Piper worked, visited Alex and made headway on a state level to do away with privatized prison corporations and solitary confinement. Alex's lawyer got her a hearing before a judge and there was hope that Alex's parole violation will be overturned. This would mean Alex would get out again and go perhaps into protective custody. Kubra was out of the country now and busy trying to help his brother stay in power as a politician. There were rumors the country would fall to a civil war soon. Piper kept her security though - to help with her growing popularity. Piper's profile increased and her online presence was becoming the voice and face of Criminal Justice reform. Her mother's contacts helped Piper go before the governor and a select panel to discuss the abuses of the corporation that ran Litchfield. She was making a difference.
She wrote Alex at least twice a week. Sometimes she just told her about her day, other times she shared her feelings more. She knew her mail was was hard to write for Alex knowing another would read it. Yet, Alex had done that for her so she wrote regularly and they talked on the phone. Piper visited at least twice a month, it was hard as she travelled around giving talks and appearing on shows. Her story...she had many offers and was looking at one to make a webseries with a director she had always admired. The money was good, not that Piper needed it now, but she could put it in an account for Alex.
Everything she did, she did with Alex in mind. Her family started to just accept that the new Piper was one that lived for Alex. When they sat together for their brief visitations, Alex told her about how Danbury was different than Litchfield and they planned their wedding. Piper had just received a message from her publicist and she couldn't wait to tell Alex. It wasn't a long wait this time...Alex came through the doors smiling at her with that broad smile that just took her breath away. . She waved at the window at Nicky and Red. Both had been moved to Danbury last week. She wasn't on their list yet but by next week she would be. Red looked good and Piper felt such relief to see her prison mother again. She knew both were hoping for an early release. The attention of the riot caused helped to focus many organizations that help prisoners file appeals. Piper had directed three there herself. Red's sentence was especially long and Piper had one group file request after request to have her physically evaluated as Piper was worried for her health but also hoping for an compassionate release. She was going to help her if it happened. She already had an idea. Piper helped Nicky find out where they sent Lorna. Three hundred women were moved from Litchfield and distributed in the federal system. She was in Kentucky and her husband was going to move down to be near her until she came up for parole. Nicky was adjusting and Piper knew Alex was worried she'd hook up with the wrong people at Danbury. Red was given a sweet job in a counselor's office and Nicky was back in electrical. They waved and motioned that Alex would be coming along soon. The young CO moved over to stand in front of the window and they moved away.
It wasn't a long wait this time...Alex came through the doors smiling at her with that broad smile that just took her breath away. She hugged her up close and felt the world just right itself. "Hey baby, I just saw Red and Nicky."
"Every time you are in my arms it is like the world make sense," Alex whispered in her ear before sneaking a peck to her neck. "They can't have visitors yet but told me they were gonna sneak a peek." Alex looked over at the window but they were gone.
"I was just thinking that…..about the world making sense. I hope to see all of you next week….and I hope we hear something good about Red's case." she said while drinking in the sight of her woman. Alex wasn't eating well..she was a bit lean, not gaunt but lean...her eyes were so bright that Piper wanted to just lean forward and get lost in their depths. She wasn't going to worry too much because Red will make sure Alex got supplement snacks. She wanted to ask her questions about how she was feeling...but she had to tell her the news!
They sat down and Alex looked at her moment, turned her head side looking at Piper. "What's your news? You seem to be bursting at the seams," Alex asked her.
"There is good news and some bad news..." Piper said thinking about it more.
"Bad first," Alex said leaning in to her.
"Okay, you know how we planned I would go to the courthouse for your preliminary hearing about your parole violation? We hoped I could see you some as you went in...maybe be in the courtroom?"
"Yeah we hashed it out on the phone day before yesterday. Has something come up? It's okay, it was a long shot we'd actually get to see each other and to be honest, I wasn't thrilled about you seeing me in the shackles," Alex added, pushing up her glasses on her face. Piper realized with that movement that Alex had thought about it. She remembered how awful it was to walk in those things. It broke her heart that Alex worried about things like that.
"Yeah those shackles suck...ya know I don't care though? I think you asked me to be your prison wife in shackles like that," Piper said with a smile recalling their conversation in the van to the courthouse in Chicago.
Alex gave a faint smile. ' So tell me the good news."
"Oh I can't come see you because I will be in Washington, DC, testifying before congress about women in solitary confinement," she said in a very nonplussed voice. Alex's eyes went wide and her face lit up. Piper couldn't help but smile.
"Congress? A congressional panel?"
