Alright it's the moment we have all been waiting for. The final chapter! I know it's sad! And it's been a long journey to get here, but I thank you all for going on it with me in my first ever crossover! But stick around at the end of the chapter to get a special sneak peak into my next TWO stories! That's right! TWO! Now enjoy the final chapter!

Last Time: Team Natsu finally made it home safe and sound.

Now: The End.


The sun shined through the windows lighting up the bedroom. A tall brown-haired girl about 19 in a flannel and jeans was there packing up a box on the bed. The room was empty of personal items, but still had the furniture. She placed one final item into the box and then closed it up. As she moved to place it on the floor next to the other boxes and the suitcase, a knock rung at her door.

"Come in," the girls voice called.

The door opened and a tall dark-haired woman. Her hair was cropped short with shaved sides and she was wearing a blue long sleeve with black jeans. She leaned in the doorway with a smirk.

"My little baby is growing up and leaving the nest," she said in a elderly mocking voice.

"Very funny," the girl said standing up.

"Are you ready to go? You're train leaves in two hours," the woman said.

"Almost. I just have to pack the remaining of my stuff in the bathroom," she said as she started putting on her shoes.

"Do you need a hand?" the woman asked. "I mean are you sure you don't want me and Dale to give you a carriage ride to Magnolia?"

"It would be kind of weird if my guardian and her boyfriend…"

"Neighbor," the woman interrupted.

"Keep telling yourself that," the girl said. "Anyway, it would be weird if you guys dropped me off at the front doorstep like it's Kindergarten."

The girl pushed past her to the bathroom, and she started gathering the rest of her things. The woman followed.

"Oh, come on, kiddo," the woman said. "You are finally going to join a magic guild. I'm just feeling like a proud mama is all."

"Well 'Mom' can I stay up late and talk to boys?" the girl said mockingly.

"Okay that's just weird," the woman said disturbed by the word 'mom'. "Let's just keep it to a first name basis."

"Agreed," the girl said. "You are my mentor and teacher, but also my big sister before you are ever my mom. However, you are more of a mom than I could dream of."

"You're going to make me cry now," the woman said. "Or throw up. I haven't decided yet."

They laughed. The woman came over and hugged the girl. The girl shrugged her off as she closed the medicine bag full of her bathroom products. The girl returned to her bedroom and packed up the last of her things. The girl and the woman carried everything out to the living room. The front door opened a moment later with a man with short blonde hair in a v neck t-shirt and jeans. He was also leaning on a cane. In his hand was a gift bag.

The girl ran up and gave the man a hug.

"Hey kid," he said. "Ready to go?"

"Yes, as long as you promise not drop anything on the way to the train station," she said.

"Of course," he said. "Shall we?"

The three of them gathered all the girl's belongings and made their way to the train station. When they got there, the man grabbed the tickets and returned to the two women waiting for him.

"Alright, here is the ticket for you to Magnolia," he said. "And here is some savings that we put aside so you can buy your own place."

He handed her the ticket and a bag of Jewels.

"Thanks," she said as she gave them a hug.

An announcement called over the speakers for the next train to Magnolia. They helped her load her things onto the train. She then turned and gave them one last hug.

"Thank you for everything," she said. "You two gave me everything and I can't thank you enough."

"I love you, Krysta," the woman said as she hugged the girl. "Take care and write us the moment you find a place to live."

"I will," the girl called Krysta said. "Take care of each other. Please."

"Don't worry we will," the man said.

Krysta waved good-bye as she hopped onto the train. The train then took off from the station. The woman leaned against the man.

"Are you going to be okay, Lena?" he asked her.

"I'll be fine, Dale," Lena said.

"You didn't tell her, did you?" Dale said in a disapproving voice.

"I couldn't find the courage to do it," Lena said.

"She will find out sooner or later," Dale said.

"And I will tell her. Once she joins the guild," Lena said. "Now can we go home?"

The two left the train station.

An elderly woman walked down an empty street as the sun started to set on the day. She reached a building labeled the Message Office. She entered inside to find lines of people waiting to use the message machines. There was security all around the room. After about 20 minutes, the woman made it to the front of the line. The man at the counter spoke up.

"Evening Mrs. Ava," the man said. "Are you picking up mail or sending it?"

"Sending it this time, Blythe," the woman said with a smile. "It's my sons' birthday tomorrow and I want to send them a gift and letter."

"Alright, 50 credits," Blythe said. "And hurry it up. We close in 10 minutes."

"Of course,' she said as she paid.

The woman started using the computer in front of her. She then pulled out a flash drive. She inserted the flash drive and a letter appeared with an attachment. She then inputted the address. Once she hit sent, the letter then went through the de-coding process.

"Sorry Mrs. Ava, you the drill. We have to make sure that the letter is approvable to be sent."

"Oh I know that," she said with an innocent smile.

Ava looked back at the monitor and watched with nervous energy as she hoped her letter would be approved to go out. After a few moments, the letter was approved and then sent.

"Alright, next!" The man called.

Ava grabbed her flash drive and moved away. As soon as she was in the clear, a smile appeared on her face. Now it was the waiting game. Waiting for help. The Jedi's help.

The end.

WHOA! Those two parts are special sneak peaks into my next two books! Here are the titles and summaries.

The Jedi Trial Series Book 14- The Message

When a strange message arrives begging for the Jedi's help, specially Obi-wan's help, the Jedi Council comes up with a plan to aid the suffering planet of Stew-Jon without being noticed. A team is put together and goes undercover to help the people of Stew-Jon. But can they be able to save them all from the monster that is running the planet? And what truths lie hidden?

And the other story!

The Fairy Tail Adventure Series Book 1- The Force Wizard

While dealing with a gang, Fairy Tail's most powerful wizards meet a young woman by the name of Krysta Fairchild. After receiving some advice from Gray on joining their guild, Krysta does just that. Once a member she goes on a couple of jobs until things go horribly wrong. Now stuck facing the Nightmare Dark Guild, what will happen? And what secrets lie ahead?

Noticing a trend? Well you'll just have to wait and see! Thanks for reading!