Author's Note:

Here's a new chapter, guys. I can't guarantee that my updates will be as fast as I start a new fic. Trust me, I want to update quickly but I have college and writer's block most of the time. Anyways, enjoy this chapter and tell me what you think might happen next

Until next time ;P

The Great Hall erupted with the gossip of how scandalous the savior had a child before marriage. All types of supposed dormmates could have been the father. "Silence!" Dumbledore said. "Prefects, get all the students to their dorm."

"Minerva, please call Mrs. Potter to my office," Dumbledore ordered. "There are things we must talk about with her."

"Yes, headmaster." Professor McGonagall rushed to the Gryffindor tower.

"Severus, we might need to know who that child's father is. Do you have the potion we require to find out?"

"I believe I do," Severus replied. "What will you do with Potter now?"

Dumbledore didn't have an answer. The Head of Houses followed the Headmaster to his office. It wasn't the first time Hogwarts was graced with a teen mother. They didn't know just how to address this situation in the current climate. After waiting a few minutes, Harriet, SJ, and McGonagall entered the Headmaster's office. "Harriet, my girl, have a seat," He smiled.

As she sat down Dumbledore continued, "My dear, who's this child you are carrying?"

"He's my son, headmaster," Harriet smoothed down SJ's hair nervously.

"Mrs. Potter, how old is the child?" Professor Flitwick interrupted.

"He's two almost three, sir,"

All the professors gasped in horror. Here was a student who was forced to compete in a tournament and faced You-Know-Who carrying a child. Minerva McGonagall felt even more shame since the said student was one of her lions. "How did this happen," The Gryffindor Head of House asked, "Why didn't you inform me?"

Harriet stared at her shoes with tears threatening to come out. She shook her head unwilling to answer the first question. "I- I can't talk about it... It hurts too much to talk about it." Harriet whispered.

Instantly, the three Head of Houses oblivious to the situation felt dread, "Harriet, were you raped?"

"Pl- Please, I don't want to talk about it," She cried, "Not in front of SJ."

Dumbledore immediately dived head-on into his grandfather persona. "We understand, my girl," He said, "Do you know who the father is?"

She shook her head again.

While the other professors caught onto the news, Severus was inspecting the Headmaster's behavior. Snape knew the man was slowly losing control of his pawn. He would make sure they are protected even if he is outed as the Dark Lord's spy. The man followed the ramble after every professor argued about the need for Aurors. Better yet, how did they all fail a Hogwarts student. It was an endless argument that was interrupted with SJ crying for his must needed sleep.

"This discussion has gone long enough, we all need to prepare for our classes tomorrow and the Potter spawn needs his rest," Severus interrupted.

"I agree with Severus, both of them need to sleep," McGonagall added, "Tomorrow, we will discuss the dorm arrangements that are fit for you and the child."

Harriet nodded worriedly. "Yes, professor." She stepped out of the office holding onto SJ for dear life. She ran towards her dorm too anxious with Dumbledore knowing about the baby. It didn't take long for her to reach her dorm room to see all the girls in the dorm transfiguring a little cot next to her bed. "What are you guys doing?"

"Hermione, she told us a little about the baby," Lavender Brown said. "We thought we could help you a little."

"These two years we noticed there was something wrong but we didn't know how to ask," Parvati replied. "We should have picked up on the signs. We are your dormmates for godsakes."

"You didn't have to," Harri said. "Ow!" SJ tugged her hair really hard. The girls took SJ from Harri and they all gushed with how adorable he was with them. "Guys, I need to get..."

"You go get ready for bed," Hermione interrupted. "We'll dress him off for bed."

Harri smiled. "Thanks, guys." She left for the bathroom and the other girls were awed with how adorable SJ's interaction with them was. Sadly, with these events, a storm began brewing.

Dumbledore was pacing back and forth thinking how he was going to deal with this situation. All he could think of was that now his plans in taking the Potter fortune were down the drain with the child. Getting rid of him without notice was out of the window with the whole school, and soon Britain would know about it. The worst situation was the Weasley child. He never reported this to him, he never told him where the Potter girl was staying either. "Where did all of this go wrong?" he mumbled.

He knew a new pawn had to be selected, but where to look. Most of the Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs could careless about betraying Potter or getting her fortune. Slytherins would never associate with him. He needed to find a Griffyndor who looks up to him and wouldn't question anything.

Dumbledore looked up towards Fawkes. His singing was disapprovingly towards the Potter heir. To Fawkes, Dumbledore has become too greedy since gaining fame years ago. The phoenix cried for the poor students who would have to face Dumbledore's machinations.

The next day, Harriet woke up earlier than usual to go back to her routine. Harriet got ready for the day putting on her uniform as quietly as possible not to disturb her dormmates and SJ. Once finished she went to the transfigured crib with the sleeping toddler. She gave him a warm smile as she dressed him up to see Poppy. She dressed him in a lion jumper Sirius gave her last Christmas. After she dressed him, Harriet carried her sleepy boy to the infirmary and to see Poppy for their regular checkup.

The nurse welcomed Harriet to her office and began with her diagnostic. Poppy smiled; for the first time, Harriet and SJ were showing signs of improvement. Harriet gained weight and in a few months, she will be a healthy teenager. SJ gained all the weight he lost this summer and seemed to be getting heavier. "You're all healthy." Poppy said. "You still need to keep taking potions to get better, but it would be less than before."

"Poppy," Harriet replied. "What's going to happen to us?"

The Medi-witch sighed. "Dumbledore is very unpredictable, my dear; but, I can't believe, I'm going to say this, You-Know-Who will be here to protect you and SJ. Now dear, would you like me to take the child for your classes?"