Piper nodded and filled her in with all the details. " I will be busy most of the day in the meetings beforehand and then the hearing. I will have it recorded for you and get a transcript so you can read it." Alex was thrilled. She was so proud of Piper she turned to some other prisoners and told them her fiance' was going to speak to congress. The time passed so quickly that Piper actually teared up when the buzzer sounded.
"No no, don't cry baby, you need to look fantastic for congress. I'll call you tomorrow after dinner..are you going to be on the air or something?" She learned into her hug and held on to her so hard.
"Um no, I have a phone one but it is at noon. I'll be writing at the cottage tomorrow. I'll be there till I leave for DC. Did you get the pictures?" She had forgot to ask. Alex nodded saying she did and that she couldn't wait to take a nap with her on the sunporch. Piper watched her go then as she left she held on to good feeling all the way back to the city.
Piper exhaled all her nerves as she left the congressional area. She had read a statement then answered a ton of questions. She spoke for well over an hour. She had them smiling and when she spoke about the mental impact of solitary- they were all silent and hanging on her every word. There were two press took longer than Piper thought. It was early evening as she was driven back to her hotel. She fished out her phone and groaned seeing it was completely dead.
"I will get my bag and I want to go to the airport right afterwards, Nicole. Please book us a flight to Hartford and a small connection flight to the cottage. I want to sleep in my own bed tonight, then go see Alex tomorrow," she couldn't wait to tell her about it."
"You have that breakfast meeting at eleven, that is why you were taking the 6am flight. How about we fly directly into New York and I'll have to you Danbury by visitation time?" Nicole smiled. Piper knew she was right and nodded in agreement. She gave her phone to Nicole as well asking her to find her charger. She was greeted with a chuckle. Piper was happy they were friends...another security guard would have handed her back her phone. She took a quick shower, changed her to airport outfit, big hat and glasses, relaxed look but still stylish to look good if she is photographed without her knowledge. Her mind was filled with her testimony and wondering what happened with Alex. When she got back in the car, she asked to borrow Nicole's phone. It was after five and she got her lead counsel's voicemail. She left a message, explaining her phone issues and that she was heading back to New York. She made it through the airport security relatively fast and was able to get two seats in first class easily. Piper dozed on the short flight and was sleepy when they made it out of JFK. Her mind was just mush as they pulled out and headed for her New York. They took a cab home. She was beginning to like the Tribeca place. There were huge windows and the bathroom was luxurious. Piper had written an entire letter to Alex just last week, in a the tub, describing it in great detail. She smiled remembering the phone call she got that night. There was no contraband cell phone at Danbury so all their calls were monitored. It was torturous sometimes, especially when Alex was hungry for her.
They walked up to the stoop and Piper had to fish out her keys. "Nicole do you have them? Oh and my phone? Is it charged?" she knew Nicole kept one of those charging battery things in her jacket.
Nicole pressed her against the door and moved down the stairs to block someone approaching from the side. Piper felt panic make her heart beat triple time and frantically searched her huge bag for that one blasted key on a purple Eiffel Tower key chain.
"No closer, Ms. Chapman is tired after long trip to DC and doesn't….wait…" Piper turned as she heard Nicole's voice just fade away.
"I suggest you get your ass out of my way and don't touch her in the process," Alex said in a deep menacing voice. Piper spun so fast she nearly fell off the stoop. Nicole turned as well and reached out to right Piper and help her down the steps to the sidewalk. Piper looked down to see a pair of nice black boots, then her eyes travelled up to the jeans and the grey long sleeve sweater she loved so much. There was her Alex, free...just standing on the sidewalk.
Alex closed her eyes a moment and took a breath. She was shaking some and Piper realized it was because of Nicole. She opened her out to speak and Alex held up one finger….then opened her eyes.
She smiled at her and Piper smiled back.
"You sure know how to pick a legal team….I was released, same deal as before, so I'll need that job and a place to live," Alex said with a sheepish grin. Piper launched herself at her, arms around her neck and body pressed as close as she could. For some stupid reason she started to cry and Alex was soothing her hair to try and calm her. Nicole got the door opened and ushered them inside before they drew attention. Alex led her up the steps holding Piper the entire time. Nicole got their small bags and closed the door behind them.
Piper lifted her head enough to turn on the foyer light and pull Alex into the living room. The housekeeper appeared and set about making some refreshments while Piper gathered herself. She was just hugging Alex close, not able to really talk yet. The couch was comfortable and Alex actually sighed as she relaxed.
