To desire another

Author's notes down below after the story. Please read.

Disclaimer: All the characters of Lord of the rings are in property of the genius, J.R.R. Tolkien. Only the fanfic is mine.

This takes place in Rivendell when Legolas arrived there to attend Elrond's council meeting in Fellowship of the ring.

Chapter 1: Scum had it all figured out

A Lady with long mahogany hair walked the long spiral stairs that lead to his room with a determined look on her face. Her blood boiled as she thought of him again. How dare he show his face to her again, after so many years of grief, tears and heartache he had cost her.

A suffering that had lasted a millennia, or more even.

She gritted her teeth in frustration, she was happy now. Why did he come back again? To bring her more pain and anguish? The bastard took pleasure for watching her grovel in emotional pain, he smiled like a maniac when she painfully begged and literally threw herself upon him for him to come back, he laughed when she was bawling with tears, and her eyes were swollen and red for him. For him, the unworthy son of a bitch that he is.

She screamed inside her head.

Each of her heavy steps were torture to her, to see him again was to shatter her already mended heart. She was happily in love, and yet he had come back and ready to smash her newly built happiness. He had returned to ruin her life yet again as he had done so many years ago.

She willed herself to have the courage that she needed. She had to do this, she had to fight his rule over her, to confront him with dignity, to show him that she won't fall under his spell and that she will never be his whore again.

She pushed the door open hastily and with no grace and she saw upon his fair face again, he was looking at her, his mouth twisted in a sickeningly sexy smirk as if he was expecting her.

He still had that devastatingly gorgeous midnight blue eyes she always found desirable and undeniable, her reaction was inflamed and overwhelming. Her mind flickered with heated, raging explosions of thoughts as her lazy eyes wandered all over his bare chest.

She loathed and cursed herself for missing the body that always called out to her and pleasured her to no end. She winced as she discovered herself falling under his spell again. His torso which was exposed and comprised itself with hardened muscles always made her weak in the knees.

His dark indigo eyes were consuming her in a way that was a violation itself. She felt his burning gaze roam around her body, he stopped exploring her body with his eyes and stared at her breasts, while smirking, he can make out a pair of dark nipples through her thin dress. She instinctively flew her hands over her chest then glared daggers at him. Her ivory colored night dress left little for imagination since the clothing clung to her like a second skin. She felt like he was undressing her with his eyes.

His mouth turned into a sarcastic grimace as a low chuckle escaped his mouth. "You are no fun."

This was madness, utter madness
, she declared to herself, she felt herself slipping but contained herself. No she will not run into his arm and let him have what he wants from her, which was sex. No, she has changed, she's more smarter now, and she loved him, not this trifling imp in front of her.

The lady gritted her teeth once again, feeling the familiar sensation that ran through her body.

The scum thought he had it all figured out.

The blond elf sat on a chair with both of his feet on a table, in his hand was a glass of rare elvish wine which he twirled in a circular motion as if to intimidate her.

She slammed the door behind her, but remained her cool composure.

Her right hand automatically went to cover her heart, which had erupted from its constriction and was pounding its frantic commotion against the wall of her chest.

His face softened, the usual smirk disappearing in his face, replaced by a sincere smile.

"What are you doing here Legolas?" She spoke in a low whisper, not knowing what else to say, She had always been weak when it came to him, and she felt herself leaning against the wall for support.

He smiled an innocent smile, as he stopped swirling his drink around. "Mae govannen (happily met) to you too Arwen."

To be continued (or not to be continued??)


Author's notes: So short, but the next chapter will be better and LONGER if you guys give me nice enough reviews to continue! That I promise you ;)

Legolas can be bad! I've always known that in every good there is bad, and here is my sad portrayal of Legolas as a hot sexy gigolo!

No, he's not going to be nasty, he's not going to be bad, just an elf that knows that he's got the Stuff if you know what I mean ;)

All the characters will be OOC from here on then, but hey that's the whole point of the story. I want to bring out wild characteristics of Legolas and probably some other characters as well.

I've been toying around with this idea for a long time, and now I finally brought it out! Hahaha. Ok. If you guys don't like it I will discontinue. I expect a lot of flames for this fanfic, hopefully one will come out as a positive comment. Anyway, I have big plans for this story, and hope for it to continue, but if you guys don't like this idea then…I guess I won't pursue it. As this story progress you will notice that it will have some hot steamy scenes, because it's all about sex here. NO LEGOLAS WILL NOT BE SOME NASTY PERVERTED RAPIST. Just a very irresistible sex god ;)

Later on this will become an AU story. R/R tell me if I should continue! Peace