"Pikachu, use Quick Attack!" Blanche took notes as she watched the little Pikachu attack an evolved Raichu. She even had a camera recording the battle for later analysis. The intelligent white-haired researcher worked for the famous Professor Willow as a Pokémon scientist. Her focus of research was the evolution of Pokémon. Why did Pokémon evolve? Does evolution greatly affect their strength? Blanche hoped to answer those questions by testing the two Pokémon in front of her.

The Raichu dodged Pikachu's attack just before impact. "Use Thunderbolt, Raichu!" shouted Blanche. Raichu's electric attack hit Pikachu but did not cause much damage. "Okay, Pikachu," said Blanche, "use Quick Attack again, then Iron Tail." Blanche was so engrossed in her notes that she did not notice Spark watching behind her.

"Are you finished battling my Pikachu yet?" asked the dark blond young man. Spark was also a scientist working for Willow. He researched the power of a Pokémon's intuition. He enjoyed studying how the relationship of a trainer and his/her Pokémon causes a gut instinct that is guaranteed to win battles. Spark had a different personality than Blanche. He loved to have fun with his Pokémon, while Blanche preferred to stick to her research with a leveled mind. "The kids will be here soon," continued Spark, "and I know they are all dying to see my Pikachu. What did you need it for anyways?"

Blanche rolled her eyes. She often wondered how Spark even became a Pokémon scientist. She already explained her hypothesis to him when she asked for Pikachu in the first place. "I'm working on a hypothesis," explained Blanche yet again. "Pikachu is a Pokémon that needs a stone to evolve. These two are the same age with the same amount of training. I'm am testing if a Pikachu needs to evolve to be just as strong as a Raichu."

"Oohh," said Spark finally understanding Blanche's experiment. "I could already tell you that Pikachu is just as strong as that Raichu." Spark beamed with pride. He really loved his little electric Pokémon.

"Really? How is that?"

"Instinct," answered Spark as matter of fact. He laughed to himself as he picked up Pikachu. "You should really get ready. It's time to explain that same hypothesis to the kids." Blanche giggled as she watched Spark leave. She was always too serious, especially with her research. Spark, however, had a care-free spirit that made her stop and enjoy her work. Sighing, Blanche gathered her notebook and camera to keep in the laboratory while the children were present.

Every year Professor Willow hosted a Pokémon educational seminar for the schoolchildren at the local Pokémon academy. He talks to the students about the various kinds of Pokémon in the area while the scientists discuss their research and the importance of it. Blanche walked to the front of the professor's laboratory to welcome the children with Spark and the third scientist Candela.

Candela was a loose cannon just like Spark, but she cared more about power than fun. The dark skinned scientist researched ways to make Pokémon more powerful. Her philosophy was that the stronger a Pokémon is, the more likely that it will win in battle. That wasn't exactly science in Blanche's eyes. It doesn't take a genius to know that strong Pokémon will defeat weaker ones. Trainers need to have a strategic battle plan instead of running in like a wild maniac. No matter what Blanche's opinion was, she respected the work of her colleagues. It also made a fun rivalry among the group.

"It's about time you got here," said Candela jokingly. "I thought something was wrong when Spark arrived before you did." Candela laughed with her hands on her hips. She was a confident person. Blanche could easily see the competitive fire burning in Candela's dark eyes. Spark, with Pikachu on his shoulder, turned his attention to them with his arms crossed.

"I'm not always late," defended Spark frowning.

"What's this about being late?" asked Professor Willow. The fair headed man walked across the lawn toward the group. He glanced around the area taking in their surroundings and chuckling. "No one looks late to me. In fact, the bus is just now arriving."

Blanche looked at the driveway to Willow's laboratory. A school bus parked right in front of the scientists. The driver opened the door letting all of the students out with their teacher, Mrs. Lane. Blanche enjoyed teaching her findings about Pokémon, but she did not have the patience for small children. She sighed and faked a smile as the professor introduced her and the other two to the crowd.

"Welcome, Mrs. Lane and class," said Willow. "I'm glad to be your host. Today, you will have the chance to experience the average day of a Pokémon scientist and learn more about the research that we are conducting. The information you will learn today might not seem important now, but you will need to know it for when you are old enough to start on your own Pokémon journey." The students beamed with joy and cheered. They were all excited to be there… or they just wanted Spark's Pikachu.

"These three," continued Professor Willow as he gestured to his assistants, "are scientists that work here researching different aspects about Pokémon. They are Candela, Spark, and Blanche. They will later tell you a little bit about what they are researching." The crowd cheered again. "I will speak with you for a little bit out here. Then, you will split into three groups and listen to Candela, Spark, and Blanche at various times throughout the day. We hope you have fun!"

The three scientists waved at the students and went inside. Professor Willow would inform them about the starter Pokémon that he gives new trainers as they start their journey. Blanche knew his speech frontward and backwards. She heard it so many times. Willow offers the trainer a Bulbasaur, Squirtle, or Charmander. If the trainer absolutely refuses those, he will give them the extra option of a Pikachu. That rarely happens though.

"Who do you think they will like the best?" asked Candela after they entered the building. "There is no doubt that my presentation will be the most exciting." Blanche rolled her eyes yet again. Candela was already making the field trip a competition.

"More like the most horrifying," said Spark putting his hands in his jacket pockets. He grinned as he glanced at Blanche. "We will have to comfort them after they witness your violent battle demonstration." Pikachu nodded its head in agreement. Blanche had to give Spark some credit when it comes to these school field trips. He always knew how to reach their young minds, something Blanche could never do.

