Chapter 1; Airship Meeting

In the skies of Remnant, there was an airship going to an academy called Beacon, which was one of the biggest schools in Remnant that trains teenage people to become Hunters to fight creatures known as Grimm and protect those who can't protect themselves. Inside the airship was many teenagers were waiting to get to the academy.

And in the back of the airship was a young man with spiky brown hair and eyes that were same color as the sky. He wore a black shirt with a blue and black short sleeved jacket with blue flames on the sleeves, black and blue pants with the same blue flames on the pant legs, blue and black shoes with a zipper and black straps in the shape of an x, fingerless gloves with grey knuckles and yellow straps, and a neckless in the shape of a crown around his neck.

As the young man was sitting on a bench in the back of the airship, he had a piece of paper in his hand and it read, "Welcome to Beacon Academy." In the young man's mind, he was thinking about how happy he was when he got the acceptance letter for the head master of Beacon Academy. He had always wanted to be a hero ever since he was a little kid and he thought going to Beacon would be the best way to reach his dream.

"Oh, I can't believe my baby sister is going to Beacon with me!" Sora overheard and looked up to see who said that. In doing so, he saw two girls in the middle of the airship. One of them was a girl with black and red hair was being violently hugged by the other one who was blonde

The blonde girl with lilac colored eyes wore a brown jacket with short puffed up sleeves, a yellow top that showed off her "gift," black shorts with a brown belt and a long white skirt like cloth, black gloves with yellow bracelets, along brown boots with orange socks and a grey bandana around her left leg and an orange scarf around her neck.

The black and red hair girl, who looked a lot younger the blonde, wore a long sleeve black sweater, a black skirt with red frills, long black stockings, black and red boots, and a long red hood. She also had silver eyes which, to the young man, looked like they were about to pop out of her head.

"Please stop." Said the red haired girl as the blonde let her go and was finally able to catch her breath.

"But I'm so proud of you!" Said the blonde as she was bouncing in place.

"Really, Sis, it was nothing." Said the younger girl with her face started get red.

"What do you mean?" Said the blonde. "It's incredible. Everyone in Beacon is going to think you're the BEE'S KNEE!"

When that line was said, the younger girl got a little anger and yelled, "But I DON'T want to be the bee's knee. I just want to be a normal girl with normal knees."

"Are you okay, Ruby?" the blonde asked with a concerned look on her face.

The younger girl then took a deep breath and said "I'm sorry. It's just that I feel like I cheated my way into Beacon"

The blonde then had a confused look on her face and then asked her sister, "I don't understand."

"Yang, I skipped two years of combat school and a don't want the other people in school think I'm special."

"Really?" said a voice which caught the girl's attention and they saw the brown haired boy that was sitting in the back of the airship approach them. "Because it sound like you are very special to me."

The blonde then smiled and wrapped her arm around her sister and said "See. Even a complete stranger thinks your special"

The young girl then asked ask the young man with her face turned as red as her hood, "You overheard our conversation?"

The brown haired boy then smile and said, "Well, it's kind of hard not to notice a tall blonde girl crushing a short black and red haired girl to death."

"It's okay." Said the blonde as she pull the younger girl closer to her. "We're sisters!"

"Really?" the boy asked as he look at the two girls in confusion. "But you two look nothing alike."

"Technically, we're half-sisters." Said the shorter girl as she pulled away from her sister. "Oh, I'm Ruby by the way."

"Nice to meet you, Ruby. My name is Sora." the boy said as both the two shook hands. Then he turned blonde with his hand stuck out and asked, "What's your name?"

"I'm Yang" said the blonde with a smile as she took Sora's hand and shook it.

After Sora, Ruby, and Yang greeted each other, the news came on and saw a reporter by the name of Lisa Lavender was talking about a robbery that happened at a dust shop called 'From Dust Till Dawn," and then showed a mug shot of the person reasonable for the robbery. A man with a white trench coat and black bowler hat. Ruby saw the mug shot and recognized the man.

"Hey." Ruby said pointing to the screen, "That's the guy from last night."

Sora looked at Ruby in confusion and asked "You know that guy? How?"

Before Ruby could talk the news then shut down and in it's place was a hologram came up in front of the airship. The hologram showed a woman in her twenties with blonde hair, green eyes and glasses, a white long sleeve dress shirt, a long black skirt, stockings and heels, and a purple cape.

"Welcome, students." The hologram said, "My name is Glynda Goodwitch and in a few minutes, we will arriving at Beacon Academy. A school dedicated to training young Huntsmen and Huntresses to protect become stronger and smarter." The hologram then shut off and then the trio went to the windows of the airship to see that they were close to the city of Vale, which was the home of Beacon.

"So that's Vale?" said Ruby as Sora nodded "It looks so amazing."

"Better get used to it, sis" Yang said putting her arm around her sister ounce again. "Because we're going to be here for a while."

"Just hope we do better then pinkie over there." Sora said as point the girls to the location of the person in question. And they say a pink haired male about the same age as Sora and Yang and he was not in good condition.

The pink haired boy was sweating like crazy and was breathing very heavily. He wore a long sleeve jacket that was red which had some white outlining and yellow flames on the cuffs of the jacket, long black pants with a white belt, dark brown shoes, and a white scarf with scaly pattern on it.

Yang let go of her sister, walked over to the pink haired boy, kneeled down to him and asked, "Are you okay, kid?"

"Y…yeah,"said the boy in a heavy tone of voice, "but you might wanna back off a li…" the boy's cheeks then puffed up and he got up and started puking over the railing of the ship. Some of the puke got on Yang's boots and she started to freak out.

"Ew! Gross! Gross! Gross!" screamed Yang as she ran towards her sister.

Ruby noticed the puke on Yang's boots and tried to get away from her. "No, Yang! Get away from me!"

As the two sisters ran all over the airship and freaking out about the puke, Sora chuckled and thought to himself, 'This is going to be a very interesting couple of years.'

I hope you guy's enjoy my first chapter of my crossover fanfiction. This is the first ever fanfic that I made, so I'm kind of nerves about what you think of it. If your going to leave a review for my story, please be nice to me.

I also made some changes to the story a little bit, because I saw that playing out in the crossover a little bit. For example, I made the pink haired kid be the one that puked, not Jaune. And obviously, the dialog between characters are either removed, reworded, or just kept the same.

Just in case you didn't know, the outfit that Sora has is actually his Wisdom Drive form from Kingdom Hearts II, because Sora's name means Sky and I wanted some one in the crossover team to have the color blue, so I thought a blue outfit would be good for Sora.

Also, the pink haired puking boy was Natsu Dragneel from Fairy Tail. I just gave him the outfit of Edolas Natsu, removed the googles, gave him his scaly scarf, and made his motion sickness even worse.

Both Sora and Natsu are going to be on the same team. Who will be their other members of the team? Find out next chapter.