Somewhere in Cerulean City, a hidden lab is being used by Pokemon to research humans. The lab was abandoned long ago by the scientists using it who left to places like Goldenrod and Castelia City. This made it available to be used by Pokemon.

A Nine-tails and a Wartortle were looking through their research notes for a conclusion on what they needed. "Is it ready Ray?" the Wartortle asked. "Be patient Shelly, the experiment is almost ready to begin." Ray replied. Shelly looked out the window to see if anyone was there.

"Those humans will pay for taking my family away from me!" Shelly cried. Ray looked at Shelly sympathetically. Ray had known Shelly since she was a Squirtle. Ray took her in and they have lived in the lab since then. "My family disappeared too. That's why we have each other." Ray said.

"It's finished..." Ray said as he closed a book and put a potion on the counter. Shelly beamed with happiness when she saw it. "Now those humans know what it's like to be one of us!" Shelly declared gleefully. Ray smiled as well as the potion bubbled.

Shelly grabbed small syringe and filled it with the potion. "I'll get our first guest with this. See you!" Shelly said as she left the lab. Ray nodded to himself as Shelly left. He had been waiting for an oppritunity like this. "Good luck Shelly my friend." Ray thought to himself.

Shelly left Cerulean City and headed into Mt. Moon. "There has to be a human here somewhere." Shelly thought to herself as she wandered through the cave. It was night time and no one was out. The perfect chance to find someone for Shelly. Eventually, Shelly heard a voice in the distance.

"Is anyone there?! I need help!" a thirteen-year old boy said as he wandered aimlessly through the cave. "Perfect, a human." Shelly grinned and walked up to the boy. Shelly acted as if she was a normal wild Pokemon. The boy noticed her instantly and opened his bag.

"Oh boy! A Wartortle! I'll catch one and hopefully get out of here." the boy took out a Pokeball and sent out a Clefairy. Shelly looked up at the boy and got ready to attack. "Clefairy, use... ARGH!" the boy yelped in pain as Shelly ran up to him and injected him with the potion.

Yellow fur started growing all over his body as he began to shrink. Shelly stepped back and watched what was happening. The boy fell unconscious from the pain and fell over. A yellow tail sprouted out from his butt and his ears moved to the top of his head. His arms and legs dissapeared leaving only paws. The boy had finished turning into a Pichu.

Clefairy looked at Shelly as she released his Pokemon. "You can go now. I've got this." Shelly said. Clefairy ran off into the cave as Shelly picked the boy up and carried him out of Mt. Moon and back to the lab.

Shelly opened the door to the lab and dropped the boy onto the ground. "You found one that quick?!" Ray asked, "Yep! He was lost in Mt. Moon." Shelly replied. Ray instantly felt bad for him. Was doing this to him right? Ray walked over to the boy and picked him up.

Ray placed him in a straw bed and covered him with a blanket. "I want to raise him as my own son." Ray said. Shelly shrugged her shoulders as Ray got in bed with the boy. "Good night!" Shelly said as she got in her bed. They waited for the morning to see how the boy would react.

The boy woke up to see Ray's arm around him. "Hey! Get off me!" Ryan yelled, waking up Ray and Shelly. "What is your name little Pichu?" Ray asked while still holding the boy down. "P-Pichu? Me?" the boy stuttered as he looked at his paws. The boy just shook his head in disbelief as Ray waited for an answer.

"My n-name is L-Lemmy. What's y-your's?" Lemmy stammered, still in disbelief. "My name is Ray, and my friend here is Shelly." Ray said. Lemmy tried pushing Ray off of him and let out some sparks that hurted himself, making him cry in pain.

"It's no use, you belong to us now, we caught you fair and square!" Shelly said. "What!? Let me go! Please, what did I do!?" Lemmy cried. "You were a trainer. You forced Pokemon to battle! Now you have to feel what's like to be us!" Shelly responded angrily.

"Isn't turning me into a Pokemon enough!?" Lemmy asked, "No. Besides, Ray has taken a liking to you. So you can't leave." Shelly said as she looked over to Ray. "Yes, it's true. I want to protect you and raise you as my son." Ray continued for Shelly as Lemmy tried to get a grasp on what was going on.

"Will you change me back?" Lemmy asked. "Why would we do that? In fact you need to get some more sleep." Shelly laughed as she used Yawn. "Hey, you can't leave me like this! Please..." Lemmy softly cried as he fell asleep.

Ray got off of Lemmy and walked over to Shelly. "Will you really raise him?" Shelly asked as she munched on a Sitrus Berry. "Of course not! I'm going to eat him eventually, I just want him to trust us so we can eat him." Ray replied.

Shelly finished eating her berry and looked at Ray curiously, "That seems harsh. The trainers don't eat us, they just enslave them." Shelly noted. Ray nodded at Shelly, "True, we'll just see how our pet behaves." Ray laughed as Lemmy continued to sleep.

This story is a request from someone who submitted a trainer in the URR (Unova Risk Run). After the URR, I'll be writing a Black 3 and White 3 that take place after URR. See you then!