So this is it. The last chapter of my very first fanfic(with chapters) and I can't believe I actually finished a book. I hope you all enjoyed this as much as we did writing it! Thank you to all who have read this, it means a TON to my partner and I. We are currently writing a sequel, and if anyone wants me to post it then I will. If not…till next time! (There is no way I am going to stop writing fan fiction now. It's sooo fun!) Update: I am soon sorry this is incredibly late, my computer wouldn't let me update this until nowT-T
Chapter Thirty One
"You can not comprehend how relieved I am to hear that from someone in your shoes."
"Many people will say go to war or surrender. I only gave you two options but you defied my rule and choose a third that nobody has chosen yet." She smiles when my face morphs into confusion yet again. "You choose peace when the only options I gave you were war and cowardice."
"That was Wolfram's…"
"Mother, yes."
I turn when I hear Murata confirm what I am thinking. He smiles lightly at me and pats my back.
"Qu...Cherri von Spitzweg. The sexy lady set out for free love. She tends to be a bit much sometimes."
That women...was Wolfram's mother? He never really talked about her...I wonder what kind of mother she is.
"Please try to not break my dear Wolfy's heart. He's been through enough all through his life."
Wolfram...His light golden hair, gleaming in the sun. His green eyes, sparkling like a thousand emeralds when excited. His smile, the one that makes the whole world glow. His words, his laugh, his hands. Everything. Why? Why is it so familiar?
"Please try to not break my dear Wolfy's heart. He's been through enough all through his life." I want to cry when I think that I might bring him pain? What is this emotion in me? Wolf...How much does he really like me?
"Shibuya…time to get up."
"Wolf...two more minutes..." I mummer, rolling over.
"Shibuya…Shibuya. Yuuri!"
I gasp, my eyes flying open as I bolt up, clashing heads with someone standing over me.
"Ow...first you talk all night in your sleep, then when you finally get up you hit me in the head."
I blink, my eyes and mind still foggy.
"Hey Yuuri. Get. Up. Now."
I am shaken gently, and after a few seconds am able to see my friend Murata standing over me, an annoyed look on his face as he shakes my shoulders.
"Stop, I'm up! I'm up." I grumble, pushing Murata's hands off me and getting up out of bed, groggily going over to the bag I kept my clothes in.
"Yeash Yuuri, it took you long enough to get up. You were talking all night too, so I couldn't get much sleep." Murata says, a teasing note in his voice. "Are you sure you consider Wolf as just a friend?"
"Yes, why do you ask?" I respond, slipping on my uniform.
"I ask because guess what name I heard you saying in your sleep over and over again for hours?"
I freeze, getting a bad feeling once I turned around and saw the devilish look on Murata's face.
"Who's?" I ask, already knowing the answer I dread.
"Wolfram's. You were saying his name in your sleep." Murata explains, a huge satisfied smirk on his face. "For around three hours too. I kept track."
My face getting warmer by the second, I quickly walk over to my bag, grab it, and reaching the door I snap "That still doesn't mean anything." Before running out and down the steps, bolting for my first class like my life depended on it.
I sigh, reaching my desk just as the bell rings, getting out a pencil and my notebook, flipping to a blank page and putting the date down just as the teacher walks in.
"Today class, we will be talking about Police raids. Does anyone know what a raid is?"
Someone raises his hand, and after being called on answers "A police raid is a raid by law enforcement officers."
"Very good." The teacher says, smiling. "Now what time do police often do raids and why?"
Someone else raises their hand and says "They are often in the early morning or late at night, and that's because the police are hoping to use the element of surprise to arrest targets that they believe may hide contraband or other evidence, resist arrest, be politically sensitive, or simply be elsewhere during the day."
"Yes very good. I see some of us know our stuff."
Yeah, because almost anyone who want to be in this profession knows that, I think as I sigh under my breath and look to the clock, already wishing the class to be over. History just doesn't seem very important to me. Everything is in the past right? It's best to look at the now and focus on what we can do in this moment, rather on what already happened.