"You came straight here?"
"Yeah well my lawyers got me something to wear and gave me money enough to get a hotel and cab. I went to my storage shed grabbed somethings, went to my friend's house...showered and then I came here. I figured you'd be in DC until around dinner maybe overnight. I saw you on the TV! I couldn't believe it. I was out free by was the quickest of all my hearings. Nice place," Alex said with obvious appreciation in her voice.
"Yeah our room is huge...and well you know about the bathroom," PIper said wiping her eyes. Alex growled and kissed her then. It was a wet nosed one and it made Alex laugh to be on the other end. Piper apologized, and took a tissue from Nicole who appeared with one. She felt Alex stiffen and take another deep breath.
"I'm a mess right now...sorry. Nicole this is Alex….and Alex this is Nicole. Angelica is making us something to eat are you hungry? I ate nuts on the plane."
Alex said she could eat. She smiled at Piper and didn't really take her eyes off of her face, even when she introduced them.
"Nice to meet you. Andrea will be here soon and I can make a late dinner with my husband if I leave now. Alex, um why don't you come let me out and I"ll show you the security system and code?" Piper watched Alex decide if it was a trap or if Nicole wanted to hurt her. She didn't trust her because Nicole was very much like a prison guard in her demeanor. Hell, if Piper was honest, she just didn't trust her because she was possessive and jealous. Neither of those terms fit Alex really..or the old Alex. They had changed. Alex rose and went to the door with Nicole. Piper wanted to follow but made herself sit still. Alex was just going down the small hall to the door.
After a few minutes Alex came back into the room. "Eleven, Eleven eh? November 11th was the date of the night we met." Piper smiled at her. She asked her for more details after Alex sat down on the couch again, opening her arms for Piper to slide into them. She came to her quickly and kissed her neck as she squealed with delight.
Alex laughed with her and then tried to get serious to answer her question. "They used this address on my paperwork. My parole officer isn't far from here. I meet him or her tomorrow- just said A. Smith," Alex told her. Piper nodded. They will do everything she is supposed to do. She would also make sure there was an independent party present at all home visits. No one would fuck this up for them.
Angelica, a wonderful housekeeper and cook, brought out a tray for the table in the living room. It had two huge yummy freshly cooked cheeseburgers on them. Alex was delighted.
"I told her first meal we had to have was this when you came home. Thanks for remembering," she said smiling up at her. Angelica was in her late fifties, her husband passed away and her kids all moved out of the city. She was a live in and knew how to keep to herself- yet keep up with Piper's crazy schedule.
"It is nice to finally meet you Ms Vause," she said smiling as she poured two beers in a glass for them.
"Alex please...may I call you Angelica?"
She was delighted and nodded. She told Piper to just leave the dishes and she would get to them in the morning. She was going to retire for the evening but if she needed anything just ring.
"Thanks Angelica, we will clean up though," Alex insisted. Piper smiled at her. It upsets Angelica when she does the dishes yet Piper sneaks in cleaning some at least once a week if she is there. At the cottage the housekeeper lives nearby and keeps certain hours.
"Damn, did you have a maid growing up?" Alex asked out of the blue. Piper blinked at the question and then reached for her burger.
"One came like twice a week to do the heavy cleaning but not really. I had to do my own chores. Oh...this burger looks so much better than spam! Organic too….Angelica is a freak about that," Piper said before taking a bite. Alex did as well. Piper watched as her eyes rolled back. They ate then, quiet but for the munching. It was her first as well, though she'd had steak some. She wanted that burger with her girl.
"I may have to marry Angelica...sorry baby. This is divine," Alex teased. Piper snorted. They were stuffed and Piper showed Alex to the kitchen and they cleaned up. As they washed the plates, Piper asked her what Nicole told her.
" She said that she had to touch you to do her job...that she was happily married and would switch jobs if I had issues with her...then she told me the code and had me practice setting it." She jumped as there was a beep and Piper took her hand to tell her that Andrea was setting the security and would stay there through 2:00AM.
"The hearing was high profile. They watch for cameras or helicopters. When your release goes public we may need to hunker down. Ooh...hunkering down with me sounds good. Oh I have to make a few phone calls.." Piper suddenly remembered. She called her business manager and Emily answered in good spirits. It was kind of late but Piper often thought of things late. She told her the good news and arranged to have the human resource manager fax Alex's proof of employment to her home office.
