to. But I am not calling you "dad." Despite the fact I never had a dad growing up. I don't even have any memories of my early life, except for my mom, sister and my friends. (Rota said sadly. The Dark Knight glanced over at Diana with a raised eyebrow. She shook her head, warning Bruce not to dig any deeper. She could still feel the despair and rage flowing from the young man, so much so that it was almost painful. Then she realized something speechless. He was fully prepared to turn that pain and fury on the Thanagarians, and he had the power to act on those feelings. However, what she later found out is that there is a light filled with purity and courage. What she didn't understand was that within his vital force was his ordinary aura turning into a golden one. Diana was confused and surprised at the time trying to figure out what it meant.)
[Thanagarian Flagship, Gobi Desert]
(On board the Thanagarian mother ship, Lieutenant Shayera Hol, formerly a member of the Justice League under the alias of Hawkgirl, was at a loss for words from what she was seeing on the video screen. When Hro Talak, Commander of the Thanagarian forces and her soon-to-be husband, had discovered that the League had broken free from their prison ship and caused it to crash in Metropolis, he had been furious. In a rage, he demanded the recovery teams check the security feeds on the ship to find out how they had managed to escape. That was a few hours ago, and Talak had calmed down enough to think out the situation. While a formidable team, the Justice League could not hope to defeat the might of the entire Thanagarian invasion force. They were outgunned, and the Thanagarians knew all their weaknesses, thanks to Shayera's information. Of course, this was before Talak received the images that were now posted on his screen. Images of a mysterious creature that seemed to look like a human but with a monkey-like tail and wielding a strange shape sword. A creature that managed to break the Justice League out of confinement and fight off a legion of Thanagarian soldiers before somewhat putting on a clad of colorful royal-like armor and fired energy blasts, taking down an entire prison ship. Shayera had no idea what this being was, or if it was even from this planet, but she knew that it would make the occupation of Earth a little more difficult.)
Shayera Hol: (If it was able to have such power, what else could it do? How dangerous was it?) (Shayera thought. At the moment, Talak was speaking over a vid-screen with Paran Dul, a female Thanagarian who was in charge of the construction of the shield generator, the one necessary to protect Earth from Gordanian invasion.)
Hro Talak: Be aware that the Justice League has escaped, due to the interference of a strange, primate-like being. Stand ready for an attack. (Talak said.)
Paran Dul [Communication Monitor]: Any attack on this base would be suicide. (Dul boasted, completely unconcerned about a possible strike on the Thanagarian forces or the hyperspace bypass site.)
Hro Talak: Keep me informed of your progress. Let nothing delay you. (The Thanagarian commander ordered.)
Paran Dul [Communication Monitor]: By your command. (Dul replied. The video screen then went blank. However, Shayera was more concerned with a topic mentioned earlier on in the conversation between Talak and Paran.)
Shayera Hol: Humans as slave labor? (Shayera questioned, having overheard Paran mention using humans to "lift and carry as well as any animal." The former Justice League member was concerned.)
Hro Talak: Unfortunate, but necessary. (Talak said. Shayera took note of how little remorse her betrothed showed as he said this before he continued, walking over to a nearby console to check up on a few details.)
Hro Talak: We are on a most unforgiving schedule. We must move as quickly as possible if we want to finish the hyperspace bypass in time. (Hro Talak said. Shayera's eyes widened. This wasn't what Talak told the human race.)
Shayera Hol: Bypass? I thought we were creating a force field for Earth!? (A shocked Shayera asked.)
Hro Talak: That was simply our cover story. (Hro Talak said. Shayera paused as dozens of thoughts raced through her head. But the first and foremost was... but she nearly growled.)
Shayera Hol: When were you going to tell me this? Did you not think you could trust me? (Shayera demanded. A long silence ensued, as both Thanagarian warriors gazed into each other's eyes, neither one willing to back down. In all their time together, Shayera had never felt this angry at Talak, nor did this betrayed.)
Hro Talak: Follow me. (Hro Talak said quietly, snapping Shayera out of her thoughts. The Thanagarian leader began to walk away, and Shayera began to do as he said. After about five minutes of walking and an elevator ride later, the two entered the war room of the ship, were Talak brought her over to a large screen used for battle strategy and tactics.)
Hro Talak: As you are well aware, the Gordanian homeworld has been protected for decades by an impenetrable defensive line. (Hro Talak explained, drawing up an image of the Gordanian home system, with their planet being shown as surrounded by legions of ships and space stations that make a frontal assault a fruitless endeavor.)
Hro Talak: But this chain of hyperspace bypasses will allow the full force of our armada to go around their defenses by jumping behind them, which will let us wage a direct assault on the heart of their empire. (Hro Talak continues. Shayera saw what he meant, and it was strategically brilliant to be sure. But there was something else going on here. Something very bad...)
Hro Talak: Earth is the last link in the chain. And the "key" will be used to unlock the path toward the heart of their planet. Once we finish it, we can finally attack and annihilate the threat of the Gordanians forever. (Hro Talak finished. The former Hawkgirl was beginning to hear a hint of what sounded like victory in Talak's voice. But that wasn't what was bothering her the most. Just as a part of her was enraged that he was using the only spiritual enlighten member of the Thanagarian race who is also a family member of hers. Shayera decided to put that aside temporarily and focus on the hyperspace bypass.)
Shayera Hol: But ripping a hole in hyperspace will destroy this entire planet, and everyone on it!? (Shayera exclaimed shocked.)
Hro Talak: Unfortunately, yes. (Hro Talak said quietly, his voice becoming heavy, revealing how long and how hard he had been fighting this war, and what it will cost him. Thanagarians normally didn't believe in souls, but Talak still felt that he would face eventual retribution for his actions.)
Hro Talak: For Thanagar to live, Earth must die. And to ensure the future for the next generation, the gifted youth must be sacrificed for victory. (Hro Talak declared. Shayera looked shock that Hro plans to use that relative of hers as a weapon to win the war.)
[Gobi Desert]
(Unknown to them, outside of the mother ship was yet another Saiyan was wearing his hoodie to conceal his identity viewing it while currently creating strategies to infiltrate and stopping the Thanagarian Empire from destroying Earth. However along with his super strength, super speed and many abilities, two of which were hyper intellect and hyper hearing even at distances from the flagship to hear everything that Talak said about their plans.)
Gouzen: (Using the innocent in the humans as slave labor and sacrificing a gifted innocent of your own people to kill your enemies. Hro Talak, you are the most delusional and ruthless man I have ever lay eyes on.) (The Saiyan thought. Then he left from the sight of the Thanagarian ship.)
[Unknown Location, Gobi Desert]
(Inside a supposed remote cavern, a gentle cloak wearing Saiyan moved with no Thanagarians tracking or locating him as he turns a wheel-like boulder that revealed an entrance. Once he got inside, he closed the entrance to a secret base with a group of other Saiyans; three female Saiyan were awake while four more Saiyans were asleep for some reason. The gentle giant Saiyan removed his hood to show his long brown hair tied in a ponytail, closed eye opening to reveal onyx eyes with pure good intentions and child-like wonder.)
Gouzen: Yo! I'm back, my friends! (Gouzen greets. The female Saiyans shushed him gently to remind him to keep his voice quiet. Gouzen gesture to them that he will remain quietly for now.)
Enoko: Gouzen, were you seen? (A light skin Saiyan with long brown hair and eyes said. Gouzen shook his head. The other two Saiyan girls sighed in relief.)
Gouzen: Nope, but I managed to catch on what their plans are for this world and that we're on the Planet Earth. (Gouzen said, with the Saiyan girls nodding in agreement. Of course, they already knew that they are currently on the Planet Earth, but weren't in their universe anymore. During their time as members of the Saiyans of Light, their mentors explain that their universe is one of many worlds or parallel universes that co-exist with theirs. Still Gouzen explains to them about the Thanagarians' plan to create a hyperspace bypass, which would allow them to destroy the tyranny of the Gordanians, but it would mean the end of the Earth and the human race too. The Saiyans currently awake were outraged by this.)
Soko: Those bird brain brutes! Don't they know that completing this bypass would mean the extinction of all life on Earth? (The fair pale skin Saiyan girl, who's seventeen years old, with black hair and eyes said. Another young Saiyan woman, who was at the age of eighteen and similar physical appearance of black hair and eyes, turn to her.)
