Hey guys. This is my first fan fiction! I appreciate any and all criticisms. If I find this is a story a lot of you are enjoying, I will continue and add the earlier chapters I had planned.

"-just appeared out of the forest like a wraith-"

"Ingerman!" Mr Balore shouted as the computer Finlay was working on blared out sound, "turn that racket off and get back to work. We will watch the race, and only the race. None of that ceremonial crap they do."

"No sir, I can't," Finlay didn't even look away from his computer.

The class began to mutter. Finlay never spoke back. Finlay never broke the rules. "Why not?" Mr Balore asked, carefully approaching the computer. He realised that Finlay must have had a very good reason, seeing as this was the first time he had refused a teacher, ever, as far as he knew.

Finlay didn't respond, instead, he made the video full screen and leant back, noting that a few of the other teenagers in the class had moved out of their seats to see why he had rebelled.

"The spectators, and even the race professions are in shock. It is obvious from the events that transpired that this was unknown by all race officials, and even the dragon community." The blonde presenter on screen was standing in front of a canvas tent, with other news crews surrounding her, each desperately trying to report. "Words fail me. We will show the footage again. It's something we feel our viewers must see with their own eyes to believe." The screen flickered and changed to the surrounding tents with the forest in the background and the words 'moments ago' printed in the top right hand corner.

"I swear Ingerman, if this isn't earth shattering, you will be in deten-" the words caught in the large teachers mouth.

"There's something coming out of the forest," Astrid muttered loud enough for the entire room to hear. Moments later, the camera man panned and zoomed on the section of the forest Astrid had referred to.

"You and that camera man have such good eyes," Riley chuckled.

"Fantastic for spying," Thomas smirked, nudging his twin.

"Shh shh shh-," Heather waved her hand absently in their direction, "is that a person?"

No one replied, too engrossed in the footage on the screen.

The figure seemed to emerge from the shadows. The cloak draped around his shoulders made his outline harder do distinguish. Behind him, another shadow began to solidify. It was larger than the cloaked man, in both height and width. "Hey, Doc," the camera man called in a hush to who must have been the stations dragon expert, before gesturing to the figures, "is that a dragon?"

The doctor appeared on the edge of the screen, leaning forward, trying to peer into the shadows before he straightened up, "bless my soul," he muttered. He gestured for the cameramanto follow him and began to walk quickly forward, trying not to alert the other camera crews. He turned and began to walk backward, looking into the camera lens, a mad glimmer in his eyes. "This is doctor Bert, reporting live from this years 'Dragon Cup', the race that, for the last five decades, has become the most prestigious dragon events in the world. I am coming to you from the preparation grounds, where all participating dragon and their respective owners are preparing for the upcoming race. Soon, the beast will begin their trace from their temporary nests, to where one of their eggs are kept, and finally to the starting gates." Doctor Bert paused, taking a deep breath, "but something extraordinary is taking place at this very moment, and we seem to be the only ones aware of it."

By now, everyone in the class was looking at the computer, and Finlay was trying to change some setting to connect it to the projector.

"For the first time in over two centuries, definitive proof that the Night Fury has not gone extinct," he gestured behind him as both figures moved into the sunlight. The figure in the cloak was all but forgotten as a flat arrow shaped head emerged, its emerald eyes glimmering. It moved smoothly, its black scales absorbing the light. It was a majestic sight. A murmuring of voices began to filter in as more people became aware of the stranger and the dragon, quickly followed by shouts. Camera crews and guards began moving towards the pair; one determined for an interview, the other to detain the intruders. As figures from both groups drew closer, the dragon visibly crouched, and a deep rumbling began to emanate from its throat. The camera crews began to slow, allowing the armed guards to overtake and position themselves around the intruders. Most people at this point realised that the dragon did not have any restraints on, meaning it was very much free to move around and lash out. The cloaked man placed a hand on the flat of the dragons brow, hushing it immediately, thought it did not move from its lowered position. the footage cut back to the woman.

"The man and the dragon were quickly taken into the tent you see behind me. Only race officials and a select few dragon experts are in attendance. From what we were able to gather, the cloaked figured demanded the Night Fury be allowed to race, provoking rules and traditions laid down centuries ago by the Vikings who first used this as a form of entertainment-"

The teenagers looked around at each other, then towards their teacher. "Don't look at me. I'm just as surprised as you lot," Mr Balore grunted.

Heather looked around at all her friends, noting the small smile tugging on Finlay's lips, "what are you so happy about?" She prodded.

"-oh," Finlay looked around, startled, noticing all the attention in the room was on him, "I-i'm just picturing how excited Hayden must be right now."

"YES!" Nathan laughed, "oh man, my little cousin would be nerding out so badly! I bet he is just in the fedal position in shock!"

Astrid slapped him across the back of the head, though she and the rest of the class chuckled at the thought. Mr Balore smiled fondly at the idea of an excited Henry. He was his best friends son, who in his own right, was like a son to him. He looked at Heather, realising she must be thinking the same about her twin.

'Oh how far Henry had come in these last six months; and how much of an impact he seemed to be making among these kids, and even the school," Mr Balore thought.

"Shame he's sick, isn't it Gobber," Heather laid her head against her uncle like figures' arm, a half happy, half sad expession on her face.

"Sure is lass, sure is."