"You are district distribution and sales advisor for PoPi and an herbal shampoo company I bought out of Brooklyn called Lavender. They were our main competition but need help getting their product out. You will be trained by Amber, she is our age and has a son that is due up for parole in about a year. We have two warehouses to store product before shipping and the company has lots of connections, trucks of its own etc. The CEO of the company is Artie and he was happy my subsidiary bailed him out after he over extended. Emily knew him from college, good guy. You make a bit more than the average sales advisor. Salary is 125k a year and the funds for that is routed through eight accounts before landing on that okay?"
Alex just looked at her for a long time then nodded. "You really did set everything up. Um do I have health care?"
Piper told her that she was on her health plan but she could get her own if she wanted. "You did tell me to go ahead and do the end of your parole, if you want to stop...stop, quit. It doesn't matter to me as long as we get you through all the hoops and hurdles of the system."
Alex leaned in and kissed her lips. "Thank you baby." Piper told her that she had an office in Brooklyn or she could work from home...especially if there were crowds of reporters. She kissed her again and Piper thought she might have to work from her office for a bit..or they'd never get any work done. Piper pulled her to their bedroom. Alex liked the big King sized bed with the canopy. Piper was surprised but after a narrow bunk she knew Alex would like the space. They fell into each other, kissing and scrambling with the sudden ignition of lust. Alex took off her airport outfit, kissing her skin as she dropped Piper's jacket and pulled up her shirt. Piper went straight for Alex's jeans, yanking them down as Alex also stepped out of her boots.
"I like those boots," Piper commented. Alex smiled.
" I liked the heels you wore as you testified. So the the camera man for MSNBC too, he showed them twice," Alex said with a laugh. Piper pulled away, walked to her bag and kicked off her sneakers. She was soon naked except for the nice black heels with the strap that wraps around the top of her perfect ankle. She bent slowly down, exposing herself to the love of her life and snapped each strap.
Alex moaned. She was in her bra...just staring at her in that way...the way that only Piper gets to see. She shivered all over….and slowly walked to Alex. "These heels?" Alex nodded as her eyes traveled up from the shoes to Piper's perky breasts.
Licking her lips, Piper helped Alex out of her bra and slid in to press close together. She looked at Alex...then just at her lips. Taking her desperate cue, Alex grabbed Piper by the back of the head and kissed her so hard that she could barely breathe. Piper yielded in the kiss, letting Alex have whatever she wanted, opening up to the deepening and delving. Somehow they ended up on the bed and molten kisses flowed down her body, to her aching sex. It was so fast yet her world exploded when Alex licked up her swollen wet nether lips...squirming and begging. Alex put her legs over her shoulders and grabbed each of Piper's hands, before looking at her.
"I love you," Alex said in her deep rumble of a voice. It was thick with desire and Piper just about orgasmed from just that sound. But Alex would have none of that. She delved into Piper, using her lips and tongue to manipulate her swollen nub and lap at the wealth of juices that flowed. It was always so explosive with them after any length or break. This was different though. This was like a homecoming she didn't even know she needed. Too soon Piper was begging her not to stop...Alex was drawing out her pleasure with intense purpose until Piper bared down and came hard. She cried out and so did Alex, shuddering with her. Piper knew her lover had lowered her own hand when she let got of Pipers. It made her shudder all over, another wave crashing down on her to know they experienced it together.
"I love you too...I love you soo much," Piper finally articulated. She pulled her up and kissed and licked her own pleasure off of her lovers face and sucked her fingers making a small sound in her throat. She wanted to do the same for Alex, but she needed a moment. Piper took her cue from Alex's body and held her as close and as hard as she could. They lay like that a long time before Alex could speak. She was quiet when she told her that doing that..imagining the taste of her was the only way she kept from losing her mind. She had needed to feel her to know it was all real.
"It's all real. We are beginning again today….you have me each and every night of your life if you want. Wanna get married tomorrow? I'm all for it," Piper explained. Alex laughed some at her eagerness.
"No, how about next October? I am done with Parole at the end of September...we can go anywhere then," Alex suggested.
"Wanna get married on a beach in Cambodia?" Piper offered. Alex got a wistful look on her face and then nodded enthusiastically.
"Yes kiddo, but you have to invite your family and if your dad can't make it, we will do it again for him," Alex countered. Piper agreed and they kissed again. Piper left the lights on and they were able to snuggle close enough that Alex soon fell to sleep. Piper felt her relax and then slipped away into sleep herself, safe and warm.
The End
**Thank you for reading my story. I will post a new season five one, so add me to author alert if you'd like to read it. Please Review and Peace! Fae***