Lonma: Peace, Soko! We shouldn't let them get to us in both mind and spirit! (Lonma said while looking stern at her to remain quiet so that they will not be compromised. Lonma turns to Gouzen with a calm and serious expression.)
Lonma: Gouzen, have you located Rota, Daiku, Kuzuo, or…? (Gouzen looked a bit troubled, but chose to answer them.)
Gouzen: I have located Rota and Daiku. They're far west in a large land in separate locations. Rota's travelling and aiding a group of brightly color costume heroes and Daiku. He's in a city where corruption and dishonesty laid upon the disasters of the weak and the innocent. (Gouzen stated. After Gouzen was finished, Lonma, Soko and Enoko knew what that means to the descriptions of what he made it out.)
Soko: It seems Daiku's in this city known as Gotham. (Soko said. During their time getting this cavern as a secret base, they were reviewing some knowledge and facts about the cities and countries on this planet.)
Lonma: While Rota is travelling with a few members of the Justice League, we've heard so much. I presume they'll be heading for Gotham to a rendezvous point to plan a counter attack. (Lonma said, sure of what the League and Rota will be planning to do. Suddenly the four Saiyans sense a single Thanagarian leaving the flagship without a group of soldiers accompanying her.)
Gouzen: Who's that? (Gouzen asked confused, not entirely sure who she is, or why she was heading to a location by herself.)
Soko: Don't know, but it can't be good! (Kiga said, then she turns to Gouzen for more intel.)
Soko: What about Zushi and Shika? (Soko asked. Gouzen looked a bit down with a frown.)
Gouzen: I sensed them in the Midwest, but they have suppressed their ki before I could reach out to them. I presume that they will be distracting the Thanagarians by battling the soldiers to reel in more to buy us enough time to stop them. The same is said for the other Saiyans that left the island and are currently engaging Thanagarian-occupied cities. They're doing this because that is what their hearts commands them to do. (Gouzen said. Gouzen theorize as he has known his friends/family enough to what capabilities and motives they had to protect innocent lives and to defend the weak. The Saiyan girls knew of that as they have made up their minds.)
Lonma: Then it's settled. Gouzen, you and I will head to this land they call the United States of America, head to Gotham and locate Rota to assist the Justice League and cause as much trouble on the Thanagarians long enough for us to thwart their plans. Gouzen, meet up with Rota and give the League some of your hyper intelligent analysis to find a way to destroy the bypass. (Lonma ordered. Gouzen nodded in agreement. Lonma turn to the other Saiyan girls.)
Lonma: Soko and Enoko, as much as I want you two to help us out, I need you two to stay put and watch over the others sleeping. (Lonma gesture to them the still sleeping Saiyans who can't take part in this battle for Earth.)
Lonma: When they wake up, I want them to see the sight of this planet that will become our new home without the extinction of the other kinds that already reside here, protected and saved from destruction. (Lonma finished with the others nodding in agreements. Once outside of the cavern both Gouzen and Lonma pressed a button on their belt, activating the same lights engulfing them into their armors like Rota. They converted their Kiblades into hover bikes as well, riding on them as they ride off to America and to where the Saiyans will be heading without being detected or spotted.)
[Dakota City: Street Level]
(At the city of Dakota City, several Thanagarians were either laying on the ground completely shocked literally or tied up in powerful metallic ropes. Flying on an aluminum foil disk was Static, Dakota's Number One Superhero, as he fires some electric attacks at Thanagarian soldiers coming at him from left to right. Besides Static is his best friend and crime fighting partner Gear, who has a super level of intelligence and fights crime with gadgets and equipment made by him. Gear throw a Zap Cap which release a powerful knock out gas as several Thanagarian soldiers cover their mouths. Thanagarian soldier coughs repeatedly. Static and Gear lands down to the ground, panting after defeating several dozens of Thanagarians.)
Static: Dang! I never had… to fight that… much bad guys in one night. (Static said, while panting in exhaustion.)
Gear: Yeah, I'm just glad we managed to beat these guys before I ran out of gadgets. (Gear said. Gear then had a serious expression on his face.)
Gear: Say Verge, you remember that announcement those Thanagarians said. (Gear exclaimed.)
Static: About the Justice League escaping with help? (Static replied. Gear nodded.)
Gear: Yeah. Do you think Hawkgirl must've secretly disguised herself and freed the League because...
Static: No! (An angry expressed Static remarked. Gear frowns after he saw the look on Static's face.)
Gear: Let me guess, you're still upset that Hawkgirl betrayed her teammates. (Gear guessed. Static didn't say or did anything, but it seems that the angry look on his face said it all. Gear sighed.)
Gear: Look Verge. Hawkgirl surprised us all. You shouldn't blame yourself. (Gear said, reassuring Static.)
Static: I don't Ritch. And I don't blame Green Lantern either, I'm still surprised that he and Hawkgirl were a couple. I mean, part of me wants to blame Hawkgirl, but… for some reason I think she might've been duped as well. (Static answered.)
Gear: What makes you say that? (Gear asked. Then further conversations were paused upon the sound of laser beams being made. A regiment of Thanagarian soldiers appears.)
Thanagarian Commander: You both are under arrest for the disturbance of the peace, assault on military personnel and enabling violators of our martial law. Punishable by death. Any last words? (The Thanagarian commander stated. While Static and Gear were shocked that more Thanagarian soldiers appeared, they were even more shocked that they were gonna be killed by them as they were closed to being drain. Gear pants.)
Gear: (Damn it! Just our luck. Virgil is almost drain of power and I'm almost out of gear. How am I going to get us out of this? What "can" I do?) (Gear thought. A laser unit of Thanagarians came and aim their laser cannons toward the exhausted heroes.)
Static: (No! I can't die. I don't wanna die and make pops and Sharon cry again from losing another family member. But what can I do? I… I wanna fight. I wanna fight! I WANNA FIGHT AND WIN!) (A snarling Static thought. Slowly the cannons were fired, and the laser beams lands a hit, causing a smoke of debris. Some of the citizens of Dakota City were shocked to see their city's heroes killed so easily by the Thanagarians. The Thanagarian commander turns to the crowd.)
Thanagarian Commander: Do you see that? That is what happens to violators of our martial law who dare to oppose us and disrupt the peace of our occupation of Earth. (The Thanagarian commander shouted. The Dakota civilians were shocked and frightful of their situations. However, a pink ki beam pierce through the commander's chest, much to his shock. The Thanagarian commander and his soldiers were shocked by this revelation.)
Shika: What's wrong, oppressors? Thought you had this planet under your boot due to your false offer to help would go smoothly and by stomping any true heroes who protect this world. (A voice said. The Thanagarians turn to see silhouettes at the smoke that was created by them. Once the smoke clears out, it revealed not only Static and Gear alive but two new figures in front of them. The first one was a beautiful Saiyan woman of twenty-two years, wearing a full body red armor, with the helmet having a visor covering the face to protect her identity and carrying a scarlet and brown bladed sword. And the other one was another equally beautiful Saiyan woman of twenty-two, wearing a white, grey and gold full body armor and with her helmet in the shape of a dragon and having a visor to conceal her identity and carrying a similar Kiblade, but with its design being white, purple outlines and jet-black blade. The Thanagarian soldiers were muttering in shock and disbelief.)
Thanagarian Soldier #1: What's going on? (A Thanagarian soldier said.)
Thanagarian Soldier #2: Who are those two!? (Another said.)
Thanagarian Soldier #3: Wait a minute! The violators!? They're still alive! (Another soldier shouted. Ki was glowing around a Kiblade, the white armored Saiyan steps forward. Not wanting to be fearful of these strange new aliens, a Thanagarian soldier roars and charges at the white armored Saiyan. However, the white clad Saiyan vanished/dodges, with the soldier landing rough on the ground. Another Thanagarian soldier charges in and fires an energy beam, but the white clad Saiyan uses her free hand and redirects the beam toward the sky. The Thanagarian soldier gasped in shock. The Saiyan woman charged and elbowed the Thanagarian out in one hit. The Thanagarian soldier's unconscious body fell to the ground, with the rest of the Thanagarian soldiers looking shocked by this.)
