She could hear someone in the hall, and was pulled out of whatever sleep she was getting.


Her eyes opened lazily. She vaguely wondered what would be replaced this time.

"Damnit, Hidan." A voice mumbled.

"Hey, fuck you!" The man named hidan bit back. "I didn't fucking do it on purpose." By now she was sitting up in her bed, staring at her door. She pulled her big head phones off her neck and held her breath. Maybe they would pass her room.

"Shit." She mumbled and rolled off the bed, dating to the other side and grabbing some sweatpants and trying to pull them on. "Fuck." She shouted as she fell backwards. She had barely been able to pull them all the way up, but they were up and she was grateful. If she was facing intruders, she was wearing pants. She looked above her and saw a silver headed man grinning down at her wolfishly.

"You hear there are intruders and your priority is fucking pants?" He laughed. She scowled and snapped her leg up and back, kicking him in the face, catching him off guard. He yelled and started to move backwards, but she rolled and grabbed his ankles, pulling him and making him fall with a loud thud. She was up and running to the door when the second man grabbed her and picked her up. Her feet swung out wildly.

"Ack!" She hacked. "Let me go!" She whispered as she struggled. The man put his hand over her mouth and dragged her downstairs. She was afraid. sHe needed to warn her roommates. She kicked the wall as she was dragged down the hall and to the steps. Once downstairs, she was released and tossed onto the couch. She looked around and found there were several people in her house. Her jaw dropped.

"What?" a blonde haired man asked defensilvely. "You've been looking at us like that for ten minutes, yeah." She pointed at them all and just gapped.

"Jo!" Another woman's voice hissed and everyone turned to see a burnette between Kisame and itachi. "We're being robbed by cosplayers." She told her with tears in her eyes. Jo scowled at her.

"You don't think I know that?" She hissed at her friend but rolled her eyes when she sniffed at her. Kisame released the burnette who made a beeline for her friend named Jo. The small woman nearly tackled Jo, clinging to her for dear life. "What do you people want?" Jo asked, glaring at the intruders.

"Where are we?" The one who looked like Pein asked. Jo scowled further.

"You're in fucking Virginia, where else do you think you are?" She hissed.

"Virginia?" The Kisame person asked and turned to his partner. "What country is that in? I've never heard of it."

"The fucking U.S.A. shit for brains." She told him. Then something clicked. "Oh, I get it, you guys are still in character. Nock it off. Just take what you want and leave us alone." Hidan leered at her and stuck his face close to hers.

"What if we fucking want you two." He leered. She glared at him.

"Fucking try it." She challenged.

"Hidan." The pein one called. Hidan looked at him and stepped back.

"We are not acting." He said. "My name is Pein. We are n organization-" Jo cut him off.

"Called the Akatsuki, yeah, no shit." She said and rolled her eyes. Everyone around her looked shocked. She shook her head. "Just stop playing stupid and take shit already."

"We aren't playing stupid." The konan one said, stepping forward. "We've been transported to an unfamiliar place. How can we prove to you that we are not lying?" She asked sincerely. Jo looked at her and thought. She was about to say something when they heard a door creak open. Jo's face paled and the smaller girl whimpered.

"Oh god." Jo mumbled. Kisame made to move towards the stairs but Jo called to him. "Don't move." She whispered. He looked at her confused and they heard shuffling from upstairs. Itachi quirked and eyebrow at the two cowering women. They heard feet padding down the steps softly. All eyes turned on the girl who was practically shuffling. She almost made it to the last couple of steps before she stopped and stared at the group.

The girl had teal hair pulled up into a messy bun and wore a soft lavender shirt that hung off one shoulder and reached her thighs. She stared at each person in the room and they were all silent for about two seconds.

"Nope." She said and turned around before heading up the steps again. Everyone watched her go and Jo snapped her head to a giggling Deidara.

"She could have killed us all." She hissed at him. Hidan snorted.

"Even though we are all murderers?" Pein asked, quirking an eyebrow, "you believe she could defeat us all." The smaller woman nodded vigorously. Pein closed his eyes and sighed. "How can we prove to you we are not lying?" Jo was about to say something but was caught off guard again when the door upstairs slammed open.

"Hold the fuck up!" The woman upstairs shouted and they could hear her storming down the steps. "I fucking tell you no more strangers and you got a fucking gang of them?" The teal haired woman shouted as she stomped down the steps. "The fuck are y'all doing at four in the goddman morning? A fucking orgy?" She shouted as she reached the last floor. Some of the Akatsuki memebers choked while others just stared at her. She glared at them and pointed at them. "Get the fuck out of the house. GO home, I got class tomorrow."

"Lily, they can't leave." Jo told her.

"Oh for fuck's sake." Lily mumbled angrily and smacked her face. "Please don't tell me you fucking totaled my car again." Jo shook her head. Lily looked at her, getting angrier. "You're all wanted for arrest again aren't you."

"Well," Jo started but Lily looked about ready to blow a gasket so she shut up.

"Lily, they're the akastuki." The shorter girl pointed out. Lily was about to bitch at her but the woman spoke up again. "No, really. The real deal." She turned to Hidan. "Do the thing."

"What the fuck are you talking about." Hidan bit at her.

"Cut your head off."

"Hanna!" Lily shouted.

"Do it so she'll shut up and believe you guys." Jo encouraged. Hidan shrugged and pulled out a knife but before he could do anything, Kakuzu shot out a tentacle thing and decapitated Hidan, pissing him off. Lily stood there, traumatized.

"Lily?" Jo asked. Hidan's head rolled and faced Lily.

"fucking happy, bitch?" He shouted. Lily teared up and dropped to the ground. This was such a sudden change of character it startled several people. Hanna stood up.

"Lily, what's wrong?" She asked.

"Why me?" Lily mumbled into her hands. "Why me? I have an exam in four hours and I have the mother fucking Atastuki in my house. Why? Why did you wake me up? Why me?" She whimpered. Jo laughed quietly at her friend and stood. She let Hanna console Lily and looked to Pein.

"You guys look tired." She said. " Why don't we get you guys some food and rest. We can talk seriously later. Nothing you guys can do right now."