Slowly, my mind begins to wander, to what Murata said this morning as well as my dream. Wolfram…That boy draws people away with his harsh words and cold appearance. At first glance, he's someone who is cold and strikes out at people for no reason, a boy who most avoid, but…my mind flashes back to one stormy night, when I found Wolf trembling in his bed, hiding underneath his covers. I reach out and gently touch where I think his side to be, wanting to comfort him. At another flash of lightning he screams, flipping around and wrapping his arms around my chest like his life depended on it.
He has his own fears, his own demons. The only difference is that he feels like he has to take the weight of the whole world on his shoulders, all by himself. He just doesn't ask for help. Or maybe it's more like he doesn't know how to?
"Shibuya. You're going to be late to your next class if you don't hurry."
I blink, coming back to real life and realizing my teacher was standing next to me, a concerned look on his face.
"Are you alright? You looked so spaced out in class, and you've been sitting here even though the bell for break rang ten minutes ago."
"Eh? It did?" I mutter, blushing as I gather up my things and after assuring the teacher I was fine, I hurry over to my next class, my stomach protesting the lack of both breakfast and snack.
"Sorry self, you're just going to have to wait till lunch time." I mutter, slipping into my chair, Murata just happening to set next to me. All throughout that class, Murata was sending me looks while I was trying to do my best not staring at my ex-roommate, who was only sitting a few rows to my right. Finally the bell rang for lunch and without having even acknowledging my presence Wolf leaves, Murata saying something to me that I didn't hear.
"Eh? What did you say?" I ask, my eyes still on where Wolf disappeared into the crowded hallways.
"I asked if you were coming to practice today. You know, since we have a game on Thursday and the team thought we could use some more...are you even listening to me Yuuri?"
"What?" I respond, forcing my eyes away from the door. Murata sighs, shaking his head.
"Look, I know you are pinning after your roommate, but the least you could do is pay attention to me when I am-"
"I am NOT pinning after Wolf!" I interrupt, glaring at my current roommate.
"Sure, sure, and you totally weren't eyeballing him the entire class, or looking like a kicked puppy after he left without saying a word to you." Murata says, giving me a look. " I guess the saying 'people are blind when in love' is true. You know, it's bluntly obvious to apparently everyone but you and Wolfram."
"Is not! I mean I am not in l-love with him! Wolf is a guy, and that's just-"
"Wrong, I know. You've said it plenty of times." Murata sighs, a shadow covering his glasses.
"Then quite saying that I l-l-like Wolf. We are just friends, that's it." I snap, getting up with a huff and walking out of the classroom, missing Murata smile and mutter "You can't lie to your heart Yuuri. Soon enough, I think you'll realize that."
"Stupid Murata, saying silly things." I grumble under my breath, heading for the school lunch room, thinking to get some food since I had ran out without getting any breakfast in the morning. As if I could ever like a guy that way. It's true that I care for Wolf, but that's just as a friend…I don't l-l love him, right? Wolf…with his cold personality and harsh words, always making fun of me and calling me a wimp. But…that's not all there is to him. A quiet voice whispers in my head, starting to get louder. He has a gentle and caring side to him too, and he can be really cute and sweet at times. "Gah shut up!" I yell out loud, earning me a few quizzical looks from the students around me. Blushing I hurry into the lunch room, opening the big brown doors to a huge room, overflowing with people. After getting in line and standing for what felt like hours, I am finally able to get a cup of fruit, only to nearly spill it when someone bumps into me.
"Opes are you alright? I didn't see you." The person apologizes, gasping once he gets a proper look at my face.
"Shibuya? Shibuya Yuuri?" The boy asks, his pale face lighting up in recondition. I blink, taking in the boy in front of me. The first thing a person would notice was his striking blond hair, lighter than Wolfram's but still rather eye catching. He has fair skin and a thin lithe body, but what is most memorable are his bright golden eyes, seeming to overflow with life.