Zushi I shall say this once. I don't want to truly resolve this with violence so leave this planet and its people alone. If not, I will have no other choice but to fight each and every last one of you out with the full might that I possess. Even to the DEATH! (The white clad Saiyan warned. The Thanagarian commander saw the decrease of his men's morale. He raised his staff as he got ready to charge, he hears a voice from one of his men.)
Thanagarian Private: Look, are those tails? (The Thanagarian commander rose a brow but upon turning, he had widened his eyes upon seeing the armor covered monkey-like tails.)
Thanagarian Private #2: Commander, these two violators have tails!? From what we gathered from main command is that the intruder who freed the Justice League also possess a simian-like tail as well. You don't suppose-
Thanagarian Commander: Silence! I don't care if there are some similarities or connections with these aliens. They are violators all the same! There're only four violators! CRUSH THEM! (The Thanagarian soldiers roars and charges in on the four heroes. The red clad Saiyan steps forth.)
Shika: My turn! Have a taste of my Lava Geyser Attack! (The red clad Saiyan slammed her hands on the ground as a set of land torrents moved toward the Thanagarians. Seeing this, the Thanagarian soldier took to the sky, smirking in victory until, the torrents unleash powerful pillars of lava. As it came to them by surprise, The Thanagarians yelled in shock as they were engulfed in lava. The citizens, and even Static and Gear were amazed by the two Saiyans' power and tactics. The red clad Saiyan turn to see Static and Gear with her comrade. Then she nods to her and the white clad Saiyan creates a yellow ki sphere, much to the Dakota Duo's surprise. Once she sent one each for Static and Gear, they got into a defensive stance but instead of feeling pain, they felt… energized and all better.)
Static: Gear? (Static asked. Gear turns to his robot, Backpack, who was scanning on him and Static but couldn't identify the energy source.)
Gear: Backpack doesn't detect anything wrong with us, but at the same time can't identify this… this sudden source of newfound energy that we have gain. (Gear stated.)
Shika It's called ki. (The red-clad Saiyan said. Static and Gear turns to the Saiyan woman who said it. While the lava geysers were still active, the red clad Saiyan approached Static and Gear. Next, she offers Static a hand, slowly Static accepted the offered hand and got up on his feet. The white clad Saiyan did the same, but with Gear. Seeing this given trust, the red clad Saiyan removed her helmet. The Dakota duo widen their eyes in astonishment upon seeing the red clad alien, who is indeed a woman, with a beautiful face, purple eyes, long red spiky hair and peach skin.)
Kai: Greetings, heroes of Earth! I am Kai, but my real name is Shika. (Kai said, introducing herself. The white clad Saiyan then took off her helmet, revealing an equally, Asian-like, face with long black hair, a bang that covers her right eye, cool and silent black eyes and pale skin.)
Echigo: My name is Zushi but call me Echigo. I know that there are some questions in your mind about who we are entirely but seeing as how long the Lava Geysers can continue going, let's cut this short. We are Saiyans from the Planet Vegeta, from another universe. (Echigo said.)
Static: No way. (Static said to Gear. They were both surprised to learn that these armor-clad women were aliens with tails and from another universe no less. The Lava Geysers ended as the burnt Thanagarians opened their eyes with vengeful intentions in their minds. Kai walks forth in front of the group after putting on her helmet.)
Kai: We'll give you all the details some other time, but only after we have defeated these Thanagarians. (Kai declared. Now fully energized and motivated, Static smirked proudly as he channels out his electricity, Echigo putting on her helmet and getting into fighting stances and Gear getting into fighting stances.)
Static: Yeah, just because you saved us doesn't mean that we'll be sitting this one out. I got a job to do and that's to beat these birds out of my city. (Static said. Echigo hums eagerly in her helmet.)
Echigo: In that case, I look forward outmatching you in this battle as I am a powerful and proud Saiyan warrior. I fear no death nor war before me and greet it with my courage and might! The only way to greet war… is with war! (Echigo declared while raising her blade in the air. Gear groans softly.)
Gear: Normally I get enough of that in class and from Static here. (Gear said. Echigo simply ignores him and charges in with Static on his disk and Kai who flew as well. Once gone, Gear smiles with his arms crossed.)
Gear: Still that was a good speech. (Gear said before activating his jet boots and following his teammates into battle against the Thanagarians.)
[Metropolis: Street Level]
(As Rota, Bruce and Diana made their way out of Metropolis, the billionaire and princess each took the time to think about Rota. Bruce was thinking about the ramifications that Rota's power might have on the world, while Diana was more concerned with Rota's state of mind. She wanted to ease the young man's pain; maybe she could get him to talk about himself a little more. At the very least, she would learn a little more about him.)
Diana Prince: Rota? (The brunette hair Saiyan teen looked up at the princess, the same neutral expression on his face.)
Rota: Yeah? (Rota responded calmly.)
Diana Prince: I was wondering if you could tell me a little more of your powers. (Diana glanced at Bruce.)
Diana Prince: It might help us fight alongside you better. (Rota shrugged. He didn't see the harm in telling the League his capabilities. It wasn't like he planned on starting his own superhero career after this mission since he plans to search for his friends.)
Rota: Super strength, super speed, flight, ki manipulation, near-invulnerability, transformations, elemental powers such as fire, including light & darkness depending on the heart of that said person, Zenkai, barrier, energy absorbing and redirecting; the list goes on. (Rota exclaimed. Rota gave a small smile as he started to gain a good mood.)
Rota: It's really a question of what powers I don't have or haven't gain yet. (Rota retorted. Both of the older heroes were shocked. If what he said was true, then Rota and his race had more power than the entire League. Rota looked up at Bruce.)
Rota: So, are you the only one without any powers? (Rota asked. That had actually made Rota kind of curious. All of these people were faster or stronger than any human. In fact, two of them weren't human at all. Bruce nodded.)
Bruce Wayne: Is that unusual for you? (Bruce asked calmly. Rota gently shook his head.)
Rota: Nah, I can't tell you how many times I didn't had saved a reserve of power for some reason or another, but still managed to win. Probably half of my victories came down to me having to figure things out on my own, just dumb luck or when I had others saving my hide. Sometimes when you make the stupid choice, it can actually be the smart choice and the right choice. (Rota finished. Bruce was a little impressed. Not many people could so easily admit to being powerless, nor could they admit to only winning by luck. Diana, however, had another question.)
Diana Prince: How is it that we have never heard of you or your kind? Someone of your power should have been seen before, especially if you've been doing this since you were twelve. (Diana asked.)
Rota: Probably because I'm not from this universe. And neither is my race. From what I can tell, there's only a few of us left. (Rota answered. Both Bruce and Diana froze.)
Rota: And before you ask how I know I'm from another universe, there's no Justice League where I come from, no Thanagarian invasion, no Metropolis, and no Gotham City. And this isn't the first time that one of our people ended up in another universe. We've been secretly travelling the multiverse for years. (Rota said. Bruce nodded, then gestured to Diana that they needed to keep moving. They would decide on how to proceed regarding Rota later, provided they survived the Thanagarians.)
[Wayne Manor, Gotham City, New Jersey]
(Bruce, Diana and Rota were the first to arrive at the stately Wayne Manor. Rota had been impressed by the mansion but realize that he didn't want one as he prefer a home fill with relax peace and joy than an enormous series of echoes. However, he did pause for a bit, as he felt some recognition of this mansion to a distant past in his memory. Diana and Bruce turn to see the expression on their young new friend.)
Diana Prince: What's wrong? (Diana asked, with Rota looking around the mansion on the exterior.)
Rota: You know, seeing this house. I can't help but think I've lived in something like it before in my early life, but… it was more of a castle or something, but it wasn't on Planet Vegeta. (Rota answered. Bruce and Diana were surprised to hear that Rota used to live in what they presume to be a castle on a different planet. Bruce decided to reassure the young Saiyan of his troubled thoughts.)
Bruce Wayne: There'll be more time to explore your hidden past for later. When the Earth isn't under threat of an invasion. (Bruce said. Diana decided to help comfort the young man with words while they were climbing on the steps with Bruce leading them.)
