Part Twenty-two!!
Authors' Note:
We are SO sorry.......Honest, we are.
(We had midterms, then a new job.......)
Then finals, then ACen - aka Anime Central - then moving.......
(Then the hard drive erased itself. That was fun. We're planning an otaku raid on Dell.......then Microsoft.)
So, we're REALLY sorry!! But, we're back!! . And Pioneer is now releasing FY dvd by dvd - right after me and all my buds finally afforded and bought the box sets.
(Shut up and write the chapter - it's 3am and we have to be up EARLY tomorrow.......)
Ugh. Kay.
Recap!!!! - The seishi and mikos got to meet Santa! -. Then they wandered off.......
By the way - I haven't installed word yet, so please forgive any typos for now. When I find the evil microsoft office disc, Ill try to fix this.......sighs
Having claimed their pictures, they all oohed and aahed over them, then someone dragged out the park map, and yet another "where shall we go next?" argument ensued.
Finally, they decided on...
" 'The Gut-Buster!' " Tasuki grinned, looking up at the 450-foot tall, 90mph flame orange ride.
"Kowaii no da......." Chichiri said, looking up at the large, intimidating structure.
Even Mitsukake seemed to pale, but no one really noticed. Chiriko suddenly reverted to childishness as his character disappeared, leaving the healer to worldlessly cart him off to the ball pit.
Tamahome winced as Miaka glomped onto his arm. "Tamahome, I'm scared! Buy me a churro!"
Tamahome sighed, knowing full well that by 'a' churro, she meant the whole cart, then walked off to do so.
Nakago glanced up at the ride. "Finally. Something.......interesting."
"Of course, Nakago," Soi purred as she held onto Nakago, then stuck her tongue out at Tomo, who returned the gesture.
"Kakakakakakaka......." Tomo cackled evilly. "This would be a perfect time to implement my 'falling from a great height' illusion......."
Chichiri sucked on the end of his candy cane. "Why this ride, no da?"
Tasuki just shrugged. "Looked cool an' all - thought we could give it a try!"
Nuriko smiled, hugging his giant ninja teddy bear tightly and looked up at Hotohori, who was eyeing the ride speculatively. "Ne, Hotohori-sama, are you going to go on it?"
Hotohori smiled down at Nuriko. "Just a moment......." He unzipped his fanny pack and pulled out a can of extra-hold hairspray, did his hair, put the can away and smiled again. "Now I am."
"Me too." Nuriko surreptiously sidled closer to Hotohori, almost knocking over Tomo with the giant teddy bear.
"Dibs on front!!" shouted the twins in unison.
"Dibs on th' back!" shouted Tasuki. He smirked, showing off the fangs. "Cuz that's where th' whiplash is!"
Chichiri gave the ride a long-suffering look. "I think I'll pass, no da......."
"Me too," Yui said, looking worried. "I don't want to see my candy cane again......."
Miaka munched happily on a load of churros, clutching Tamahome's arm. The seishi sighed. He was going to be dragged on this ride regardless of if he wanted to go or not.
Tasuki frowned at the monk. "No way, 'Chiri! Yer ridin' wit' me!"
The monk sighed. "Daaaa........"
Nakago looked at Soi and Tomo. "I want to ride alone."
Soi and Tomo pouted simultaneously. Soi let go of Nakago's arm and grabbed Tomo's.
"Let's go look at the clown show instead, Tomo."
Yui shook her head. "I'll go watch Chiriko play at the ball pit."
Miaka waved at her friend's retreating back. "MMmphhf, gggguiiiI!!!"
(translation: bye, yuiiiii!!!)
The line moved pretty fast and soon the seishi and one remaining miko were all at the front of the line. The twins quickly took their seats in the front, with Nakago behind them, after depositing their backpacks in the bin. Nuriko had the audacity to buckle in the ninja bear next to Nakago with a warning that consisted of "If the bear dies, you die", before gleefully strapping himself in next to Hotohori.
Tamahome and Miaka took their seats, two of the attendants forcing Miaka to relinquish the remainder of her churros, much to Tamahome's relief. He hadn't been looking forward to them flying around and smacking him in the face during the ride.
Tasuki crowed with joy as he grabbed onto the handrail. "Whooo!"
Chichiri poofed in a few extra restraints for himself, just in case.
The attendant pushed the button, and the train slowly began it's departure and up the track to the first, terrifying drop.
Yes, it was short. I'm tired. .;;;; I work tomorrow.
(But our new room has lots of anime posters. We are happy.)
So, give us a review, we'll be as quick as we can about getting up part 23! :)
By the way - Thank you all for the 101 reviews!!!! .
We love you all!!!! XD
Ja ne!