"Yeah. Do I know you?" I ask, tilting my head, confused.
"Yes, we used to be classmates! You don't recognize me?" He asks, tilting his head allowing me to see he had his light blond hair up in a loose ponytail, some of his hair draping over his face. "Well it has been eight years. We were only kids last time I saw you." He purrs, a small gentle smile on his face. "My name's Saralegui and we used to be childhood friends. I went to the same elementary school as you."
"Really?" I say, frowning. "I don't remember much of my childhood, but I didn't go to elementary school here. I'm from Boston and came here to Sweden for this university. It's the first time I've been in Sweden."
"I know, I moved here from Boston when I was six, after my mom died." Saralegui explains, walking with me outside and over to some empty benches. "I moved to Sweden to be with my only other family, which was my father." Sitting down, he still has a smile on but with a sad glow in his eyes. "My father was a really...interesting person, and though we were family he treated me a bit harshly."
"Really? That's not nice." I find myself saying, Saralegui's words easily capturing me in a snare. "Did you come here to get away from him?"
Saralegui shakes his head. "No, he unfortunately died three years ago...but enough about me. How are you? Do you still keep in touch with Wolfram?"
"Eh? Wolf...ram?" I ask, blinking, confused as to why he asked about my roommate.
"Mhm. You, Wolfram and I were in the same elementary class together."
"Ehh?! Wolf and I were…?!" I shout, jumping up.
"Y-yeah." Saralegui stutters, blinking in surprise. "We were all childhood friends. Well, Wolf was special. You two were never apart, and while I sometimes was with you, you guys had a unique bond that I could never be apart of. A glowing world that only existed for the two of you. You don't remember?"
"No…" I breathe, completely stunned. "I don't remember that at-" Suddenly I brake off, thinking. Wait. Maybe I do. It's just buried deep deep within my mind, in a place that I can only unlock in my dreams...My dreams!
"Sorry Saralegui we'll have to catch up some other time! I have something I want to check." I shout over my shoulder as I run off, heading in the direction of the dorms.
"Yeash he actually didn't recognize me." Saralegui mutters, watching the form of his childhood friend disappear down the path.
"What did I tell you? Yuuri can be such an airhead sometimes." A person suddenly says, walking out of the shadows.
"I guess. He wasn't really like that when I knew him." Saralegui grumbles, refusing to look up at Murata standing beside him.
"Come on, stop sulking. He didn't even remember Wolf and he had fallen in love with him back then. It was nearly impossible he would remember you." Murata purrs, a devilish smile on his face.
"Thanks for the comfort." Saralegui mutters under his breath, a small true smile tuning at his mouth at the thought of one of the three boys he cared for the most. "I just want the two of them to realize who they are and what they can give to each other before it's too late."
Golden hair, so bright like the sun. Warm, kind smiles that were so hard to earn but made all the pain of the world float away.
The more I ran toward the dorms, the more I felt old walls within me shatter, the things kept behind them pouring forward.
His eyes, such a pure and cooling green, like a forest on a cool day with the leaves dancing in the wind.
Reaching the dorm, I run up the stairs and over to our room, the one I was supposed to be sharing with Wolfram until I got scared and ran away. Opening the door, I find the room surprisingly messy, papers and books scattered over the floor. Walking carefully over, I peek over to Wolf's side, unsurprised to find him not there, but surprised to find the bed very messy, the blankets tangled up on the edge of the bed. Sighing I shake my head, for I had already known that I had hurt him. The fact that this place was so messy when Wolf was a cleaning freak was just proof to my assumptions. Just as I am about to leave, out of the corner of my eye I see an old book, and picking it up I could see that it had been clearly opened a lot, for the cover was old and slightly ripping. Yet you could tell it was loved, for it seemed that the binding had been fixed multiple times and the torn pieces of the cover had been carefully glued down. This book obviously means something to Wolf...Something big. Before I realize what I was doing my hands were opening the book, flipping to the first page.