Diana Prince: Don't worry, Rota. Bruce may not look like it, but he does care about others. (Diana said as Rota kindly nodded. As they reached the door, it was opened by an older, balding man. Bruce introduced him as Alfred, his butler. Alfred offered them refreshments, which Rota gratefully accepted. He hadn't eaten anything in nearly twenty-four hours. His huge appetite for food was a large shock to Bruce, Alfred and Diana when they saw him eat ten to twenty-five plates of food.)
[Batcave, Wayne Manor]
(After that, Bruce led them to a grandfather clock, which opened up to a tunnel. At the other side was an enormous cavern. A large computer occupied one niche, while a large black car was parked in another area. In yet another spot were several dozen objects, including a twenty-foot penny and a mechanical T-Rex. Other, smaller objects were in glass containers. Bruce had a small smirk on his face as he watched Rota's expression go from emotionless and neutral to astonished and interested. Bruce put on a hand on the young man's shoulder.)
Bruce Wayne: Welcome to the Batcave. (Bruce said kindly. Several hours later, Clark and J'onn made it to the Batcave undetected.)
[Papp Stadium, Star City, Illinois]
(Not many outside this universe know that Star City is the home to a non-superpowered hero known as the Green Arrow. At the city's fame Papp Stadium, the outside entrance was filled with beaten up, unconscious Thanagarians, all of which were caused by non-lethal, yet powerful high-tech green arrows each with customized with different functions. Inside the stadium were still conscious, vigorous Thanagarians searching for the perpetrator. In a corridor, was the "perpetrator," Oliver Queen AKA the Green Arrow. He is a great fit man with light skin and a trimmed blonde hair that is shoulder length, blue eyes covered by his domino black mask, a black robin hood hat, a black and green sleeveless costume, green spandex pants, black boots, black gloves and a green belt with the buckle being GA. Panting and concentrating from the content attacks he had lay on the Thanagarians that overran "his city," Green Arrow managed to refill his quiver with arrows he built and spread in secret locations around Star City.)
Thanagarian Soldier: He got to be here! (A soldier exclaimed.)
Thanagarian Corporal: He has to! Reports stated that most of our forces have been defeated at this spot. He's probably hiding within these corridors. (A corporal answered. Green Arrow glares daggers at the Thanagarian soldiers.)
Thanagarian Soldier #2: Of course, sir. Most of the violators tried to hid themselves from us in corners or the infrastructure but we always find them and punish them to the severe sentences for disturbing. (Another soldier bragged. The rest of the soldiers laughs arrogantly except for a brown hair and green eye tan skin Thanagarian girl, age 19, wearing the standard soldier uniform of the Thanagarian Empire and wearing a Nth Metal spear instead of a mace or high tech lance that fired energy beam, and a shield. Slowly, Green Arrow reel his arrow, aims it the back of the unit commander and just before he could fire and engage in a large brawl…. The Thanagarian girl spotted a silhouette of a long tailed man in a fighting stance and in a tip of his finger ignited a small turned big explosive spark. The Thanagarian girl widen her eyes in shock as she raised up her shield, much to her comrades' confusion)
Thanagarian: What are you doing, Doara? We're still- (Thanagarians screams were filling the corridors as a large explosion started to cover the whole corridor. A gasping Green Arrow saw this and ran as fast as he could and miraculously jumped out to the field and avoid the flammable explosive blast. Luckily, the Thanagarian unit were mostly covered in second degree burns and became unconscious due to the surprise ambush by a third party.)
Thanagarian Soldier #4: Over here! (Green Arrow looked above and saw a large platoon of Thanagarian with surprise and enraged looks at their fallen comrades. The commander of the platoon, Lieutenant Rozka Gerino, was pissed beyond the limit at seeing his men defeated by the hands of a single human.)
Rozka Gerino: It seems the rumors about you, Green Arrow, are somewhat true but overexaggerated. How can one human, one without any powers could defeat a Unit of a 100 Soldiers!? (Rozka questioned. Green Arrow, without any fear, just simply shrugged.)
Green Arrow: You got me? I almost got the one in charge until that huge wave of explosions came out of nowhere. Maybe you should take a raincheck before you all get hurt. (Green Arrow remarked smartly. Having a tick mark, Rozka snarled.)
Rozka Gerino: Men! I want this men captured! DEAD OR ALIVE! (Rozka barked. With that one command, all of the 1,000 Thanagarian infantrymen flew in to engage Green Arrow in battle. Out of nowhere came orange colored crystals from the ground, causing some Thanagarian soldiers to crash unintentionally at the crystal walls. While some Thanagarians were barely able to evade the spikes and walls of the large crystals, Green Arrow was surprised by the person who made those crystals after her got back on her feet. She is a Saiyan girl, age 19, wearing her own silver, orange and red Kiblade armor with the helmet resembling a wild boar and her Kiblade, the Crystal Protector, was in the form of a lavender and white rapier with orange gems in it. Instead of attacking, like GA anticipated, she offered him a helping hand.)
Brinja: Here, Green Arrow. (Brinja offered. Despite the suspicions on the Saiyan girl, Green Arrow decided to trust his guts and accept the hand which got him back on his feet. Some Thanagarian smashed the surrounding crystal to forge some space and flew in for the blow, when suddenly… large waves of sound screams were doing a lot of damages to the Thanagarians who covered their ears in vain. Green Arrow and the Saiyan girl did the same. Inside the flame covered corridors, a Saiyan male, age 21, wearing a yellow and blue Kiblade Armor with a light yellow cape and a fox shaped helmet, wielding his own Kiblade, the Cunning Fox, was looking around at his handy work while ensuring that none of the casualties were fatalities. He reached for the same Thanagarian girl but she made a facial movement, the Saiyan widen his brown eyes and moved away just before Doara got up and swung her spear, almost getting a fatal slash at him. However, what she got was his visor being cracked where his right eye was visible.)
Marowa: I'm surprised that one of you spotted my Instant Explosion Strike. You look young, but you have high keen instincts than the male side of your race. (He praised. Without saying a word, Doara flew in and started swinging her spear at the enemy before her. The Saiyan did the same thing as well but with changing his Kiblade standard sword form into that of a scythe as the clash of a Saiyan and Thanagarian commences! Back in the field, the sound scream continued to inflict hearing frequency damages to the Thanagarian soldiers until it finally stopped, much to everyone's surprise.)
Parani: Hey there, invaders. Was my Sound Wave Scream too much for you to handle. (The confused Thanagarians were gasping at the feminine voice and turn sides until they spotted the source of it. It was a female Saiyan, age 21, wearing a lavender and pink Kiblade armor with her helmet being shaped as an owl having two visors, a light lavender cape, wielding a pink and lavender whip sword Kiblade, named Songbird's Melody. Revolving her Kiblade rapidly, a wave of cloud-elemental ki were generating and surrounding the troops in the air. Rozka gasps.)
Rozka Gerino: Get out of there, men! Quickly before you get caught in their trap-
Parani: Too Late! Raging Cloud Wave Zone! (Parani unleashed a powerful implosion of sound filled with cloud-ki that entrapped the 750 troops, inflicting a lot of damages to knock them out of commission. The troops flew crash on the ground. Not wanting to lose more brave warriors in his platoon to fall, the enraged Rozka flew at the unguarded female Saiyan by the blind spot. Just as he was close to her, an armor foot kicked Rozka by the cheek as it forced him back to the ground until Rozka paused himself from touching the ground and got back midair. The Thanagarian Lieutenant Colonel look at his assailant who is a male Saiyan, age 23, wearing his own navy blue, gold and purple Kiblade armor with a helmet in the shape of a dog, a white Kiblade in the form of a tachi with the guard being a hexagon shape.)
Tozato: Your fight is with me, Lieutenant! I won't allow you or Talak to activate that bypass and destroy the Earth with it! (Tozato barked. Rozka was mildly surprised by the enemy figuring out the Empire's true motive for coming to Earth. However, the thoughts of the billions of Thanagarians on Thanagar and the thousands that had died in battle against the Gordanians, Rozka gripped his clawed hand in frustrations. Unlike most male Thanagarians, he not only believed in souls, but had moral values as a soldier and a man, but in the military, Rozka had to put them aside and begrudgingly did as he was ordered while making sure his men were better trained, but sadly they were no match for these simian-like aliens.)
