Ch 17
"Great work on the cloud camo. But next time, be quiet." Sokka said, as they touched down on earth.
"We're okay, Sokka. There isn't a fire nation soldier for dozens of miles." Wash said, as they walked inside a large cave.
"So this is how you guys are planning to get to the capital?" Wash asked.
"You have a better idea?" Sokka asked.
"Wash is right. We get some clothing to blend in. No-one will notice us." Ursa said.
"Plus, they have real food out there. Who wants to eat bugs?" Toph asked. She hit the wall and several cave-hoppers came out. Momo grabbed one and started to eat it.
"Where i come from, certain bugs are used as a source of protein." Wash said. He picked one of the bugs and proceeded to eat it, much to the disgust of everyone else.
Approaching a nearby laundry, Wash motioned them forward, while looking thru the scope of his DMR. Everyone grabbed all the clothing they could get and headed into a nearby town. Ursa had to pull Aang aside and warn him that any intel he had on the fire nation was outdated. Finding a meat shop, Aang cringed at the sight.
"We're going to a meat shop?" Aang asked.
"Everything eats meat here. Even the meat eat meat." Sokka said, pointing to a large cow-hippo.
"In Soviet Union, meat eats you." Wash said.
As everyone chomped down on the fresh food, no-one noticed that Aang was missing until Wash looked around as they were heading to the cave.
"Where's Aang?" Wash asked.
"Oh no. We have to look for him." Ursa said.
"I wouldn't recommend that. Twinkle toes can handle himself." Toph said.
Heading back to the cave, Wash stayed at the mouth of the cave now holding his sniper rifle. He was content to staying at his post when Ursa called him back.
"Wash, he'll be fine. I doubt the fire nation will find us." Ursa said.
"I hope you're right. It's just that, after being killed by Azula, you'd think he'd be more cautious." Wash said.
Everyone waited until Aang came back.
"Where you followed?" Wash asked, quickly standing up and pulling out his sidearm. He pushed Aang behind him and neared the entrance of the cave.
"No. I wasn't followed." Aang said.
"Where did you go?" Ursa asked.
"I played with some kids after i was enrolled in a fire nation school." Aang said.
"Enrolled in what?!" Sokka asked, suddenly standing up.
"Do you know the first thing about espionage?" Wash asked.
"Uh, not really." Aang said.
"Then what make you think it's a good idea to head into fire nation school? Do you know what they will do to you if you're caught?" Wash asked.
"Wash, i'm learning about the fire nation. I think that's important." Aang said.
"What have you learned so far?" Ursa asked.
"For one thing, i have a picture of fire lord Ozai…" Aang said, brandishing the photo when Wash took it.
"Now I know who to kill." Wash muttered under his breath.
"It's still dangerous." Sokka said.
"I guess we'll never find out about the secret river then. It goes right to the Fire Lord's palace. We were supposed to learn about it in class tomorrow." Aang said.
"Damn it. That is something valuable. Fine. You can go. But please, be careful. I don't want to break you out of a fire nation prison." Wash sternly said.
Excited, Aang left the cave to play with his new friends. Wash could only facepalm himself. Heading to his suit of armor, he looked it over for damage.
"You handled that well." Ursa said.
"Thanks, i guess." Wash said.
The awkward silence continued until Wash sharply responded.
"If you're going to say something, then say it." Wash said.
"Woah, calm down Wash." Ursa said.
"Calm down?" Wash asked, dropping part of the armor.
"That son of a bitch is endangering us by hanging out with fire nation kids." Wash said.
"I know we're in trouble, but it's not that bad." Ursa said.
"I saw him get killed, Ursa. In front of my fucking eyes. God knows what the authorities will do once he's discovered. After tomorrow, we need to leave." he said.
Morning came, and Aang headed to his school while Wash shadowed him with the sniper rifle, until they came close to the town.
"Damn fool." Wash muttered.
"So, is he okay?" Ursa asked.
"Last I saw was him heading into the town. We'll know within a few hours." Wash said.
"Wash, Aang has been to the fire nation a century ago. Though his knowledge is outdated to say the least." Ursa said.
"Still, i can't help but wonder if he gets caught. Then we'll have to fight our way out, assuming we can break out at all." Wash said.
"Is that concern, i hear?" Ursa asked.
"He's the avatar. I think that keeping him safe is a high priority." Wash said.
"Okay, dad." Ursa teased.
"Excuse me?" Wash asked.
"Come on. I've seen how you act around the kids. You care, though you're also keeping yourself distant." Ursa said.
"Right on both accounts. So how are you handling all this? Being back home?" Wash asked.
"I'm not going to lie, it is unnerving. Never thought i'd be back home at all. Except in a body-bag." Ursa bitterly responded.
"I can only imagine how the family reunion will go. After I put a hole in Ozai's head." Wash said.
"I'd rather not think about it. My daughter almost killed me, and Zuzu is working with her. Never thought that would happen." Ursa said.
"Family drama. I've no use for that. Right now, all we can do is wait." Wash said.
The waiting didn't go long as Aang returned with a glum look on his face.
"What happened?" Katara asked.
"I got into trouble at school." Aang said.
"Did they discover who you are?" Wash asked.
"No. My cover is still intact. The headmaster wants to meet with my parents." Aang said.