Property of Wolfram von Bielefeld.
I smile, Wolf's sloppy childish handwriting telling me that, as I had thought, Wolf has had this book for a long time. Flipping through it I come to realize it's a yearbook, the pictures of little kids, not passed seven years old. Are these pictures of Wolf's classmates? I wonder, flipping through the pictures. As I continue to look through, I come across a very familiar face, nearly dropping the book.
"Wolfram!" I gasp out loud, quickly covering my mouth. He's so cute! I mentally scream, blushing at the thought. It's true though...those soft, emerald eyes, his cute chubby face...he has the same stiff expression though. I sigh, gently touching the picture, but there's something in his eyes that isn't there
Shaking my head I turn the page, only to see something even more shocking. Is that Wolfram...and me? Why am I in here? Not to mention we look really close. I have my arms around him! Something catches my eye at the bottom of the page, and at a closer look I see it's letters, small and sloppy.
These past few years were a lot of fun! I look forward to seeing you next year, and the years after that!
"I wrote this?" I mutter, my mind blank. But...that's impossible. This is impossible! I don't remember...My grip slackens as I think and the book falls, landing with a thump.
"Agh Wolf will be mad if this gets damaged..." I mutter as I bend down to pick it up, but as I do a page falls out and drifts to the floor, landing by my feet. Placing the book back on Wolfram's bed, I bend down and pick up the piece of paper, confused for a second as to why it's blank. Oh I have it backwards, I think, and turn it over only to gasp as I look down at a big blue bear, my handwriting below it:
I will never forget you or our time together. You were my bestest friend and will stay that way forever and ever! Someday I will see you again! Don't forget me.
Your best friend forever,
"This…was given to Wolf…by me?" I whisper, my whole body trembling in shock, but there was something else, a small tug in the back of my brain, a small whisper of a voice that was saying something, that had been saying something since I first met my irritable roommate.
"Mm. You, Wolfram and I were in the same elementary class together."
Saralegui voice suddenly comes to mind, what he had said just a few minutes ago filtering into my mind.
"Y-yeah." Saralegui stutters, blinking in surprise. "We were all childhood friends. Well, Wolf was special. You two were never apart, and while I sometimes was with you, you guys had a unique bond that I could never be apart of. A glowing world that only existed for the two of you. You don't remember?"
With a gasp the tiny voice in my head becomes louder, the words it had been trying to tell me finally getting though. Remember…remember!
One blank day in my childhood, a glowing golden haired boy came to our class. He was a transfer student who had moved here from England and though he was really cold and distant, I wanted to be closer to him. Over time I could feel him relaxing around me, the walls he had build around himself not crumbling, but bending, allowing me to sort of come into his world. It wasn't until that day, the one where a bunch of cruel kids had torn up his paintings in his face, yelling that a boy shouldn't like art, that was a girl's thing. They had run off, leaving him quietly crying, hugging the torn pieces of paper to his chest. I had been walking by, and saw the boys run off and as I got closer I heard his quiet sobs. That day was the first time I saw that boy with so much emotion on his face, his beautiful emerald eyes sparkling with tears.
"Don't cry, don't cry." I had said, walking over to him. "Here, I'll teach you a charm my momma uses when I cry." I gently touched his forehead, closing my eyes and focusing my mind. "Pain pain go away, come again another day. Pain pain go away, come again another day!" Finished I open my eyes and smile big, gently giving the boy a soft hug. "It's ok now, you don't have to be alone anymore."
He had cried into my chest then, letting out all of the sadness and loneliness he had kept in his heart, holding tight to me. After that day there wasn't a one where we weren't together, always by each others side. But then…he had to leave, go back to where he had been born. The day he left was the day I cried the most, Mother's old charm not even able to lift the cloud over my heart, but other time, little by little I forgot, till I couldn't even recall the boy's name, just his soft smile and kind green eyes, leading to the happy days.