Harriet shook her head, "I think it would be fine today, I want to keep him as close as possible for now. I'm afraid Dumbledore will take him away from me soon."

"We will fight for you and your child. He will have no grounds in removing him from you, and if he does, questions will be asked. Questions he won't want to answer." Poppy reassured. "Now head off to the Great Hall, the student's should be gathering for breakfast."

Harriet smiled and carried a very hungry and very awake SJ to the Great Hall, where she met with Hermione and Ron waiting for her in their usual seats. "Hey, guys," Harriet said.

"Good morning, Harri. How are you this morning," Hermione replied. "The girls were very disappointed you left early this morning, they wanted to keep SJ to themselves."

The mother smiled. "And I think SJ would have loved the attention, but I needed to do my checkup with Poppy. She believes that a few more months and SJ and I will be alright."

"That's good," Ron added. "Did Dumbledore say anything to you last night?"

Harri shook her head. "Da-Snape stopped him before any decision could be made."

"Never thought the dungeon bat would ever help you," Ron replied with a mouth full of food.

"Honestly Ronald," Hermione scoffed. "Who is SJ going to stay with?"

"Normally, he would spend the day either with Poppy or Sirius, but I don't know now. Maybe Dobby would love taking care of him."

As soon as Harriet finished, owls came swooping in with the mail and the Daily Prophet. To the trio's surprise, Harriet started to receive package after package

filled with toys, galleons, and a few howlers. Once Hermione opened the Prophet it was clear why.


Harriet Lilliana Potter (Girl-Who-Lived) has a child two-year-old child. Last night, while the Headmaster was giving his annual speech, he was interrupted by the Golden Trio and a child squealing. Immediately, a two-year-old appeared in the Head table. It was then when Harriet Potter picked him up that she mentioned the child was hers. "It was a shock," One of our sources says.

"I was in complete and total shock," another student mentioned. "She must have had him during the Tri-Wizard Tournament."

According to the students, the boy is basically an exact replica of The Chosen One. Many students are speculating she had a hidden affair during the summer before her fourth year. It makes us wonder how did know one noticed she was with child. Does this mean that her entry to the Tournament was completely illegal? Or better yet, how was her magical guardian, Headmaster, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, was unaware of the teen mom?

What do you think about The Chosen One's news?

"Just what I needed," Harriet whispered. At that point, Professor McGonagall gave her a note excusing her from her morning classes to discuss what to do from now on. The girl just nodded feeling helpless with everything around her. She looked over to the head-table for Tom's reassurance that everything was going to be okay.

The Dark Lord's morning has been eventful. After receiving a missive from Lucius, he was surprised that the article was slightly tame to what has been previously printed. Unfortunately, it was open for Harriet to get slandered just like a year ago. While he heard the professors discuss the content of the Daily Prophet, he felt someone staring. Once he looked up, he saw Harriet with an ashen look of worry. "Everything will be fine", he told her via their link. "Severus and I will do whatever it takes to protect you and SJ."

Once she finished breakfast, Harriet followed her Head of House to Dumbledore's office. SJ was distracted by all the moving portraits unaware of the building tension. Facing the gargoyle, the Deputy Headmistress said the password and both stepped into his office. Dumbledore seemed to be working as he looked up to smile at his guest. "Harriet, my child, please sit," Dumbledore said. "I've been thinking of ways for young Mr. Potter could stay with us, sadly I don't see a way to continue keeping the child."

"I am not giving my son away, Headmaster," She angrily replied. "He has stayed with me for a year here in the castle; I have kept my grades while taking care of him. Why should I give my child away because you believe it is what's best?"

"Ms. Potter ten points from Gryffindor for disrespect!" McGonagall interjected.

"I am sorry, professor, but either SJ stays with me or I leave Hogwarts."

"Ms. Potter might I remind you, I am still your magical guardian, especially now with your aunt's passing," Dumbledore explained. "With you being underage, Mr. Potters guardianship is given to me. Now, Voldemort knows about your weakness and will do anything to exploit it."

Harriet shook her head. She was getting agitated and SJ was starting to get the same. "Please call professor Snape." That's all she said.

"Ms. Potter, professor Snape has nothing to do with this conversation," Minerva said. "As much as I don't agree with Dumbledore, he-"

"I won't continue this conversation unless professor Snape is not here," Harriet replied and played with SJ.

Both adults were somewhat shocked and tried to get back her attention until they gave up. Dumbledore sent a Patronus to the potion professor and waited irritably for him. "My dear why must you be so defiant," Dumbledore tried to ask. There was a slight twitch on his eyes that Harriet was proud of. "Can't you see this is all for the greater good? I know this is a hard decision, but we have to take action before Voldemort knows how your child looks and harms him."

Harriet kept ignoring the headmaster over the giggling baby. "You're having so much fun, aren't you?" The mother giggled.

As everyone kept waiting for the Head of Slytherin, the professors were finger tapping at the annoyance and disrespect. SJ kept giggling as his mother kept blowing raspberries on his belly. Suddenly, his focus was on the phoenix sitting on the perch. The little boy tried to reach the bird, but his mother kept pulling him to her. "Honey, you can't take the birdy." She didn't notice Dumbledore's nostrils flared with indignation seeing a child try to get to Fawkes.

Fawkes trilled indignantly for being called birdy, he was a majestic phoenix. Harriet chuckled at the bird's response. It didn't take long for the phoenix to perch up next to SJ. He trilled again and bopped SJ's head. Instantly, SJ and Fawkes began to emit a blinding golden light. It didn't take long for the infamous potion professor to walk in to see SJ bonding with Fawkes. "Is there a reason why you called Harriet without calling her actual guardian?"