Disclaimer - I do not in any way, shape or form own How To Train Your Dragon or Rise Of The Guardians, this fanfiction is for fan based purposes only.

A/N - So I've decided to create a new story, but don't worry everyone, I will still be continuing my many other stories until I finally complete them. This story is inspired by the song Glad You Came and mainly revolves around the lyrics of the song but not always.

Hiccup's P.O.V:

As Jack, Bunnymund, Sandy, Tooth and North, got together to celebrate Jack becoming an actual Guardian, it wasn't long until Bunnymund, and Jack got into an argument with one another. Causing Jack to fly away angry.

When he finally stopped, he sat on the ground by the lake he drowned in, when he was alive. Remembering it and smiling, knowing that by sacrificing his life to save his sister Emma's life, she grew up to live a full and prosperous life, and had her own family.

As Jack sat there remembering, he heard a voice singing that was undesirable, he didn't know why, but he was aware that the voice singing and himself felt the same at one point. He slowly rose, strolling in the direction he believed the singing was coming from, he made his way around the lake, as the leaves started to turn brown and fall off the trees. It had been almost a year since, his battle with Pitch, and soon it would be time for him to bring Winter again.

When we finally made his way through the forest, through a clearing he could see a small figure of a boy, sitting on a large boulder, maybe fourteen or fifteen at most. He stepped out into the opening since only a few people could see him, he watched as the boy was reading from a book, and singing beautifully. Jack was amazed by the young boy's voice.

Suddenly the boy turned in the direction of Jack, and their eyes met, neither one said a word. Jack wasn't sure if the boy could see him, or if he was looking at something behind Jack, he turned around to see if there was anything behind him but saw nothing. Suddenly there was a huge gust of the wind as tons of leaves blew at the back of Jack's head when he turned around, the boy was gone. Jack was confused and unsure what just happened, he flew up high to see if he could see the boy from above, but no matter how hard he searched, he couldn't see any sign of the kid. The sun was setting on the horizon, and the stars were coming out, he was confused and decided to head back to the other Guardians.

When he reached North's workshop, he went inside, and was greeted by Tooth and Sandy, but with no sign of North or Bunnymund anywhere.

"Jack!" Tooth says hugging him.

"What?" asks Jack confused.

"We were worried about you, North and Bunny went looking for you, Aster wanted to apologise to you, for arguing with you earlier" she replies as she slowly lets Jack free from her hug.

"Tell, Aster I forgive him," Jack tells them.

"Aren't you staying?" asks Tooth, and Sandy nods agreeing with her.

"Can't... I'm looking for someone?" he tells them. Sandy uses his sand magic to create a question mark above his head.

"I don't know his name, but I saw him not too far from the lake I fell into" Jack explained.

"Really?, what did he look like?" asked Tooth.

"He had light brown hair, and the most amazing eyes, they would make my teeth look like nothing," Jack told them. Tooth was unconvinced that his eyes could be better than Jack's gorgeously white teeth.

"He could see me!" Jack excitedly.

"He could see you, but you didn't know who he was, I thought only Jamie and his friends could see you?" said Tooth puzzled.

"I know, but we locked eyes. I thought he might be looking at something behind me, so I even turned around to check, but nothing was there. Then there was this gust of wind, and when I turned around he was gone!" shouted Jack, as he tried to catch his breath from talking so fast.

"Well, why don't you relax for today, and go looking for him tomorrow then" suggested Tooth and Sandy nods in agreement.

"I guess you guys are right," said Jack as flies away to check up on Jamie. Jack wasn't sure why, but he wanted to know more about the young brunette boy he saw earlier.

A/N - Sorry for no Frostcup, but I felt like I should let the relationship between Jack and this young brown haired boy grow a little first, hope you all enjoyed this opening to this new fanfiction, and until next time, stay amazing everyone.