Destined, not Intended
Description: This is a marvel AU that takes place Post Civil war.
The team is slowly reuniting and the avengers are now back in buisness in mission work. But with one slip up injury with the Vision, it is revealed that Stark made an experation date for Vision.
The machine keeps trying to die, he keeps getting injured, more and more mishaps are happening. Yet Wanda Maximoff fixes him every time, not knowing what trouble could happen next.
This is a ScarletVision story (Visanda)
The idea came to me when I was looking at OTP prompts on tumblr, really hope you enjoy!
Chapter 1
Captain Steve Roger's breath hitched as he fell through an abandoned building in Sokovian grounds. Down the captain fell, jumping through the wooden holes eventually landing in the middle of the large Sokovian mansion. Steve was grateful that his team was back together. He had moved himself away from Tony for quite a while, thought he would give the iron hot head some space.
But, he was glad that Romanoff reunited with him. As well as Rhodey, Vision, and he has been receiving a little help from T'Challa.
"Check it." A firmiliar voice chirped in his ear. "Non worn out sokovian gold medallions, selling those would give you a feast for 2 every night until 2099. Better than ramen noodles."
Steve's face scrunched up as he titled head to the side. "They always tasted too crunchy."
"Dude, why didn't you tell me then?" Sam Wilson snorted in Steve's earpeice. "I wont cook it for you then anymore!"
Rogers chuckled and began searching. For this mission, he was planning to retreive Sokovian records featuring Hydra information, which could get him closer to demolishing the german military empire for good.
"Still want that feast for 2 though, mmmm roast beef." Sam chuckled, making Steve jump a little. "You and Sharon want it?"
"Sharon doesn't even have to do with any of this, Sam." He laughed and adjusted his Shield.
"Really, cause I believe you would enjoy a 5 star meal every night with miss Carter, and with Sam's help he-."
"Boys!" A low and slightly annoyed feminine voice cut Sam and Steve off.
"Nat would you love to join the conversation about Sam's planning for a great marriage and love life." He chuckled between sentences. "Featuring Capsicle and-."
"No, really i'm not in the mood."
"Wow, ok." Sam shrugged. The Falcon was on the floor, almost across from Natasha, who was clearly visable, wearing her glow in the dark suit. (Aou suit)
"Records are close, it took a lot of time to track these down." Nat took out a small pad, pressing the screen and tapping manically.
Sam searched the area as well. His wings closed in his suit and he took out a small device. Out popped a small winged machine, it started to float around, scanning floors and bookshelves.
"It should be around here." Sam muttered and continued to control Redwing, the device.
Redwing moved more staggered now. From side to side the device scanned and scanned. A loud beep echoed the room and the machine had a small book in it's claw. The book looked a tad singed, and worn out. It was a dark cobalt, pretty hard to see in night conditions.
Nat steadied herself as she stood up, looking at Redwing.
"Still not thanking it."
Sam burst out laughing. "Hey guys! We got it! Let's roll!"
"It's here?!" A soft female voice entered the room. Wanda ran to Sam, she looked at him, then the book, then Romanoff.
"All taken care of." Nat gave Wanda a quick smile and looked at the upper window. The widow slowly moved her arm, leveled at the window. A small electric shock, bolted out of her cuff and at a nearby enemy.
Sam was appalled, within an instant, him and Wanda moved to the bottom of the mansion and out the doors.
"They're here." Romanoff assured Rogers. Steve sighed and nodded, he was the last one out of the mansion.
It was a tad chilly in Sokovia that evening. Outside were long and narrow walkways and roads with tall grass. To complete the dark, ominous setting stood a full moon.
Rogers agusted his shield, then tossed it with little effort, killing a hydra goon.
"I apologize, Steven," A soft voice echoed behind him. A golden cape swooped over him, taking out a nearby enemy. "there were too many."
"It's fine!" The captain grunted as he tossed his shield a second time, a bit harder this time. "And...Steve, is that ok?" After all Steve was HIS name, but he knew that his teammate Vision was quite the gentleman, er bot.
"Yes, yes, of course my apologies." The Vision then flew upove Widow and Maximoff, who were working together to stop a few goons in their tracks.
Wanda's magic suddenly stopped for a quick moment once Vision flew past her. She watched the gliding robot swiftly take out their enemy. Her enemy.
She hated hydra, for all they've done. Stupid Strucker, stupid Baron, stupid mind gem, stupid...
Wanda paused as a rush of blue danced in her head. No, no no no, not now. Her eyes glowed scarlet, she knew she would live up to the name. She needed to calm down, to be calm. Just like her brother. She watched the Vision use a laser from his mind gem to destroy a nearby hydra truck.
The magic began to weave between her fingers again. A small smirk played on her lips and she began her unique combat system agents were beginning to disappear now, only a few more left.
Steve tossed his sheild again and Wanda flexed her fingers, catching the sheild in mid air. Her arm flailed to the side as the sheild took out two hydra agents. She tossed it back to Steve and the red glow disapeared.
Just then a faint screech noise filled her ears. Almost like a lazer going off, or a large power gun. Everything seemed to slow down as she twisted her head to the left, she blinked slowly.
Nat was doing her job. Getting the goons into a chokehold with her legs. Rogers, dodging bullets with his sheild, then brawling face to face with each enemy. Falcon using his guns, and Vision.
There! The screeching sound again.
Wanda's eyes lost their red color. Her mouth formed into the shape of an oval, letting out a forceful, yet saddening flew to the ground. Sharp breathing and whimpers were to the witch's left. Vision was on his knees, almost crying.
But, Vision couldn't cry, could he?
Wanda ran. She ran like there was no tomorrow. Her fingers and arms moved around her. Red almost blurred her vision as she let out another forceful scream, pushing all the agents out of the way. Yet Vision was left unharmed by her.
Natasha stopped and finished off her last foe. So did everyone else.
"Wanda?" Steve gasped as he picked up his sheild. He didn't move any closer. The Scarlet Witch had red magic surrounding her, while on her knees.
Vision was hurt, a lazer shot through him. Mini wires and parts of metal levetated off the ground, with speckles of red. A large gaping hole in Vision's chest was slowly being filled again.
Wanda's hands and arms moved in harsh, shaking motions, as tears flew down her face. She slowly fixed Vision, letting her magic do the work, not even thinking where goes where in this machine.
Yet, is Vision even an machine? What was he? He was a friend to Wanda, a true friend.
Yes, she had Steve, Sam, Clint, and Nat. But Vision, he was never like the others. He was...
Really, what was he to Wanda?
She stopped moving her hands, the Vision was now fixed. More wimpering sounds came from him, as he took slow shallow breaths.
She wiped her tears and let Rogers and Nat take it from there.
"Hurry, we need him in urgent care." Captain America looked at Falcon, who was already contacting Sheild.