
The sun has turned black.

Thin strands of obsidian plasma could be seen creeping its way out of the black mass floating in the sky. Petrified screams could be heard faintly in the distance as creatures of all shapes and sizes tried to take shelter from the oncoming destruction that they could foresee in their future.

Something was rising from the ocean.

It was ugly—disgusting, putrid, so damn nauseating to look at—but the people couldn't help but stare at it. They told themselves to run. Why weren't they running? They were frantically seeking shelter just moments ago. The Thing that rose from the ocean oozed a thick, black liquid. A rancid odor permeated the atmosphere as the Thing rose higher and higher into the sky. It looked like it wanted to touch the black sun. Like a deprived child seeking love from its abusive mother.

The Universe shook with resentment.

Buildings were destroyed and fires started to wreak havoc in the forests. The world turned darker—it was now black and white. No more pretty colors. No more hope. Is that why the people still stand?

The Thing sobbed with anguish when it finally touched the Black Sun.

Now everything is at peace. Or was it just silence? The people couldn't tell. They couldn't feel anything. They couldn't see everything. No more bodies stood on the streets. Yes there are—they are smeared on the Universe.

Everything was Red now.


A/N: Hello! Sooo... I just decided to publish this story because I wanted to know if it was good or not lol. Wanted to share my ideas and all that jazz. This story might be written "weirdly" though. The chapters are gonna be short and may be written in a way where some of you won't like (hopefully you'll like it though because I thirst for positive feedback ;) lmao). I'll probably update whenever I feel like it. Hopefully I won't abandon this story like I do so with many of my others... :D