"I have to agree," stated Blanche to Candela. "Do you not remember the boy and girl that cried last year? Our presentations should be appropriate for the young ones."

Candela scoffed while crossing her arms. "It was just those two in a much larger group than this year. Kids love seeing a Pokémon's true strength. You'll see, because Willow is going to take a poll of which of us they liked the best." Candela grinned pleased with herself. "Good luck. You're going to need it."

"May the best scientist win," said Spark. He headed to the back lawn where his presentation will take place. As soon as he was out of ear-shot, Candela turned to Blanche.

"I hope there won't be any hard feelings," said Candela smirking. "I know it must be difficult for you to be the least favorite each year. Someone has to be the worst, right?" Blanche was taken aback. Where did that come from? Candela was competitive but never so rude about it. Blanche stared at her fiery friend with a puzzled look.

"Oh, come on," continued Candela. Her eyes widened as she looked at her friend. "You really don't know!"

"Don't know what?" Blanche usually knew everything that happened around the laboratory. She had been so focused on her studies the last few days that she must've missed something.

"This poll that Professor Willow is taking today is actually a test for us. He wants future trainers to pick one of us as their team leader and train their Pokémon according to our research. The poll will determine which of us will most likely be the most popular with the trainers." Blanche nodded as she took in the words. So, that's what the poll was about! Blanche was thinking about her Pikachu hypothesis when the professor was talking about it and was too proud to admit that she wasn't paying attention. "I just feel sorry for you because you'll have the smallest team."

"We'll see about that," said Blanche narrowing her eyes.

Blanche hurried to her designated spot in a panic. Would Blanche really have the smallest team? Would anyone even care about her research or evolution? She had to come up with a plan fast that will attract trainers.

Blanche's head spun. She could not focus on anything going on around her. Blanche held her hand to her head. There was no way then that she could think about the teams, focus on her presentation and maintain a calm mind. She held on to the table in front of her and took a deep breath. Focus, Blanche. Nothing else is important at the moment. Just keep the children excited. As if on cue, the group of loud children stampeded into the room. Blanche opened her eyes. She had an idea.

"Hello, everyone," greeted Blanche to the children. "I'm here to tell you about Pokémon evolution." Blanche held up three Poke balls. "For demonstration, I have with me today an Eevee and a couple of its evolutions, Vaporeon and Leafeon." The three Pokémon appeared on the table in front of everyone. "Now students, let me tell you about Eevee…."

The presentation went better than Blanche could hope for. Everyone enjoyed seeing the Eevee evolutions. Blanche even let them sit with each audience while she spoke about other species of Pokémon. After the last group came through, Blanche was free to get some lunch.

Blanche walked onto the back lawn to find Spark running around with some of the students while Candela ate sandwiches with the others. She grabbed a sandwich with fruit and sat next to Candela.

"How did it go?" asked Candela. She gulped down her water as Blanche opened hers.

"It went well," answered Blanche honestly. She smiled to herself. Maybe the students will like her the best, and future trainers will want to be a part of her research team. "Did anyone cry during your presentation?"

"Nope. I took Spark's advice and used simple moves this year." Both girls took a bite of their sandwiches. "Look at Spark," said Candela. "He has been playing tag nonstop for the last half hour. How does he have so much energy?"

"The real question is whether or not he even gave a presentation. It's difficult to explain instincts to small children," said Blanche.

"Gather around students," called Professor Willow as he and Mrs. Lane joined everyone. "I hope that you enjoyed your day here at my laboratory and learned a lot about Pokémon. I only have one favor to ask of you. I need you to take a piece of paper and circle the legendary bird that represents your favorite presenter today. The red Moltres is for Candela, the blue Articuno is Blanche, and the yellow Zapdos is Spark. Everyone take a paper."

He and Mrs. Lane passed around the papers and pencils. Blanche, Candela, and Spark had to go inside as they voted. Blanche remained quiet and thought to herself. She closed her eyes and held her head down as she leaned against the wall. Did she do enough? Will anyone be interested in her research?

"I don't know what's going on in your head," said Spark to Blanche, "but you really need to calm down." She opened her eyes to see Spark crouching and looking up at her. "Don't tell me you let Candela get to you again."

Blanche gave a slight grin. "She is good at doing that when it comes to my work."

Spark stood straight and placed his hands on Blanche's shoulders.

"The kids told me that they loved your presentation," he whispered soothingly. "You have nothing to worry about."

"Spark, are you having to give Blanche a pep talk?" asked Candela from across the room. She sat on the top of one of the tables finishing her chips. "It's okay to be boring. At least you will always be the smart one."

Spark turned to the power hungry scientist. "We're all smart," he said. "That's how we got our jobs."

"I have the polls!" announced Professor Willow as he entered the room. "The students are on their way back to the schoolhouse, and all I have to do now is count their votes." He sat down with a notepad and began counting the responses. Blanche waited patiently while Candela appeared as if she was about to explode. Spark played with Pikachu without a concern about anything else.

"The results are in," said Willow finally. "Are you ready to know which team these children would have joined?"

"Yes!" exclaimed all three assistants at once.

"Alright. In third place, we have Team Instinct." Spark just shrugged his shoulders.

"They're too young to understand my concepts," said the yellow team leader.

"The first place winner and most popular team is…. Team Mystic. Congratulations, Blanche." Blanche's mouth hung open. Candela jumped up and widened her eyes. She could not believe what she was hearing. She did not think that the children liked Blanche better than her. Spark grabbed Blanche's arm.

"I told you," he said.

"That will all change when they're older," said Candela regaining her composure.

"No," said Blanche smiling. "Strategic thinking will always have victory over brute force."