I gasp, blinking back tears as I remember what had been buried in my heart and mind for years, that was now just surfacing. That boy's name. I know it. Wolfram. The Wolfram who made my childhood days sparkle with his brilliant light. Wolfram. The boy who has quietly helped me, and pushed me towards our meeting.
"Wolfram!" I shout, running to the one place I knew he would be. Reaching it, I look up at the sparkling water, seeing a golden sight sitting by the lakebed, peacefully drawing something. How could I not remember him? He's like an angel, brilliantly glowing in golden light.
"Wolfram." I gently call, walking over to him.
"What is it? I am busy if you can't see that you wimp." Wolf snaps, not even bothering to look up from his drawing.
"I remember," I state, "I can remember everything."
Wolf flinches, slightly turning his head in my direction. "Oh? And what does a wimp like you remember?"
"Everything. Everything Wolfram! How you and I first met, the happy times you brought with you, the quiet nights we spent together in a tent in my backyard. I can recall all of it." I breathe, not realizing I could ever feel so happy. "Here, I forgot to put it back in the yearbook." I offer the drawing to him, my biggest grin yet on my face.
Whipping around he glares at me, his emerald eyes full of outrage.
"You went through my things? Without even asking me?!" He hisses.
I meekly nod, taking a few steps back.
"Y-yeah. But it was for a good reason!" I defend, holding up my hands. "I met an interesting guy in the lunchroom today who said some intriguing things.
He claimed to be a classmate from when I was in elementary school, and not only that but also an old friend of our's."
"Really? What was his name?" Wolf snaps, his still flaming eyes narrowing.
"Saralegui. He said his name was Saralegui." I respond, flinching back when Wolf suddenly stands up, his hands grabbing my arms.
'Are you sure that he was Saralegui? What did he look like?"
"He had hair like your's, pulled into a ponytail and a bit lighter. He was fair skinned, and slim. Oh, and he had the most stunning golden eyes. I've never seen a person with golden eyes before." I say, my gaze going dreamy when I thought of his eyes. Humphing Wolf lets go of me, muttering under his breath.
"You really remember me Yuuri? After twelve years, one of those years us being together?" Wolf whispers, the matter with Saralegui forgotten the second Wolf started to tremble.
"Yeah, I really do. I remember you, Wolfy." I breathe, using his mother's old nickname.
"Don't call me that, Yu-chan." Wolf says, his back to me.
"Aww so only your family gets to call you Wolfy?" I play whine, coming up behind him and gently wrapping my arms around his chest.
"No, they're just too stubborn to stop." Wolf mutters, resisting me when I tried to turn him around.
"Come on Wolf, let me see your face." I whine, pulling on him.
"No. Leave me alone!"
"Please? I wanna see." I push, giving up on pulling him, knowing full well Wolf was stronger than me.
"Fine then. I'll be in Murata's room if you need me." I pretend to snap, letting go of Wolf and walking a few steps backwards.
"Wait, don't!" Wolf yells, turning around just as I wanted him too, only for me to catch the link of tears on his face.
"Wolf…you were crying?" I say, my face softening.
"No! Of course not. I just got some sand in my eyes." Rubbing his puffy red eyes, Wolf blushes when I crush him to my chest, wrapping my arms around him.
"I am sorry. I never wanted to hurt you."
"It took you long enough to remember, you wimp!" Wolf yells, burying his head in my shoulder.
"I am so sorry Wolfram. I promise I won't forget you ever again." I whisper, giving him a squeeze.
"You better not, you wimp." Wolf mutters, squeezing me in return as I let him quietly cry out all of the bottled up grief and sadness I had unintentionally given him, swearing deep in my heart that I would never make Wolf cry like this ever again...
...but unknown to the two boys, a light golden haired boy had been watching them from a close hilltop, now smiling with tears in his unique golden eyes as he watched his only two friends make up after what had felt like a lifetime of pain and loneliness. "Treasure him, Yuuri. Because there are trials awaiting you that only he can support you in."
The End