School #12, Oregon, 2:30 P.M, Nikolas/Fury.

He was packing when she entered. She was tall, with long black hair and dark eyes that rivaled the void of space. Nikolas had worked with her before, and he knew Shadow was not someone you wanted to mess with. She was the pride of the school, a perfect killing machine. Yes, the school had many amazing assassins and hitmen, but she was one of the few that truly loved her work.

He remembered a time when she was sent out to retrieve some escapees, and she was accompanied by a team of five of the school's best Erasers. She was back the next day, with the bodies of the three escapees and the bodies of the Erasers. Shadow was also a bit crazy.

She walked up to Nikolas, and sat across from him on a chair.

"You're leaving."

"How did you know?"

"I just know. You aren't going to go, they won't let you. And, if you do go I'm going to have to kill you."

"Even after all we've been through? Come with me, we can be free, and happy."

"I am happy. What we had… It was a phase. The School takes care of our problems, and we take care of theirs. How about this. You stay, and I take the mission. That way you never have to see the sister who abandoned you, and things can go back to normal. Or, you can go, and be hunted for the rest of your life."

"A life in a cage is no life at all."

Shadow shrugged and walked away. Nikolas knew she wouldn't tell the scientists he was leaving, because if he didn't stay, she'd enjoy the hunt. He finished stuffing the bag, and slipped out the door, making his way to the exit. He made it there without running into anybody, and blinked as he stepped out.

He walked into the forest, and after a bit let out his iridescent green wings. His dna was spliced with that of an Rufous Hummingbird and a Mountain Lion, giving him the flight patterns and speed of the hummingbird and the strength and feline grace of the mountain lion. A low buzz resounded through the trees as he took off, his wings a blur. He flew over the tops of the trees, enjoying the breeze in his hair. The joy was short lived though, as he failed to notice the wing beats of Shadow behind him. He felt a twinge of pain in his shoulder, and before he fell, he finally noticed the tranquilizer gun in her hands.

The world blurred, and his wings faltered, and then he was falling.

6:00 am

Nikolas woke up, and rubbed his aching head, running his fingers through his messy black hair and over his tawny ears. After he showered he went down to the mess hall, and sat across from Shadow. He wolfed down four bowls of porridge, needing to satiate his hummingbird metabolism. As he walked to his room he rubbed his head again, a headache pounding against the inside of his skull. After a few seconds Shadow caught up to him, and silently accompanied him to his room. She made herself at home on a chair by his small desk, and started talking.

"What do you remember of yesterday?"

"Not much actually, just terminating Experiment Number Four and eating a bland salad. I've had a terrible headache since I woke up."

"Makes sense, yesterday you hit your head pretty hard when we were training."

"I don't remember training."

"Yeah, because you hit your head, and maybe got a minor concussion or something. Hey, we have another mission."

"What is it?

"Some escaped experiments, the usual. I'll get the car ready. Be in the garage in ten minutes"

"See you there. Oh, and Shadow, which ones are these that we're hunting?"

"The annoying twins, numbers twenty-eight and twenty-nine."

"Extermination or retrieval?"

"Dr. Jance wants D.N.A samples but besides that they're our choice."

"Sounds fun."


They had been on the road for half an hour when Nikolas turned on the radio. Shadow turned it off after ten minutes, shooting NIkolas a death glare. He smirked and poked her shoulder, ignoring her snarl.

"Wow, that was a new record. Ten whole minutes, I think it's growing on you. I think i saw a little head bob when that Taylor Swift song was playing."

She growled at him.

"Shut up or i'll drive us off the side of the road. Pretty sure you were the one bobbing your head."

He winced when she punched him in the shoulder, hard enough to bruise.

"Shady, don't you know violence is bad?"

She just looked at him, not getting it. She had never really been one for humor, unless it was the strange jokes she made that no one else got. Nikolas gave up after a second, and turned back to the the road ahead.

A half hour later they had reached the small town, and split up to try to track any mutant scent. Eventually Nikolas stumbled upon a trace of the signature scent of the hybrids, and followed the trail. It lead him to a abandoned house at the edge of town, where he found a cat-eared girl half asleep. He stepped on a creaky board, waking her up.

She screamed and grabbed ahold of the backpack next to her and the kitten that had been sleeping on her chest. In a second they had disappeared, the girl obviously a teleporter. Nikolas informed the school there was another mutant, but they told him to ignore her and focus on the twins. After another hour he met back up with Shadow, who had found nothing. They each got a hotel room, and promptly ignored each other.

3:10 am

It was three in the morning, and Nikolas knew he would not be getting any sleep. He turned on the tv quietly, settling on the first cartoon channel he found. He pulled out a pen and doodled on the hotel notepad that had been placed on his bedside table. As he drew he thought about what Shadow had said earlier.

It had been only a year ago, when she was transferred to his school. Shadow hadn't always been cruel, it used to be a front that she would put up, whilst in reality she was kind. They fell in love easily, like the foolish children they were. He had it all planned out, they were going to escape from that place. Then when they were supposed to meet up she didn't come, only a team of erasers.

Nikolas never found out if she had turned him in or if the School had just found out somehow. He knew now his attempts were futile, the School had twisted her and made her cruel. Nikolas sighed and set the notepad down, and turned the light off. It was useless to dwell on the past.

Ahhhh i'm so sorry for not having updated in like two million years! I had a really rough patch earlier this year and I just lost the will to do anything really. Also i've moved like three times this year and that's been stressful. I'm thinking of rewriting some of my other stories…

Please comment follow and favorite!

-That nerd who is really sorry for never updating