This story was originally Eleja88's but she gave me permission to write this story out so this is dedicated to you buddy!
Silver Eyes, Book 1
Chapter 1
"I need your blood to stop the plague that my children are." Esther Mikaelson said to the newest Petrova doppelgänger, Elena Gilbert. Elena had taken her gloves off as she didn't care for them. Her dark eyes were wide with horror at Esther's attempt at committing prolicide and genocide.
"You're crazy." She got out. "I'm not helping you! All this was your fault and I'm not going to help you! They didn't deserve this!"
"Frankly Elena," Esther said coldly. "I'm not requesting your help." Before the girl knew, Finn had gone into the room and dislocated her shoulder, forcing her arm out as she screamed in pain but sadly for her, no one would hear her. Esther pulled out a long thin needle and made a small indent into her index finger. Eight drops of blood fell into the vial that Esther had.
Finn roughly pushed the girl out and she knew that she needed to tell someone.
She needed to tell Elijah.
She found him, waiting for her in the ballroom. The words were soft and she made sure that not many of them could hear her.
"Your mother and Finn want to end the wrong that she caused. Using my blood, she created a linking spell in the champagne."
She didn't know that Finn had over heard her and told his mother what he heard. The witch's eyes were cold.
Elena ended up grabbing the lapels of Elijah's tux jacket and kissed him, pouring all of her feelings and emotions for him into that simple kiss. His hands went through her hair and were placed on her waist, kissing her back as passionately as he could.
Pulling away, he whispered to her lips, "thank you Elena. You truly are compassionate and no matter what, I will try my best to save you from my mother and older brother."
"A toast!" Esther declared and everyone-save Elena and Elijah-drank the champagne.
She didn't even enter her house a few days later after hitting the gym with Matt. Her arm was still in a cast as Meredith was busy being a suspect in the Council murders. When she felt someone hit her in the back of the head with a lead pipe, she internally groaned, causing her to blackout and when she awoke, it was already nightfall and she was in a circle of salt. Gashes were along her arms and Finn was watching her with a cold glance.
"You wrought this upon yourself doppelgänger." He said cruelly. "I will be thankful once you and the plague of vampires are dead."
She wanted to scream obscenities at him but refrained from doing so as something she learned a long time ago fluttered through her mind filled with a pain inducing fog.
If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all
"I do hope that you would have listened and helped me." Esther said as she appeared in front of the circle. "Finn, you have the ceremonial bowl ready?" He nodded. "Feed her the contents."
He walked slowly towards her and with one hand, gripped the back of her head. She kept her mouth shut until her eyes met his and a fog was there.
"Open your mouth." She was forced to comply and the iron and copper tasting liquid went down her throat, almost causing her to vomit it back up.
As Elijah explained what Elena did for them during the ball, each of his younger siblings were angered and furious with their mother but they were eternally grateful for Elena's compassion.
"Now what do we do? We haven't seen mother or Finn-they could be anywhere!" Kol complained.
Elijah was racking his mind when he remembered something Elena told him the night he saved her from Rebekah.
"There's the old witch house that Bonnie went into with Jeremy to save him. It's how she learned that Klaus was the cure to the wolf bite."
"The old witch house." Klaus knew where that was and as they had Rebekah stay there-to tell them when their mother or Finn should appear-the three brothers ran to the cars.
"There's another way to kill him and that's by using you as the linking spell." Esther decided to monologue her entire plan to the girl. "I hope that you know that what I am about to say will shatter your life but it needs to be said…you have the werewolf gene in you."
"That's impossible!" Elena shouted. There was no way! The only thing about the supernatural that John Gilbert liked was the ring that can resurrect you from a supernatural death.
"Afraid not." Esther grinned evilly at her. "You see, John Gilbert's mother was an untriggered wolf and she passed that along to him…and to you. Grayson Gilbert's mother died in childbirth and when your grandfather met John's mother, who didn't know, they got married and had him."
Elena was staring at her in shock and tried to think of days of when it was the full moon-if she felt the aggression or the agitation but she didn't…when she was younger but now, with all this bullshit drama, she hadn't been exactly worried about her moods.
"So I am going to cause you a lot of pain." The Original Witch didn't sound sorry as she made hand motions as she chanted, causing Elena to scream out in pain and blood to pour from her mouth.
"Mother!" Elena heard Elijah's voice and as she looked up, blood pouring from her eyes and mouth, she could tell that he was incensed. "What are you planning?"
"Your end." She said. "She has drunk your blood and I just activated her wolf nature." Her eyes turned black and as she lifted a stake up, she threw it at Klaus only for Elena's blood to fall on the salt and for her to be the one who got staked.