"Alright. Me and Ursa will go. We're both old enough to be your parents anyway." Wash said.
As the three headed to school, Ursa asked how he got into trouble. Aang explained what happened, prompting Wash to speak up.
"So let me get this straight. You were talking to this Onji girl, and her boyfriend attacks. And you proceed to kick his ass. Nice work." Wash said.
"I thought you'd be mad." Aang said.
"Do not get me wrong. When you just told us what happened, i wanted to beat your worthless skull into the ground until it was paste. But look where we are. Your cover is still working, you kicked a bully's ass and no-one knows who you really are. I'd say that's a win." Wash said.
"Wash." Ursa moaned.
"Just saying, Ursa. If no-one caught onto Aang, than i'd say sneaking to the capital will be much easier than i thought." Wash responded.
"What was your first thought on that?" Ursa asked.
"I never suspected we'd make it this far." Wash bluntly said.
"You know, for acting as my parents, you two really have it down." Aang said, prompting both adults to look at Aang, then each other.
Wash sat opposite of the headmaster, observing his surroundings. With nothing out of the ordinary, he calmed down.
"Welcome, Mr and Mrs…" the headmaster started.
"Lee. Sun Tzu Lee. And this is my wife." Wash said.
"Saphhire Lee. Pleased to meet you." Ursa said.
"Mr and Mrs Lee. Your son has been here for only two days, and has already caused trouble. He's argued with his teachers, disturbed music class, and roughed up my star pupil." the headmaster said.
"That doesn't sound like my Kuzon." Ursa said.
"I'm sure that's what any mother would say. But unless he straightens himself, he'll be sent to remedial school. By which i mean the coal mines. Understand?" he asked.
"Of course, sir. We'll take care of this." Wash said.
Back at the cave, Wash chewed Aang out.
"This charade has gone long enough. We need to leave, now." Wash said.
"Wash, just listen. Those kids at school are the future of the Fire Nation. If we want to change this place for the better, we need to show them a little taste of freedom." Aang said.
"What could you possibly do for a country of depraved little fire monsters?" Sokka asked, not noticing Ursa wincing in response.
"I'm gonna throw them a secret dance party." Aang said.
"You've got to be kidding me." Wash scoffed.
"It'll work." Aang said.
"Have you forgotten that you were killed by that fire nation girl? And i saw that same girl nearly kill Ursa. You think you can get these people to change their indoctrination?" Wash asked.
"Now's the best chance, while they're still young." Aang said.
"You won't be persuaded against this, aren't you?" Wash asked.
"No." Aang said.
"Whatever your plan is, i hope to God it works. Because if not, a lot of people are going to get hurt, maybe die." Wash warned.
Night came, and the cave was turned into a large ballroom. Dozens of kids came, though Wash could tell they were apprehensive about being caught. Aang had to coax them to start dancing, and showed them several dance moves he learned over 100 years ago.
"He's quite the dancer." Ursa said.
"He is. Looks like everyone's getting into the hang of it." Wash said. Everyone was having a good time, dancing and chatting with each other. Wash had to give Aang credit. He never expected Aang to pull this off. Maybe the kid wasn't such an air-head after all.
"Want to dance?" Wash asked.
"What?" Ursa asked.
"No-one has caught onto our true identities. Seems like a good time to relax." Wash said.
"No, no no." Ursa said, as Wash dragged her onto the dance floor. He snapped his fingers and asked the band to play a salsa.
"You never told me you can dance." Ursa said, as Wash guided their movements across the floor. Wash found it surreal. He was an over the edge freelancer dancing with the banished princess of the fire nation.
Wash twirled her around and she stopped in front of a young boy, who blushed upon seeing the beautiful woman. Wash quickly pulled her back, a smirk on his face. A smile adorned his face as he continued with Ursa. Ursa could only relish the moment of happiness she felt with Wash. In fact, this was the happiest she'd ever seen Wash. Since they met, he was always on edge.
"Thanks for the dance." Ursa said, kissing Wash when they finished.
"You're welcome."
Aang and Katara took the floor and gave a show to all who were present. Wash could tell they were very close to each other. It wouldn't surprise him if they practiced dancing in their spare time.
"Who knew twinkle toes could dance?" Toph asked.
Turning his head, Wash saw more people arrive. He got the feeling they weren't friends with the avatar.
"We got company. Get everyone and leave." Wash said, as he headed deeper into the cave. He put on his armor as fast as he could and grabbed his DMR, hoping to avoid a shoot out.
"Wash, we're here." Ursa said, as everyone headed to him. With Aang lifting a barrier of earth to hide themselves, they quickly fled on Appa.
"That was a close one. Aang, how did you manage to bluff the guards?" Wash asked.
"Everyone put on headbands, so they couldn't single him out." Sokka said.
"Smart move. Hide in plain sight." Wash responded.
"Way to go, twinkle toes. I think you really did help those kids, you taught them to be free." Toph said.
"I don't know. It was just a dance party." Aang said.
"Well, that was some dance party, Aang." Katara said, kissing Aang.
As Appa flew into the night, everyone fell asleep onto the saddle while Wash stayed awake. He went over the recent events of their stay. Maybe he was wrong. Maybe Aang could help the people from the fire nation.