I really like pairings in FanFictions. And one of my favorites is Jack Frost x Bunnymund from Rise of The Guardians. I had this idea a few years ago, and since it's cluttering up my documents on my iPod along with my other useless ideas and notes, I decided to write this out. Mainly to take s break from my other FanFiction.

I don't own RoTG.

Chapter 1- Two Days Before Valentine's

Ah, Valentine's Day. The day lovers of all ages get together for a wonderful time. A day dedicated to pure love and spreading that love. A day for boys to show their affection to the girl they like with chocolates and flowers, and whatnot without feeling embarrassed. A day full of love.

So it made absolutely no sense when North started beefing up security around the Pole. After becoming a Guardian, North offered Jack a room at the Pole. Jack refused, however. He was an element. He couldn't stay in one place for very one. It was like being a snowflake in the wind, no pun intended. He couldn't be tied down. Though North had set up a room for Jack, just in case, and every so often, Jack would sleep over, to make the older Guardian happy.

Jack was used to the dirty looks he got from the Yetis. After becoming a Guardian, some of them warmed up to him, but a few were still quite wary towards him. So yes, he was expecting some to be on guard when Jack came to the workshop. But Jack certainly wasn't expecting to be ambushed by Yetis the second he got there. He was almost charged down by a stampede!

The yetis were everywhere and constantly on guard. They did apologize to Jack, and tried to explain their actions. But Jack spoke very little Yetish, so their efforts were in vain.

Then there was Bunny. It was very confusing when Bunny began putting up more of his strong stone eggs all around the Warren. They were guarding every natural entrance, and there were subtle little traps everywhere around the Warren. Recently, Jack got caught up in a net trap when he came down an open hole, and made it past the giant egg statutes when he wanted to say hi to Bunny. It took forever for him to get out.

And then there was Tooth. It was truly baffling when the sweet fairy Jack had come to enjoy had practically half of her mini-fairies began circling the Tooth Palace, as if guarding it, instead of gathering teeth like they normally did. They looked like an army at war, awaiting command to invade and attack. Jack almost felt to afraid to approach them. Luckily, that faded when he did approach and several of the fairies started swooning over him, as they often do.

And it was totally bewildering when copious amounts of Sandy's dream sand turned into heavily armed guards, guarding the entrances and halls of Sandy's home and surrounding him as he made his usual arounds of delivering dreams.

Jack was mystified. He had never seen so much security in all his immortal life. He could barely walk through the halls of the Pole without a yeti whipping their head around to look at him in alarm before going back to their previous activity.

It was only noon, two days before Valentine's, when Jack had enough. Even he knew where the thin line of too little and too much stood, so he decided to investigate. Everyone had been so busy with the guarding that no one bothered to tell him what was going on.

Jack made his way to North's office, only to catch a glimpse of Bunny walking out. Convenient. Maybe Jack could talk to him. Bunny's back was turned to Jack. Jack casually walked right on up to Aster and tapped him on the shoulder.

The reaction he got was not one he expected (Despite getting attacked by several yetis a while ago). Bunny whipped around, grabbed Jack by the wrist, knocking his staff out of his hand and forced him up against the wall, his arm twisted behind his back.

"Ow! Bunny, stop it! What are you doing?!" Jack cried out in surprise and pain.

Bunny, realizing it was just Jack, released him. "Oh Moon! 'M sorry, Jack!"

"Yeah, sure, whatever," Jack said sarcastically, massaging his shoulder.

"Sorry, mate. Really!" Bunny exclaimed. "I am not myself today. It's only two days before Valentine's an' 'm already on edge."

"I've been meaning to ask you about that. What is with you guys?" Jack asked, now rubbing his wrist. "You guys have been going full-on with the security, and now you're freaking out and tackling people. What's going on?"

"You're kidding, right mate?! It's almost Valentines! You should be preparing too!"

"Preparing for what?!" Jack shouted. "Is there some sort of weird Valentine's tradition between you four I'm not aware of?"

"Kinda," Bunny said. "See mate, every year around this time, we have to protect ourselves. From Cupid."

"Cupid?" Jack was even more confused. He had met Cupid before. A sweet-as-candy woman appearing to be in her early twenties. She had curly blond hair, rosy red lips, pretty pink eyes and a face shaped kind of like a heart. She was one of the few spirits who was genuinely nice to Jack. She often gave him candy whoever the saw each other.

Of course, Jack knew just how seriously she took her work. It was her job to match up two people to be couples, and make sure their relationship goes well. She loved her job very much. And Valentine's Day, from what Jack could tell, was her busiest day of the year. Why would the Guardians have to protect themselves from Cupid!?

"What's wrong with Cupid?" Jack asked. "I've only met her a few times, but she's really kind and loving. Strictly independent and kind of pushy, but-"

"That's the problem!" Bunny suddenly yelled, causing Jack to jump. "She's too pushy! She interferes with peoples' lives way too much!"

"Uh, I'm gonna need a few more details, Bunny," Jack said, as he still didn't understand

"Lemme put it to ya like this, mate," Bunny said. "Cupid believes that everybody needs love. Including us Guardians. Every year, she shows up and tries to hit us with her stupid lovey-dovey arrows so one of us falls in love with Tooth.

"But a bigger problem," Bunny continued, "is the fact that the love in those arrows affects immortals differently than regular humans. The love is fake. We end up hoplessly trapped in our own mind while we fall head over heels in fake love with someone!"

"Ouch!" Jack said. "That can not be fun. I can only imagine what a nightmare that is!"

"Exactly!" Bunny exclaimed. "Take some advice from me, mate, and hide for yar life! Cupid is crazy on Valentine's! Stay as far away from her as possible, or you'll end up a clueless lover boy with an eye for Tooth!"


At the same time of Bunny and Jack's conversation, Cupid was flying over the town of Burgess, shooting unhappy (And unsuspecting) couples with her heart-shaped arrows, when her magic compact mirror started vibrating.

Taking it off her red, ribbon-like belt, she opened it and looked inside. Cupid couldn't actually hear what was going on on the other line, but it showed more unhappy couples fighting with their lovers, all of whom were in other towns. Cupid smiled michivously. Before she could put the mirror away, another image flashed across that glass.

It showed the Easter Bunny and Jack Frost at the North Pole. Bunny had Jack up against the wall, holding him in place. Jack yelled something, and Bunny released him and Jack started shouting.

As said before, Cupid couldn't actually hear anything when it's coming from the compact mirror, so she couldn't make out what was being said.

"My, my," she said. "Are they fighting?"

Cupid's smile grew wider as she looked at the scene before her. She oh so loved messing with the Guardians in general, but Valentine's Day was her favorite. It was the perfect excuse to try and get one of the boys to fall for the Tooth Fairy, everybody needed a little love.

But after seeing Jack and Bunny going at it like that, She had a better idea. A much better idea...