Warrior not in blood

A/N: Slightly AU

Rating M

She was on planet Namek when the incident happened, she had been with Gohan and Krillin when Vegeta arrived in search of the one and only Dragon Balls they had gathered. The young genius was scared she hid behind her friends as another purple skinned alien arrived. She drooled over his hansom face, she had stepped forward at the wrong time during the fight.

Her scram pierced the air making her friends turn and call out her name in horror as she clutched herself and fell to her knees grasping for air.

" Aunt Bulma'" Gohan yelled out

She fell to the floor as Vegeta finished off the alien, Gohan and Krillin saw the scene and looked on frozen in horror. She held her wounds looking to the cave in a panic, Gohan ran to her in shock.

" Auntie Bulma, your OK right? I saw a Namek boy called Dende he healed me… You'll be OK till I'll bring him."

She spat blood as she panicked.

" Gohan go quick.. Take Krillin I'll get to the cave, I brought medical supplies remember… I didn't lose them.. I." Bulma struggled to breath

She looked seeing Vegeta come closer inspecting her with viscous looking eyes, he looked to her friends.

" You two go, if you want her to survive you'll go I can tend to this wound before I challenge Frieza." He demanded

" Right, why would you help our friend?" Krillin asked suspicious

" I made a deal to work with you weaklings till I took that bastard down, I have had wounds almost as bad as this on a battle field I can deal with this" Vegeta yelled frustrated

They two looked at each other as the Saiyan ripped clothing pressing it to the wound and picked her up.

" Go! Even if I tend to, her wound her chances are slim."

The two flew off and Bulma felt herself being moved in a haze she felt herself begin lay on the ground again.

" Where are your medical supplies woman?" The man demanded

" In the house…" She coughed up more blood " there is a case filled with small capsule.. Number 7… click top open away from self."

" Capsules? "

" It's an invention of my father.. Just go." She stuttered

He got up making her hold her own wound, he went into the house, he found it strange that this thing was here, he saw clothes and electrical devices around the house and on a table a case with small capsules in them, he picked up 7 seeing a logo and a name on it. He clicked the top and held it away from himself and in a poof of smoke a first aid kit appeared in his hands, he grunted as he went to the woman and opened up the case to see basics.

He looked through seeing what he needed and held the woman firmly as he threaded a needle.

" Disinfect that needle.. There are anticipated wipes..should be pain killers so this doesn't hurt." Bulma said

" Woman your coughing up blood you can't swallow pain killers, you'll have to put up with this pain." He replied harshly

He wiped the needle now and looked at the woman as he pierced her skin, she screamed out gripping dirt, he was quick in his work having to do this many times to himself on hostel world's alone, he knew her pain she tried not to cry or fidget, but her screams echoed in his ears. She panted and cried out in pain now and then and he wiped the wound down with the anticipated causing her to shift in pain but he pushed her a little to stop her moving.

" Don't move you'll reopen the wound and I've not bandaged you! " He demands roughly

She looked up seeing Vegeta as he lifts her up and bandages her wound tightly. She looked exhausted,white and as he lay her down, she had to try to keep herself awake.

" It hurts so much.. I shouldn't of looked at him, flirted with him… God I'm a fool I even have a boyfriend… he's dead he is one of those lost on Earth when you came.."

He grunted as he sat and wiped his hands down from blood and watched her breath and

talk, he toned her out a little merely observing her.

" Heh so one of those weakling was your mate, it's why you feared me and you should fear me." He replied darkly

Bulma frowned as he made her put her hand to were she'd been shot by her ki.

"I should l… but why help me.. You could of left me to bleed to death taken what you wanted…" Bulma replied curiously

" I have a deal with the weakling till get my wish till Freiza is dead.. till I will be on your side but on my terms, so that means help a useless woman who was to busy fawning over an alien.."

" Shut up… OK I was stupid… I'm just a bit lonely without Yamacha around.. When he is brought back I'll… settle down with him.. Get married at last have a kid like Goku and Chi-Chi."

She closed her eyes to think of her simple pleasant life, but felt her face getting tapped hardish, she opened her eyes.

" Don't sleep, stay awake! Talk all you want but stay awake" He yells out

Bulma's blue eyes opened and she sighed a little.

" I just wanted to dream about me and him together like that... I need something...to keep my hopes up and think about what to do if I survive this mess and… I miss him so much. I know what you wish.. But I need this hope."

She felt him moved her head on something soft and she looked to him intrigued and grateful.

" All I've done is talk about myself.. Your royalty right? Prince of all..Saiyans... I wonder what it was like to live live as a Prince.. I always wanted to meet a prince…"

Vegeta looked at her wound closely.

" Hmm? I didn't live a live of a Prince, I was sold to Frieza as a child, I followed him plotting my way out and now my time is now…"

Bulma looked almost amazed hearing this story about him, she grasped in pain and he went stiff as he noticed her wound was still bleeding out.

" Where are those fools?"

He put presser on her wound again, she breathed in a panic and spat blood that was caught in her chest, she looked out and up, unable to talk now. Her wound was worse then it looked, Vegeta was emotionless as he had seen death so much.

Just as she seemed to be fading, she fought hard and heard a voice call.

" Bulma!" He called out

There was Gohan, Dende, Krillin and surprisingly Goku who kept himself at a distinct when he saw all the blood

" What took you so long? " Vegeta yelled

The green boy put his hands on the woman's wounds and his glowed bright as he began to heal her.

" Sorry, we had to avoid these new foes that arrived, they were called Ginyu Force " Goku said scratching his head looking off.

" What they are here? We have to stop them now they are Freiza most powerful men." Vegeta yelled as he walked away, he heard her breath ease and he went to war.

Goku sat beside Bulma for a moment wiping her face as Dende healed her. Her wound healing, the blood clearing

" You have to stop Freiza he a horrible man, he did bad things.. Men are evil to they did this." She spoke out to her friend

" Bulma I'll protect you and everyone from this evil, sorry I'm late."

" I'm glad you came at all."

He nodded her felt her hand squeeze his and he stood and gathered Gohan and Krillin, Dende was fine staying with Bulma for now.

Events played out death, blood and Freiza vile way of giving Namek 5 seconds before it was gone, Dende made his wish and they were on Earth.

Bulma stood stunned and looked around Goku wasn't with them, Dende has left him to finish the fight, she hoped he would find a way out after all Goku had to survive.

She looked at the Naemkians as she clicked open a capsule to get out out a communication module she had built on Namek out and told her father what he needed to do in order to help them out.

" Don't worry everyone I contacted my father he is bringing our biggest cargo plane to take everyone to my home the capsule corporation it will give you a place to stay while we sort this mess out." Bulma offered cheerful

The Naemkians nodded and there new leader came forward.

" thank you for your hospitality we have plans to sort this out,our dragon balls cane with us and yours will be active again soon right?"

" Yes our guardian is back on Earth now thanks to the wish that was made, I am sure we will be able to help each other here more." Bulma replied grateful

She put her hands behind her back and walked over to Vegeta and smiled.

" You know your more then welcome to stay with us, you saved my life on Namek it's makes sense that offer you something in return, earth has allot to offer you."

" Hmm."

She tilts her head and winks making him blush

" You know in the right light your kind of cute, to bad you can't touch me." She giggled

He blushed and furiously replied.

" As if.. Vulgar woman."

Bulma laughed at his reaction and sat down waiting for her father arrive to take everyone to her house, she looked to the sky.

" Goku please be OK."