Rozka Gerino: I'm fully aware of the consequences of completing and activating the hyperspace bypass. Even if we miraculously infiltrate the Gordanians' defense system, we will also directly be causing the destruction of this world. But we've lost so many lives for the ones who are safe back on Thanagar living in relative peace. I will do whatever it takes to keep them SAFE! (Rozka finished after drawing out his Nth Metal Axe. Despite the persistence of his enemy, Tozato nodded, impressed with Rozka's conviction. Tozato removed his helmet, revealing his handsome light skin face with kempt wild purple hair and serious blue eyes.)
Yamashiro: I am Tozato of the Saiyan Race, but once we destroy the bypass and saved the world and her people, I shall take on the name of… Yamashiro. (Tozato, now going by Yamashiro, exclaimed. Rozka rose an eye brow.)
Rozka Gerino: (Saiyan? Wait, isn't that the name of the warrior race…. ) (Rozka paused his thought since he is midst of battle. Still, Rozka was impressed by Yamashiro's bravery, especially after revealing his face to him. Rozka follow Yamashiro's example and removed his red helmet, revealing his handsome light skin face with head length brown hair and sharp pink eyes. Afterwards, they bow to each other in respect and then… charged at full speed. Back to Marowa, he and Doara's battle with such tenacious strength. Even Marowa was impressive with the young Thanagarian's strength and stamina.)
Marowa: (She's holding out well for a new recruit in a powerful empire.) (Marowa thought. Then, he spotted a panting Doara as some parts of her body were shaking. That's when it hit him. Flashback starts. During the early part of their battle during their brawl, Doara managed to strike with enough force that send Marowa's Kiblade behind him a few distance. Doara screeches as she aims for the finisher until… Marowa held on the handle of the spear, much to a gasping Doara's shock. Marowa delivered five four palm attacks on her legs and arms and launched a powerful punch with enough Ki blow in the stomach lunged her to the ground. It was long enough for Marowa to regain his Kiblade. Marowa turns to face his opponent, but as Doara was getting on her feet, she stopped midway as she grunts painfully at her knee. Flashback ends. That's when a serious smirking Marowa came out with a plan. Doara rose a brow in confusion. Marowa rose his Kiblade as it glows a bright light and vanished away. Doara gasped surprised.)
Doara Usegu: How did you do that with your weapon and… how did you put it away. (Doara asked, finally letting her voice be heard. Surprise at first, Marowa was unfazed by it.)
Marowa: So she can finally speaks! And here, I thought not all birds can sing let alone talk. (Marowa retorted. A tick mark appear on Doara's head. However, Marowa got into a fighting stance resembling that of a fox preparing to strike.)
Marowa: In case you're wondering, I just realized I don't need my Kiblade to defeat you. Your body is well trained and have been molded through both land and aerial adaptability endurance I'm guessing. But you lack one thing that could've ensure your people victory over these Gordanians. Something which we Saiyans have been pushing ourselves for generations. (Marowa said all of that and lecturing at the same time.)
Doara Usegu: And what's that? (A confused Doara asked. Before an answer came, Marowa's face turns from joy to serious as a large blue aura burst out of his body, reflected from how big his ki is. Marowa growls loudly as more and more ki was being released as the ground was shaking with pebbles and debris flowing in the air. Doara was shocked upon seeing the power of her enemy was growing a lot simultaneously.)
Doara Usegu: (H-how! Where did he amass this amount of power out of nowhere!? W-was… was he actually concealing his true strength?) (Doara thought. After finishing his power up, Marowa reopened his eyes and instantly… lands the first punch at her head. Following up was a set of five punches and a series of explosive blows via the walls of the corridors AKA Marowa's Explosive Barrage Rush. Somehow, Doara managed to recoil and get into a hand stalemate as neither are losing ground to the other.)
Doara Usegu: Argh! How is it that you have this much power! Not to mention the way you have use explosion as an elemental power… only a few in the universe possess that element as their own. (Doara questioned. After a few revolving turns in the air, Doara managed to gain the upper hand and started a barrage of punches hitting Marowa at his face. The Saiyan and Thanagarian's battle led them out into the stadium field as Doara got Marowa on the ground, catching the attention of Brinja and Green Arrow. Now on top of the Saiyan, Doara resume her assault with each punch as she stared at him.)
Doara Usegu: Why! Is it! That! There! Are! Powerful! People Like You! Here! Instead of Helping! Us Against the Gordanians When We Need It The Most! Too Many People Have Died Fighting Those Monsters! (An emotionally Doara shouted as tears were pouring out of her eyes. Out of nowhere, a flashback shows of a happy Doara with an older woman who resembles her and a black hair Thanagarian man with black wings appeared and vanished.)
Doara Usegu: Those Gordanian monsters took my parents away from me. And they're gone… I.. I just this war to finally end. (Doara stated. After sobbing for a bit with Marowa, Green Arrow, Brinja and even the battling Rozka and Yamashiro watching it and seeing how much the Thanagarian-Gordanian War has done to the Thanagarians, even to the younger generation, tore their hearts apart and made them feel sympatric to their struggling cause. However, Green Arrow and Brinja knew it doesn't except them for their occupation of Earth as Brinja fired a few more crystal volley at fifty troops still in Parani's Sound Wave Implosion. Green Arrow looked at his new Saiyan ally.)
Suo: Don't think of my actions as cruelty, Green Arrow. I understand why they attacked you and the rest of the Earth's forces and the reasons behind it, but they can't correct the wrongs of the opposing forces by committing another. We've been there before and I'll be damned if we repeat it all over again! (A determined Suo stated. Admiring and praising her commitment to save others and defend them in the name of honor, Green Arrow grabbed three arrows, aim them and fired at a dozen of Thanagarians which knocked them out of the air and into the ground. Brinja turns to see Green Arrow nods. Brinja smiles kindly.)
Green Arrow: I'm with ya, all the way through, Miss… huh? (Green Arrow stopped as he forgot to ask his rescuer her name, let along her comrades'.)
Suo: Brinja! Brinja's my Saiyan name or birth name if you will, but I also like the sound of the name… Suo! (Brinja or Suo said, introducing herself. Then, she pointed to her three Saiyan comrades one by one, introducing them to the Emerald Archer.)
Suo: The other female Saiyan in the air using her cloud and sound elemental techniques is Izumo, but her name is actually Parani. The one taking on the ranked Thanagarian is Yamashiro or Tozato to be accurate. And the cunning monkey on the floor with the female officer is Marowa, but he likes the sound of… Dewa! (A confident Suo finished. After what seems to be eternity, a panting Doara stopped.)
Doara Usegu: I'm… I'm sorry it had to be this way. I never wanted this. I never wanted to hurt innocent people regardless of the acts that my fellow Thanagarians have committed. Since arriving here, there were some wars that mankind were feuding each other over, but along with that I saw joy, happiness and a few locations with beautiful, peaceful sceneries. (Doara expressed with a few flashbacks of her time on Earth since the occupation. She smiled and then sighed as a hum was made. A surprise Doara turns to see it came from the supposedly dead Dewa as he turns his face toward her and a craze like smile appeared on his face.)
Dewa: Forgive me for the deception, but the victor of this battle will not be you. ("Dewa" stated. Suddenly, his body was turning orange and white as explosion ki was engulfing him. Doara gasped shockingly.)
Dewa: Because I've already WON! (Those was his last words as he combusted into a large explosion that inflict damages at the flowing Thanagarian. Doara screams painfully. Behind, another flash of orange and white light was radiating which enable to turn her head and saw the real Dewa. Much to her shock, Dewa has charged up a powerful explosion Ki technique in his left arm as orange aura was radiating from it.)
Doara Usegu: What!? But How-
Dewa: Before you got the upper hand on me, I was able to create a ki clone of myself. (Dewa started as a flashback began. During their stalemate hold on each other, Dewa moved his middle and index fingers on his left hand upward, as darkness appeared out of nowhere.)