Part Twenty-two!!
Authors' Note:
We are SO sorry.......Honest, we are.
(We had midterms, then a new job.......)
Then finals, then ACen - aka Anime Central - then moving.......
(Then the hard drive erased itself. That was fun. We're planning an otaku raid on Dell.......then Microsoft.)
So, we're REALLY sorry!! But, we're back!! . And Pioneer is now releasing FY dvd by dvd - right after me and all my buds finally afforded and bought the box sets.
(Shut up and write the chapter - it's 3am and we have to be up EARLY tomorrow.......)
Ugh. Kay.
Recap!!!! - The seishi and mikos got to meet Santa! -. Then they wandered off.......
By the way - I haven't installed word yet, so please forgive any typos for now. When I find the evil microsoft office disc, Ill try to fix this.......sighs
Having claimed their pictures, they all oohed and aahed over them, then someone dragged out the park map, and yet another "where shall we go next?" argument ensued.
Finally, they decided on...
" 'The Gut-Buster!' " Tasuki grinned, looking up at the 450-foot tall, 90mph flame orange ride.
"Kowaii no da......." Chichiri said, looking up at the large, intimidating structure.
Even Mitsukake seemed to pale, but no one really noticed. Chiriko suddenly reverted to childishness as his character disappeared, leaving the healer to worldlessly cart him off to the ball pit.
Tamahome winced as Miaka glomped onto his arm. "Tamahome, I'm scared! Buy me a churro!"
Tamahome sighed, knowing full well that by 'a' churro, she meant the whole cart, then walked off to do so.
Nakago glanced up at the ride. "Finally. Something.......interesting."
"Of course, Nakago," Soi purred as she held onto Nakago, then stuck her tongue out at Tomo, who returned the gesture.
"Kakakakakakaka......." Tomo cackled evilly. "This would be a perfect time to implement my 'falling from a great height' illusion......."
Chichiri sucked on the end of his candy cane. "Why this ride, no da?"
Tasuki just shrugged. "Looked cool an' all - thought we could give it a try!"
Nuriko smiled, hugging his giant ninja teddy bear tightly and looked up at Hotohori, who was eyeing the ride speculatively. "Ne, Hotohori-sama, are you going to go on it?"
Hotohori smiled down at Nuriko. "Just a moment......." He unzipped his fanny pack and pulled out a can of extra-hold hairspray, did his hair, put the can away and smiled again. "Now I am."
"Me too." Nuriko surreptiously sidled closer to Hotohori, almost knocking over Tomo with the giant teddy bear.
"Dibs on front!!" shouted the twins in unison.
"Dibs on th' back!" shouted Tasuki. He smirked, showing off the fangs. "Cuz that's where th' whiplash is!"
Chichiri gave the ride a long-suffering look. "I think I'll pass, no da......."
"Me too," Yui said, looking worried. "I don't want to see my candy cane again......."
Miaka munched happily on a load of churros, clutching Tamahome's arm. The seishi sighed. He was going to be dragged on this ride regardless of if he wanted to go or not.
Tasuki frowned at the monk. "No way, 'Chiri! Yer ridin' wit' me!"
The monk sighed. "Daaaa........"
Nakago looked at Soi and Tomo. "I want to ride alone."
Soi and Tomo pouted simultaneously. Soi let go of Nakago's arm and grabbed Tomo's.
"Let's go look at the clown show instead, Tomo."
Yui shook her head. "I'll go watch Chiriko play at the ball pit."
Miaka waved at her friend's retreating back. "MMmphhf, gggguiiiI!!!"
(translation: bye, yuiiiii!!!)
The line moved pretty fast and soon the seishi and one remaining miko were all at the front of the line. The twins quickly took their seats in the front, with Nakago behind them, after depositing their backpacks in the bin. Nuriko had the audacity to buckle in the ninja bear next to Nakago with a warning that consisted of "If the bear dies, you die", before gleefully strapping himself in next to Hotohori.
Tamahome and Miaka took their seats, two of the attendants forcing Miaka to relinquish the remainder of her churros, much to Tamahome's relief. He hadn't been looking forward to them flying around and smacking him in the face during the ride.
Tasuki crowed with joy as he grabbed onto the handrail. "Whooo!"
Chichiri poofed in a few extra restraints for himself, just in case.
The attendant pushed the button, and the train slowly began it's departure and up the track to the first, terrifying drop.
Yes, it was short. I'm tired. .;;;; I work tomorrow.
(But our new room has lots of anime posters. We are happy.)
So, give us a review, we'll be as quick as we can about getting up part 23! :)
By the way - Thank you all for the 101 reviews!!!! .
We love you all!!!! XD
Ja ne!