Red lay in bed in their latest bolt hole, wide awake. He felt certain that no sleep would be forthcoming tonight. Today had been an unmitigated disaster, from start to finish. He and Lizzy were supposed to be meeting with a contact of his who was to provide them with information pertaining to the Director's nefarious deeds. Information that could lead them to being able to bring down the Director and exonerate Lizzy. However, when they arrived at the meet point, at the back of some dusty truck stop miles from anywhere, Red's contact was already dead. And then all hell broke loose. Thankfully the Cabal had seriously underestimated the combined ingenuity and firepower of the two of them because somehow they managed to shoot their way out of there and get back on the road without being wounded themselves. Lizzy popping two of the tyres on their assailants' SUV was a invaluable bonus.

And so they found themselves fleeing once again. Thankfully without being pursued this time. Red smiled slightly to himself as he imagined the fate of the men who had attacked them. The ones who weren't dead were probably still trying to hitch a lift back to civilisation. Red had decreed that any further plans they'd made for today were to be cancelled; they had no idea what the Cabal did and didn't know at this point, seeing as they'd found out about their meeting God only knows how. And so they headed across the desert. For four hundred miles. When they'd arrived at one of Red's many safe houses, they'd let themselves in, helped themselves to some food and a shower and then headed straight to bed, both completely exhausted.

Which was where Red found himself now. Except being exhausted didn't seem to aid him in falling asleep. He knew that overall they were doing well in their mission to clear Lizzy's name but it seemed to be going so slowly. Whilst a part of him relished the fun of renewing his Tom and Jerry routine with Ressler, it was different with Lizzy relying on him too. He couldn't afford to take any risks with her life hanging in the balance this time. He knew Ressler and Lizzy's FBI team wouldn't hurt her, they just wanted to arrest her, but he didn't trust anyone else in law enforcement. He knew just how far the Cabal's grasping fingers reached.

He sighed and rolled onto his side. Maybe a change of position would help him in his insomnia. He was very used to being unable to sleep but he knew that as Lizzy's only available ally, with Mr Kaplan and Dembe working their magic elsewhere, he couldn't afford to be so tired that he made a mistake. He needed to get some rest.

Just as he seemed to be dropping off, he heard a noise from the hallway and was instantly wide awake, hand reaching for the gun by his bedside. The noise had come from just outside his door. He was about to leap from his bed and head for the door when he heard Lizzy's voice coming from the other side.

'Red, where are you, Red?'

He was puzzled as to why Lizzy wouldn't know where he was, she had seen him go into his room after all, yet he answered her nonetheless.

'I'm in here, sweetheart, in my bedroom. Are you okay?'

Rather than answering, the door opened and Lizzy walked in. She was dressed in a tank and sleep shorts, her hair all over the place. She came into the room and walked slowly towards the bed.

'Lizzy, what's wrong? Why are you up?'

However, she didn't answer. Upon hearing his voice, she altered her course slightly and was now heading straight towards him, rather than the foot of the bed. He looked closely at her. Her eyes were open but her expression was vacant. It almost looked as though she'd been drugged.

'Lizzy, speak to me, sweetheart'

However, she didn't say a word. She reached the bed and her knees bumping into the side were all that stopped her from continuing. Red looked up at her face. Her eyes weren't looking at him, they were fixed straight ahead. Before he could fathom out what was going on, she had reached down and, using her hands to feel the way, had started to direct herself onto the bed. Red instinctively pulled himself away slightly so that she would have room to get on there with him.

Once she was on the bed, she lay down, eyes still wide open, still not having said another word. He looked over at her, extremely worried about what was wrong with her. He reached out and gently touched her arm but she didn't seem to notice. At last he realised what was going on; she was sleepwalking. He had no idea that that was something that afflicted her. He knew that you weren't supposed to wake sleepwalkers and so rather than trying to get her back to her own bed, he decided the best course of action was just to leave her be. He would have gone himself to sleep in her room but he didn't want her getting up again and wandering around, possibly falling down the stairs.

Red jumped out of the bed and went to the door, closing it and locking it so that Lizzy couldn't get out without him hearing. He then headed back towards the side of the bed where she was lying and gazed down upon her. Her eyes had drifted shut once again and, with a worried sigh, he pulled the covers up over her and returned to his side of the bed and got back in.

He had no idea how he was going to explain this to her in the morning but at least for now she was safe.