Dewa (Voice-Over): I knew that you have the keen sight to watch my every move, so had to cast a Shadow Cloak to prevent you from watching my strategy beforehand. Thank Zaiya, that Thanagarians don't have night seeing eyes like nocturnal animals because it was easy for me to spilt a portion of my ki to produce a clone. However, I wasn't expecting the clone to win. I just needed you to deliver enough blows to increase the volume and shock necessary to catch you off guard for this. (Dewa said. After the shadows block Doara's sight from a smirking Dewa, he commences to glow himself as he spilt from himself or rather, he was splitting a great portion of his ki as it molded and took on his form as he vanished away. Once the shadows faded away as Doara gained the upper hand and led to the field. And after a few early scenes, it goes to the one where the clone Dewa turns to show his creepy smile and the self-destruction that happened " Flashback ends. Doara gasps shockingly.)
Dewa: I admit, you are a worthy opponent I've ether faced. I won't kill, but this technique; Blast Punch Rage, will be the finisher to beat you! (Dewa finished seriously. Doara knew it was too late to fly away as she had a little strength left. Just then, upon reaching her, he lunged his Blast Punch Rage at her which result in a powerful burst of explosion ki speeding rapidly at the ground.)
Dewa: Here's the Checkmate! (Dewa exclaimed! Upon reach the ground, a large explosion ki was unleashed rapidly, inflicting a large amount of damages to the screaming Doara. After it finished, Dewa was standing in the ground that had grass but was incinerated and cratered from explosive flames that were still burning while the badly injured Doara was unconscious. Meanwhile, Both Rozka and Yamashiro, having received their fair share of injuries and almost to the brink of exhaustion, were unyielding and still able to fight.)
Rozka Gerino: I'm impressed. This is the first time a foreign being, other than Gordanians, ever fought and still have the strength to combat a Thanagarian. I've seen the elemental powers your comrades have displayed; crystal, cloud and explosion. However, what element do you possess? (Rozka requested. Yamashiro gave a small smile before he closed his eyes and concentrated as the metal substances inside the stadium were moving slowly then rapidly as navy blue magnetic waves were pouring as energy was coming out and directly channeled into Yamashiro. Yamashiro growl quietly. Rozka was shock upon realizing that the Saiyan's element was magnet; evidenced by the magnetic energy being drawn forth and integrated into his being as his Kiblade. Sensing his foe charging up an attack, Rozka concentrated his ki into his Nth Metal axe as electromagnetic energy was sparking as it enlarge to increase the power for their final technique. Both men stared hard at each other, vigilantly and patiently waiting for an opening. A moment later, both Yamashiro and Rozka charged and with a swing from their sword and axe, two waves of magnetic and electric energies were bursting out, trying to aim the upper hand, trying to force back the other while hearing Yamashiro and Rozka roaring fiercely as they were engulf in the light. Destructive sounds were made as the seat section they were at were blown and the two were now at the opposite sides from their original positions. Yamashiro pants heavily while Rozka stared serious at his direction. Blood was pouring out of the diagonal wounds on his right bicep to the upper part of the stomach. Rozka's mouth turned to a smile.)
Rozka Gerino: Yamashiro of Earth. (Rozka spoked. It was revealed… that Rozka's body was spilling more blood on his body than Rozka; meaning that Yamashiro's Magnet Rising Blade was the victor of their battle as his Nth Metal axe broke in half.)
Rozka Gerino: I'm honored to have been defeated by you! Argh! (Rozka finished as he fell to the ground, unconscious. The Saiyans and Green Arrow have won this battle for Star City and Earth.)
[Central City: Street Level, Ohio]
(Central City, home to the Flash, like many were under martial law of the Thanagarians. However, on the streets of the city flames were ablaze. The scene shows a crowd of screaming citizens running in fear, a horde of Thanagarians flying to the location of a rebellion, a couple of Thanagarian warships on fire and destroyed. Along with the sound of punches and kicks striking flesh, there were dozens of Thanagarians unconscious and battered. A Kiblade morphs into a war hammer as the wielder lands his mark on a couple of grunting Thanagarians. The wielder of the Kiblade reveals to be another Saiyan, age 23, with dark brown hair, a short pony tail, brown eyes, light skin, Saiyan tail and a strong, muscular body wearing a hood attached to his black bodysuit, brown arm guards, mauve and white Saiyan armor, and black boots with yellow tips. Just as a squad of Thanagarians managed to strike Topachi, his entire body was wavering; revealing it was merely an Afterimage. The squadron were shocked and confused to where their target had gone to.)
Topachi: Up here! Devil Magma Slam! (Topachi shouted. Topachi hits the ground as the Thanagarians near the ground were hit with the attack as they grunts painfully. At another part of the city, tidal waves were chasing down the flying away Thanagarians until shards of ice were made and hitting them to paused. The one who created the shards and waves is a male Saiyan of 22 years named Hiso. He had pale skin, straight, fine tone built, the Saiyan tail, brown eyes, wearing a right sleeveless black bodysuit, a cyan and blue Saiyan armor with shoulder pads, white gloves and boots, a simple mask to conceal his identity, a tunic apron that looks a bit battle torn and wearing a Kiblade as well. The Saiyan smiled at the handiwork that he has lay on the enemies he defeated just before he notice more approaching. Hiso taps his chin thinking of strategies.)
Hiso: Hmmm….. This seems to be quite the bad odds. (Hiso said so casually.)
[Sky, Central City, Ohio]
(Then a Full Power Energy Volley was fired at the horde of screaming Thanagarians that got directly hit by the attack. Then the one who fired that volley slammed his hands together.)
Zuceto: Tree Blowing Shot! (Zuceto shouted. Out of the fading ki lights turn to green as the wood-ki released piles and piles of leaves. They were directed toward two directions. The first was attacking another Thanagarian warship, whose crew believe that the attack couldn't bring huge damages. How wrong those technicians are. Once the ki-leaves entering into the inside of the warship that's when each and every last one of them exploded, evident by the explosion blows happening on the outside of the ship. After a couple of explosions erupted, the warship was slowly falling off the sky toward a populated area of Central City until Hiso summons forth a whirlpool of water to appear and catch the warship. As the Thanagarians were drowning inside the whirlpool, unable to breathe underwater, Hiso closed his hand and instantly freezes the whirlpool, trapping the Thanagarians in a large block of ice without letting any of the astonished civilians to be caught in the crossfire, or cross water to be accurate. Then Zuceto, a male Saiyan, 22 years old, with black hair, brown eyes, handsome and clean as a scholar, fair skin and the Saiyan tail. He wore a sleeved black bodysuit, orange and white Saiyan armor with waist guards, orange arm guards and boots, a glasses-like orange Scouter and a mouth mask to conceal his identity. He also wields a Kiblade as well as its design were orange with the main blade being light orange, the additional blade in cool gray color, the guard in the shape of a pair of wings and the hilt being a shade of green.)
Zuceto: You were right, Hiso. It was bad odds…. For them anyway. (A confident Zuceto commented.)
[Central City: Skyscraper Level, Ohio]
(Zuceto flew down to the same top floor building where a cross armed Hiso was. Then he turns to Hiso.)
Zuceto: But even if we are outnumbered, we can overcome them through the valor and talents that each of us possess. It's gonna take all of us; both Saiyans and the heroes of this planet to beat them from activating their hyperspace bypass. (Zuceto finished. Along with Topachi who flew up to their location three more Saiyans joined in their conversations as they were also more who survived the destruction of Planet Vegeta. The first Saiyan is male, age 22, and goes by Otato. He had dark skin, neck length white hair, yellow eyes, the Saiyan tail and a muscular tone body with a few scars. He wore a black and red Saiyan armor, a black bodysuit with baggy pants, gold gloves and matching boots, a blood clad headband, a hood to conceal his identity and a black visor Scouter. The second, also male Saiyan, aged 23, and goes by Feaso. He had dark skin, shaggy brown hair with a pair of bangs, straight, fine built body, and the Saiyan tail. He wore a white baggy bodysuit, black and gold Saiyan armor with shoulder pads and waist guards, a high spec-like scouter with a hood to conceal his identity, and brown tipping black boots with shin guards. And the third Saiyan named Menomu, is female, also 23 years old. She has brown hair, lime green eyes, brown skin, an hourglass yet built body and the Saiyan tail. She wears the Saiyan armor with black and mahogany, a black bodysuit with baggy sleeves and pants, mahogany gloves and boots, a brown animal pelt as a cape, a metal mask to conceal her identity, and a mahogany scouter. Like the others that have appears, Hiso, Zuceto, Feaso, Otato, Topachi and Menomu were some of the Saiyans who not only survive the destruction of Planet Vegeta but powerful, battling the Thanagarians during their takeover of Earth. Then, due to their ki sensing ability, the Saiyan group spotted a few Thanagarian soldiers at another rooftop aiming their high tech cannon at them. Despite their snarling, and angry expressions, the Thanagarians were frighten and shocked at not only did their enemies in these Saiyans spotted them, but that they didn't look anywhere close to being worn out. Both groups were staring off in silence for a while until the Thanagarian soldiers shook it off and focus on their aim.)
