Notes: Hey guys, long time no see! I wrote this really short chapter in response to a tumblr ask I got yesterday. I have another chapter I'm working on that I think is almost done, so hopefully this'll tide you guys over until then. Feels good to be back.
Scourge was never one for hugs. It makes sense, he figures, since he never had any friends or loved ones until recently. But still, it bears repeating: he probably hasn't been hugged since he was a child. No pats on the back, no side hugs or half hugs or anything of the sort. Well, there was that one big group hug after they defeated the Time Eater and sent the kids home, the one where he bawled like a baby, but that was a highly emotional time. He figures it's just a fluke.
But nope. No, he's playing video games with Amy at her place, some co-op thing, and they beat a level they've been stuck on for 45 minutes. Amy freaks out, screams a little, wraps her arms around his chest, and he can feel the shivers run up his spine like a cold front. He has a brief moment of panic–she's hugging me, what is with the butterflies in my stomach, I'm not into her so why does this feel so good–and then it's over, Amy's hands are back on her controller and she's picking the next level.
He lets out a breath that he didn't even realize he was holding and tries to focus back on the game, but he can still feel a tremor in his ribs. It's a while before it passes. He's almost sad that they don't get stuck on a level like that again.
Scourge doesn't know what to think of that hug. Chalks it up to excitement and relief at finally beating that damn game. He manages to forget about it, at least until Sonic pesters him into going to the workshop for a movie night a week later. Tails is curled up in an armchair, Sonic is sitting on the arm of the couch like a weirdo, and Zonic and Scourge are sitting on the couch itself, close to one another so they can easily bring up memes on their phones to silently share.
While Scourge is ignoring the movie (something about dinosaurs) and scrolling through his phone, Zonic leans into him to show him a short video. And it happens again. The world slows down, he feels that contact, and he just. Melts. He doesn't mean to, but he sinks in his seat, leans right back into Zonic, and wonders once again what the fuck is wrong with him. Is he going nuts? He never used to want people to get all touchy-feely with him. First Amy, and now Z? The hell?
"You good?" Zonic asks when Scourge slumps in his seat, completely oblivious to the electricity engulfing Scourge's whole side. The green hedgehog nods.
"Yeah, just–" Scourge starts, and then he clears his throat because dear Chaos that was a hell of a voice crack– "Just gettin' comfy." Ugh, this is embarrassing. He hates when people touch him! Why's he getting all melty?
He sends Zonic a text once they both go back to watching the movie, because he'll be damned if he mentions this out loud. But Chaos, he needs answers.
Scourge: hey dont freak out but like
Scourge: when u started leanin on me just now? it felt… good? and i thought i didnt like people touchin me but
Scourge: idk same thing happened with ames last week, she hugged me and it felt like my body did a loop de loop
Zonic: ? Maybe youre changing your mind abt that stuff
Scourge: maybe? idfk all i know is that i got the shivers. like the good kind. sorry this is probably weird as FUUUUUCK
Zonic: Nah man u just sound touch starved to me
Scourge: ? explain
Zonic: Your body isnt getting enough friendly touch. U know, hugs and stuff
Scourge: thats a thing that can happen? ?
Zonic: Yea
Scourge: no wonder it feels so fuckin nice, ive been goin thru a hug drought
Scourge: cept for u nerds and fiona? i think the last hug i got was from my mom before she croaked
Scourge: like, when i was 7
Zonic: Oh yikes
Zonic: Dont worry man Im on the case. Its leaning time
Just then Zonic leans all the way into Scourge's side, head on shoulder and arm on arm. The weight leaves a warm feeling in Scourge's chest, and he thinks that maybe Zonic has a point. What else would that feeling be, the warmth of friendship? No, that sounds dumb. Way dumber than "touch starved." At least he has something to look up when he goes home later.
Scourge: ty
Scourge: for this. and also for tellin me that this is kinda normal
Zonic: Np, happens to all of us. Chaos knows its happened to me
Zonic: Now shut up, some of us actually care what happens in this movie
Scourge: the dinosaur dies at the end, ive already seen it :P
Zonic gasps. "Asshole!" he cries out, giving Scourge a harsh shove with his elbow. Sonic and Tails look at them, see them both smiling, and don't ask. Once he's done, Zonic leans back into Scourge's side, and Scourge proceeds to melt into a puddle in the corner of the couch.
The movie ends and the dinosaur doesn't even die. Zonic swears vengeance for the cruelty he's been put through at the hands of these lies. Scourge is too busy smiling to care.
Notes: I'm trying to get back into writing again, now that school's over. It's tough since I'm out of practice and trying to find a job (as well as working on other projects) but this was fun to do. Hopefully I'll be able to update again soon :) Don't expect monthly updates again, or long long chapters either-honestly, I just prefer them shorter now. We'll see what happens. Anyway, hope you enjoyed this! Reviews are appreciated, they really mean a lot. Have a lovely weekend, guys :)