Naru's POV:

Papa walked around the table as Mama began placing food around the table, Papa sitting in his place at the head of the table, John on his left, then Lin, Monk, Ayako, Mama, Lucy, Yasu, Gene, Naru, Mai and Masako.

"You eat so much for such a small person!" he remarks, smiling.

I focused on him as he spoke.

"N-no, I usually eat this much; I have a... Thing, Ayako confirmed it when I asked her." John smiled.

"Muscle atrophy," Ayako stated, frowning, "The genetic kind."

"Hmm..." Papa hums, before nodding to himself.

I keep an eye on him, as his eyes flicker to Lin.

"Your eye..." he tilts is head, "Electromagnetic vision is very rare these days..."

Lin looks at him in shop, nearly dropping his chopsticks, as a light laugh comes from the old man.

"It can be a hindrance, but it can also sometimes be a help; it's why I have this mask, after all... I'll craft you one, if you wish."

Lin frowns, looking in my direction.

"It's your eye," I shrug, "I'm just your employer - and ward."

He hesitates, before speaking.

"You know how to control it without hiding it all the time?"

"Of course, I have them; it's why I can work the way I do, finding the fractures and... Mending them," the old man smiles, as Mai pauses.

"Papa, you're dong the creepy scientist thing again!" she pouted.

He hums, smiling, before chuckling.

"I'm sorry, but your friends are very entertaining; everyone else is used to me already."

Mai gives him a look, the I-know-what-you're-doing-and-it's-cruel one.

"Scientist?" I ask.

"I'm more of a doctor, but one time I forgot to brush my hair while working on making a new leg for one of the dolls and Korin called it my mad-scientist-genes, which stuck."

"You also do that analysis-stare, Papa; you were using it on everyone, even Mai and I when we walked in."

"I was checking you were fine; you were, but then I see faults and I want to look closer," the old man sighed, Mama placing a plate of food before him - noticeably more food than John, "Thank you for the meal."

"Faults?" Monk asks.

Using his right hand as he used his chopsticks with his left, the man hummed, before pointing at me.

"He has a problem that stops the energy in his body from being able to build up; it must remain regular to prevent any chance of a heart attack, which is what Eugene helps with." His finger moves to Lin, "His eye is able to see all, but since he covers it with his fringe it's slowly causing sight in that eye to deteriorate." His finger moves to John. "This one has a constant out-flow of energy from his back, to the other part of his body, meaning he is unable to heal fully and regain his normal levels of energy, causing him to have to eat more earthen-foods so as to make up for the lost energy."

"You can see that?" Ayako asks, surprised.

"My mask helps deflect other types of light, only allowing the ones that spirits and the like see in, as well as the normal colour spectrum, through. Then I can see things like the fact your aura ties you to the earth, trailing you like a floating dress, waiting for when you require the assistance of the nearby nature. Your boyfriend-" Monk and Ayako blushed at that, "Don't deny something so obvious - he's tied to the power mostly found in the wind and earth that others call belief."

"Papa! No~!" Mai complained as he moved to look at her, a genuine grin lighting the old man's face.

"What? You are tied to so many things I can't describe it all, yet I can still see the links between you and your Boss, care to mention a small thing you two have been denying for what has probably been months?"

Mai turned red, as I resisted the urge to be baited by such actions.

"Oliver?" he asks, and I only spare him a glance of acknowledgement. "Hmm, very analytical; I approve."

Gene giggles, before trying to shift away when the old man smirks at him.

"Then you and Mr Osamu?"

"Noo~ Papa! You darn matchmaker!"

"I was right about Lizzy and Faben, though."

"And Joey and Suzuki, but no!" he chuckles, as Yasu snorts behind his drink.

"I'm in the presence of a true love matchmaker! Wao!" Yasu smiles, pretending to be impressed.

I frown, before repeating something from earlier, recognising the tactics of distraction.

"'A constant out-flow of energy from his back, to the other part of his body, meaning he is unable to heal fully and regain his normal levels of energy, causing him to have to eat more earthen-foods so as to make up for the lost energy'? What do you mean?"

A sigh, before the man states, "Not at the table, after. You originally came here for Eugene, Oliver, but There is still time, and while I have it, I can deal with things as I see fit."

I fall quiet, frowning, as I listened to the others as they entered mindless chatter...

When we finally got back to it was in the living room, Lucy and Mama having been sent to keep the other dolls calm as we sat around the living room, Papa having gone to quickly grab something.

When he finally returned, he was holding a box of measuring tapes, the box obviously very old, guessing by the worn edges of the wood and tattered cloth around the sides.

"Which of you three shall I begin with?" he asks.

"'You three'?" Monk asks, curious.

"Lin, John, and Big Boss!" Yasu grinned from his seat, Gene nodding as he leant against me in his doll-form.

"Me," Lin states, as Papa sits on the couch, leaving the space beside him free, Lin moving to sit by him.

"Can you hold your hair out the way, I'll need to measure it to fit."

Lin pulls his hair back, as Papa pulls out a notepad, pencil and one of the tapes, measuring around Lin's eye, before having him do something similar to an eye-test with several materials.

"Good, that's very similar to mind, though I need to take into consideration about ensuring it doesn't let your eye get worse... Adhesive or strap?"

"I don't know."

"I'll make one of each, then... John?"

John swaps with Lin, the old man having him remove his shirt, john instinctively holding it to his chest for more modesty.

Papa measures from the base of his neck to his tailbone, before measuring the distance between his neck and the two stubs, which he then measures the lengths of, and the distances between, John flinching slightly at the contact.

"It's fine, you don't actuallyneed to worry about anything until I've made what I need to help you..." he trails off as he flips over, allowing John to replace his shirt and return to his seat. "Alright, Oliver?"

I resist an urge to snort, and sit.

"I need access to your chest."

I remove my shirt, making Mai, Masako and Ayako blush.

He hums, before one hand stretches out, his fingers and palm taught, over my heart.

"Found the main problem, this may hurt a bit - it's been so long, it's like a knot..."

It's like I'm suddenly having something pulled and twisted from my chest, instantly gritting my teeth as the feeling of my PK tearing about slightly and Lin is noticeably surprised, electromagnetic eye fixed on whatever the old man's doing and I'm trying to breathe through the procedure.

I gag as whatever it is s suddenly free and my aura feels like it's suddenly been made more flexible than ever.

I faintly here a "What was that?!" from Takigawa, before my world turns dark...

OK, so, I have an excuse...

OK, in truth 1) I'm lazy, 2) I'm now into the exams month, and 3) I've been writing more stuff on AO3 (Including certain E-ratings that you Liohn shippers who read my stuff may like... Ehehe TTwTT")

So... Please don't murder me for such a late update? I've finally got Papa under control after talking with him and Kawahira/Checkerface (WHO HE IS DEFINATELY NOT BASED OFF! ELSE I'LL CRY AT WHAT'S IN STORE!), and should be able to write more of this...

Happy reading ;D