Thanagarian Corporal: Ready your aim, men! Aim…. (A corporal shouted. The Thanagarians aim their cannons at the unfazed and unmoved Saiyans as their scanner texted aim.)
Thanagarian Corporal: FIRE! (The corporal shouted. The Thanagarians pulled their triggers as a series of energy blasts were fired off as they quickly got to their targets and shot them as an explosion was created from the impact. A loud noise was made as smokes were blowing away in fast paces. While the corporal was staring at the same spot, some of the Thanagarians were smirking proudly and cheering at their seemingly earn victory.)
Thanagarian Private #1: Hah! Take that violators! That's what you get for trying to overcome the Thanagarian Empire! (A private said.)
Thanagarian Private #2: Thank the heavens that we managed to take them down. Those creatures weren't like the inhabitants of this planet. (Another private added.)
Thanagarian Private #3: Yeah, I hear you, comrade. Those monsters may have seem indestructible but it was thanks to our technology and brilliant tactics that we brought an end to this insurrection. (A third private said. The Thanagarian soldiers chuckles arrogantly. A couple of laughs were made, much to the Thanagarians' shock. As the smoke clears, it shows non-battered, unharmed Saiyans at the exact same spot. Zuceto rubs himself off of dust, Hiso smirked at the Thanagarians, while the rest were standing with their arms crossed. Apparently they were the ones who laughed at them. To correct their mistake, six Thanagarians flew and charged right at them. However, Feaso vanished and took down three Thanagarians with sound elemental punches and Menomu fired a double ki waves of blood at the three other Thanagarians whom yelled in pain and fell to the ground. Seeing some of his subordinates beaten and bruised as they fell before his eyes, the corporal growls angrily as he faced them.)
Thanagarian Corporal: Impossible!? How did you all survived the impact of our cannons' blast?! (A snarling corporal demanded. Otato's smirk turns into a serious frown.)
Otato: We could've evaded your attacks with immense speed that we possess at any given time, but we wanted to see the look on your faces once you see the full extent of the invulnerability of us, the Saiyans. (Otato said. Then he let a smirk on his face.)
Otato: And it seems that it worked as some, if not most of your men are now so frighten of us. (Otato finished. Confused at first, the corporal turn and much to his surprise, most of his men were shaking in fear, whimpering at the sight of the impossibly strong Saiyans before them. Gritting his teeth, the corporal grabbed a Nth metal axe and flew, charging toward them, specifically Otato.)
Tanoak Fer: DAMN YOU BUNCH OF SIMINIAN BASTARDS! I WILL KILL YOU ALL OFF THE FACE OF THIS PLANET! I WILL NOT ALLOW ALL THAT THE EMPIRE HAS WORKED SO HARD TO BE DESTROYED BY THE JUSTICE LEAGUE AND A RACE OF PRIMATES! I SWEAR IT ON MY NAME AS TANOAK FER, CORPORAL OF THE THANAGARIAN EMPIRE! NOW DIE, MONKEYS! (Tanoak yelled as he roars in savage rage. Otato positioned his hands in fists as a an rock-elemental ki wave was being charged as Otato was channel a lot of ki into the wave until it was finally ready. Just as the roaring Tanoak got close enough and rose his axe toward Otato, Otato with his serious expression starts to chant.)
Otato: Shishi…. Kyu…. BA! (A widen eye Otato fired his ki blast, which was brown and light red in color. The Shishikyuba was larger in size as it managed to engulf the shocked Tanoak inside, resulting in the screaming Thanagarians to take several amount of damages from the technique as the blast released a lot of power and noises while its light was blinding for both sides, except for Otato, to cover their eyes. After it ended, a near fatal battered Tanoak fell with a couple of privates managing to caught him as they turn toward the Saiyans in shock.)
Otato: So, then… you Thanagarians still wanna fight us? (A smirking Otato implied. His response was that many of the frightful Thanagarians flew up and flies away from the sight of the Saiyans.)
Thanagarian Private: AH! No thanks! (A cowardly private shouted.)
Thanagarian Private #2: Quickly! RETREAT! (A private yelled. Soon all of the fearful screaming Thanagarians, even those who recovered, starts to fly away from them and the entire Central City. In only a couple of seconds, the Thanagarians left Central City. With the city freed from their occupations thanks to the calm, smiling Saiyans such as Hiso, Zuceto and Otato, while Topachi, Feaso and Menomu were smiling at the cheers of the citizens in celebration their victory.)
[Batcave, Wayne Manor, New Jersey]
(After waiting impatiently, the last two members of the League, Flash and Green Lantern, arrived at the manor and were led to the Batcave by Alfred.)
Bruce Wayne: You're late. (A blank starring Bruce said.)
John Stewart: "Good to see you too." (Green Lantern replied sarcastically. Wally noticed the T-Rex.)
Wally West: Hey, that's a giant dinosaur. (Wally exclaimed.)
Alfred Pennyworth: And I thought Batman was the detective. (Alfred said with Rota giggling quietly. Rota decided that he liked the aging butler. As Flash rejoined the group.)
J'onn J'onzz: We were just speculating why the Thanagarians are really here. (J'onn said.)
Clark Kent: Obviously not to protect us. (Clark added.)
Diana Prince: But if the Gordanians aren't anywhere near Earth, why do they need to build that force field? (Diana questioned.)
Bruce Wayne: If it is a force field. (Bruce added.)
Rota: Man. If only Gouzen and Zotara were here to get a look at their technology, maybe one of them could figure it out. (Rota suggested. Then he saw the raised brows of the Leaguers.)
Rota: They're two of the brilliant hyper intelligent Saiyans. (Rota explained while shrugged it off but narrows his face upon sensing a Thanagarian's ki signature in the Batcave.)
Shayera Hol: I can tell you what it is. (A voice said, thus proving that Rota was right. The seven heroes turned in shock to see the traitor, Shayera Hol, emerge from the shadows. Clark pulled off his glasses.)
Clark Kent: You've got a lot of nerve showing up here. (Clark said angrily.)
Diana Prince: We should thank you. It saves us the trouble of hunting you down. (Diana said with animosity. Before anyone else could say more, a bright light appeared and Rota was clad back into his Kiblade armor, jumped over their heads and grabbed the traitorous Leaguer. Shinano had his two wrapped powerful hands around her throat but let go of his left arm.)
Shayera Hol: WAIT!? I didn't come here to fight! (Shayera gasped for air.)
Shayera Hol: I came to help! (Shayera pleaded.)
Wally West: Hawk-people all over the planet? Martial law? I don't think we need any more of your help. (Flash asked sarcastically. Shayera looked at Rota with a pleading look in her eye. Sensing within her mind, he saw a vision of a black hair girl with blue eyes and black wings smiling and being cheerfully happy with a younger version of Shayera. Shinano let go of her throat first, but before he let go completely, he growled to her with a threat.)
[Kiblade Armor] Shinano: Make a wrong move, and I'll rip your wings off and make you eat them. Nevertheless, I promise we'll save your niece. (Shinano replied. Then Shinano let her go. Shayera stared at him for a moment, especially on how he figured out that she has a niece, then turned to the League. The other Leaguers were also surprised to hear that their traitorous teammate has a niece being held captive; while they hated the Thanagarians for invading Earth and hold them prisoners, they chose to never take it out on their species' children.)
Shayera Hol: They're building a hyperspace bypass. When it's active, it'll destroy the planet and everyone on it. (Shayera explained. Then she approached Bruce and handed over what looked like a purple video cassette.)
Shayera Hol: Here. This has all the information on the project. (Shayera said. Bruce simply glared at her.)
Shayera Hol: Believe me; I didn't know the magnitude of Hro's plan. (Shayera said in her defense. Then she looked down in shame. Without taking his eyes off of her, Bruce took the device as he turned away from her.)
Bruce Wayne: We'll check it out and do our best to release your niece from her captivity. There's the door. (Bruce said rudely. Wonder Woman, Flash, Superman and the Martian all walked past without making eye contact with the Thanagarian. Shinano stayed where he was, not trusting the alien to not stab his new friends in the back any more than she already had. Then he blinked in shock.)
[Kiblade Armor] Shinano: (When had I decided that these people were my friends?) (Shinano thought. Now that Shinano sees it, they were all heroes, and they were willing to give their lives if it meant saving someone else, but when did he trust these people enough to call them his friends? Maybe he was just reaching out for friends after his loss of his home and his search for his remaining ones. Shinano was so lost in thought that he didn't notice Shayera and John talking to each other. Before Shayera left the Batcave, she handed John a green ring. When she was gone, Shinano returned to normal.)
Shinano: She didn't propose to you, did she? (Shinano asked. John shot him a mild glare, then slipped the ring onto his right hand. A green glow surrounded his body, and then he began to levitate off the ground.)
Shinano: Okay, that's pretty cool. (Shinano admitted. The two heroes joined the others, who were watching a simulation of the effects of the hyperspace bypass. This may not be his home planet nor his universe, but Shinano is ready to protect it with his life.)
[LL Fashion Building, Metropolis, Delaware]
(At a fashion design building of Metropolis, inside an office was a beautiful woman with crimson red long hair and green eyes wearing a white sleeveless collar shirt and black skirt that reaches to the knees, who was currently being interrogated by Thanagarian soldiers.)
Lana Lang: Would you mind telling me why I'm being interrogated for? (Lana Lang demanded. She is a world-famous fashion designer and at one time a girlfriend of Clark Kent, AKA Superman.)
Thanagarian Soldier: From what we have gathered from our collected information is that you and Superman have an affiliation with each other. We've come to search the area if he or the Justice League are hiding in the building. (A Thanagarian soldier said to an irritated Lana. Just because she and the whole world were under martial law, it doesn't mean that the Thanagarian should be given the right to invade the personal privacy of others. Unknown to them a pink portal of time was appearing out of nowhere as a little four year old Saiyan girl with pink hair and red eyes wearing a kimono-like shirt with a hoodie attach, black pants and white boots coming out of the portal. Once she saw the Thanagarians removing any decorates and furniture while the leader of the squad restrained the struggling Lana, She was shock as she had a flashback of a Saiyan woman corpse laying on the ground with a couple of Frieza Force in silhouette forms smiling sinisterly. After it was done, the little girl powered up with enough energy as she shot a ki blast at the leader's face. The Thanagarian squad leader screams in pain.)
Shoko: HEY! Stop this, right NOW! You have no right to do this! (Shoko shouted, surprising Lana and the soldiers in the room. The squad leader pulled it together as he saw two of his men taken down by the mysterious girl but was more shock to see that she has a tail.)
Thanagarian Soldier 1: Sir, that child has a tail?
Thanagarian Soldier 2: It's obvious that she's not from Earth!
Thanagarian Leader: Anyone aiding the Justice League or are affiliated with the ape-like creature are to be killed as examples. DESTROY HER! (The squad leader shouted/ordered his men. As Shoko beat up another soldier, another managed to elbow her, rendering her down as they hold the Saiyan child down. The squad leader grabbed a blaster as he prepares to shoot the child. Lana looked shock at the ruthless ways the Thanagarians would treat children.)
Lana Lang: LEAVE HER ALONE! (Lana shouted, trying to defend the Saiyan girl.)
Thanagarian Leader: Quiet, human. We'll get back to you once we've dispose of this pest. (Thanagarian shouted roughly. Despite meeting her for the first time, Lana was worried for the little alien girl as they both closed their eyes as the inevitable has come. After the squad leader pulled the trigger, a powerful energy blast was fired, and at the same time another Saiyan warrior came out of the now vanished portal. After the blast died down, the Thanagarian soldiers were shock to see that their blast didn't hit the child, but it was block and absorbed by a male adult Saiyan, clad in red Kiblade armor with the helmet resembling the head of a fox.)
Sengin: Now, who was it that dare to try shooting my child! (Sengin said darkly. Shoko smiles at the sight of her armor-clad father and so did Lana, a little surprised to see another alien and a bit proud to know that he was the father of the little girl who came to rescue them both. Just before the squad leader could pull the trigger on his blaster, the Saiyan charged up a lot of power into his clenched fist as it carried a sudden appearing Kiblade of his and made an instant direct hit at the squad leader that SENT him away to a few distances from the building in the air. Then the squad leader was engulfing in an explosion of scorching flames. Out of the dust came the still burning Thanagarian squad leader shouting in pain and agony, literally on fire. The squad leader desperately rolls around to extinguish the flames on him. The rest of the Thanagarian soldiers looked shock at their squad leader's defeat and soon there brutally beaten to pulps. Lana was surprised to see how powerful this alien man is and yet so gentle when picks up his daughter, who ran joyfully to be reunited with him.)
Shoko: Daddy! (Shoko said joyfully. She happily hugs her father while he was holding her. Lana smiles as she was touched by this father-daughter moment. Then she turn her attention to Lana.)
Shoko: Daddy, she's the woman who was gonna get hurt by those bird men, but I step in to save her. (Following the direction his daughter was pointing to Lana. Sengin turn to face Lana and asked.)
Sengin: Is this true? (Sengin asked. Strangely enough, Lana nodded calmly. After putting Shoko down, slowly the Saiyan Kiblade wielder reach to hold his helmet. He paused for a moment with a confused Lana raising a brow, who thought that he didn't know if he should trust her with his identity. Then, he removed his helmet, revealing that he had spiky long equal crimson red hair like her and onyx eyes fill with power, determination and pure of good intentions. Lana smiles at the sight of a kind hearted Saiyan as they were staring at each other, with little Shoko watching it in confusion.)
[Ending 1 – Road to Hope]
Episode 01: Author's Note
There's a reason to why I spilt Starcrossed in half because it was organically a three part episode and the season finale of the Justice League DCAU. Currently I'm doing the Thanagarian Invasion Saga, which is the first part of the Sengoku Guardians Arc as it introduce the surviving members of the Saiyan race. They were a part of a team of pure hearted Saiyans who called themselves "The Saiyans of Light." Also I could barely find any transcripts online regarding the series since my high function autism could memorize a certain patterns of what it originally happened in the story. I'm sorry if I'm disappointing anyone with some self-inserts in this fanfiction but this is as best as I could as I recall that DC Universe has a series of multiverses or alternative universes so I'm not technically the only one who needs to get what he/she is looking for. I'm merely rewriting/retelling the original Justice League DCAU series in a different direction. Technically, I may not seem original, but at least I'm trying, at least I'm trying to make an alternative route. I tried to search for any transcripts online but I could locate any that didn't have a lot of the actions nor have there been anyone with the right minds writing fanfictions that somethings had about Batgirl X OC or Supergirl X OC because they were scared or didn't have the courage to do so. The fanfiction of Incredible Muffin was a re-adaptation of this JLU Ultimate Hero or Unlimited Hero as I'm quickly assuming due to my short-term memory. Need I remind others that I only do this fanfictions out of fun and never for profit nor self-centered arrogance as I'm currently following the JL/JLU series and later on some others due to my view of the world of anime and DC Universes out there? Also this is also have some other elements from the other franchises so it will sorta be an X-over. But they are more inspirations to be accurate.
Also I hope that you don't mind, but I have been sabbling in the timeline and comparing the Dragon World or rather the first 12 Universes' (First Zodiac) Age years to that of the second 12 Universes' (Second Zodiac) years. But how did you like that little Apirl Fools on the years of both universe. From Apirl 1st Age 737 to March 31st 2001, just to be Apirl Fools' Day again! Hahahahaha! But seriously, Since it is 2001 in the DC Universe, it is now the Age 761 which marks the beginning of Dragon Ball Z with the Raditz Saga as its first. And about that second island that vanished with the first one, don't worry all will be explained at a later chapter.
Next time on Sengoku Guardians XYZ Episode 002: Starcrossed! Just you wait, the legendary warrior has reawaken once again in the DC Universe! In fact, seven of them!