Hogwarts 1991 Slytherin Common Room

Much had gone the same in this universe; the potters died and Albus Dumbledore had made the same damn mistakes. There were a few minor difference, Harry had successfully hidden the letter and sent a reply. Years of sneaking out to steal food so he didn't die allowed our young hero to escape the Dursleys and get to Diagon Alley much sooner than planned. Without Hagrid to guide Harry, he was told all about his parents by people from the alley, and the goblins had told him all about his vast finances, not just his trust vault. With this newfound wealth he bought himself proper clothes, both wizard and muggle. He bought books to educate himself to make his parents proud. Perhaps most importantly, he was told how to get onto platform nine and three quarters. He found his own compartment and locked it so he wouldn't be disturbed. Not meeting Hagrid, Ron, or Draco changed much.

The sorting feast had been eventful, Harry Potter had listened to the hat and been sorted into slytherin. He kept silent and to himself until they reached the common room. Snape had given the three customary rules all slytherins have to follow. Provide a united front to the rest of the houses, solve all problems in the common room. If your are going to break a rule, don't get caught. Finally, if you do get caught, get caught by Snape. The blond ponce known as Draco Malfoy sneered at Harry after Snape left. "You don't belong in the great house of Slytherin you dirty Half-blood." Harry looked up at him from his place in an armchair by the fire, which was crackling heartily.

"And why is that? Care to enlighten me?" He said with a hint of sarcasm in his tone.

"Slytherin is no place for a goody two shoes like yourself." Draco said, still sneering.

The air in the room started to feel heavy. "Who said I was a goody two shoes?" Harry asked darkly. Malfoy smartly took a step back at this point, his subconscious starting to realize something was not quite right.

"You're the Boy-Who-Lived. What else could you be besides a light sided arrogant fool?" Draco said. Others in the common room began laughing at this statement. Suddenly the fires dimmed, a gust of wind blew through the room, and Harry finally stood up. Because the Dursleys hadn't successfully starved him, he was quite a bit taller and far more built than he would have been. His size intimidated Draco even more than his calm reaction.

"How about a dark wizard?" Harry said, taking of his glasses as his eyes filled with eldritch power causing them to glow. An aura of power began to form around him, and the air grew heavier still. Draco began sweating, but held his ground.

"You? A dark wizard? Don't make me laugh!" He said haughtily. Although the effect was diminished by his shaking knees. The aura assumed a defined shape, rhythmically pulsing. It began to grow hard to breathe for the majority of the children and teens in the common room. Draco began rethinking his decision to mess with this person, no normal eleven year old should be powerful enough to have a fucking aura radiating out of him! That required an immense amount of power, along with control to avoid smashing everything around oneself. Harry smirked evilly as he surveyed the room. An invisible force began putting pressure on everyone in the room. It grew stronger and stronger, forcing the young and the weaker older students to their knees. Harry finally spoke "Do you want to know why Voldemort died when he tried to kill me after killing my family? Why the strongest Dark Lord in centuries was defeated by a child?" The pressure grew immensely as he spoke forcing those still standing to their knees, and forcing those already onto the floor onto their hands and knees.

"It's not because of some fluke of accidental magic, nor is it because of some obscure ritual combined with my mother's sacrifice that shielded thought that either of those would work is absurd." Harry continued, as the pressure began making it hard for some to breathe; not enough to choke however. "No the reason he died, was because at the age of one, I was already far stronger than him! Far stronger than Dumbledore! Far stronger than anyone in centuries! I am the strongest wizard alive! Once I hit my first majority, I will rivals the greatest wizards of old!" He exclaimed. Everyone looked at him in fear as the pressure built further. The floor suddenly cratered where Harry was standing and pieces of stone rose up into the air held aloft by his power, then everything started shaking. Harry began speaking in parseltongue to a snake that slithered out of his robe sleeve. The snake hissed back the then moved into and empty tank Harry had asked the elves to put out earlier.

"So Malfoy, still think I don't belong?" Harry asked rhetorically. He cut off the magic flow and stopped pulsing out magic. The pressure was released as his aura faded. He started waking to the boy's dorms, then paused and said "That was but a fraction of my power, if you want to know my limits..." He started the trailed off. Harry turned, raised his hand, and made a crushing motion with his fist. In time with his actions, a chunk of stone was lifted from the floor and pulverized into dust. With that he left to go to bed. Everyone picked themselves off the floor after the shock of learning just how outclassed they were compared to an eleven year old child. A couple seventh years began repairing the room as everyone starting moving around in silence, still slightly shell shocked. Eventually someone broke the silence, "Well one thing is for sure. Malfoy you are a bloody idiot." a seventh year said.

"When my father-!" Malfoy began before he was cut off.

"Your father won't do shit! You saw Potter! He has more power in his pinky than most of us have in our entire bodies! He would crush your father like a bug! You would need several armies to even scratch him if what he claims is true! No one can stand up to him! I for one am going to try my damnest to become at least his ally, and if that fails, to stay the hell out of his way!" A student named Theodore Nott practically yelled at the incredibly dense Malfoy scion. With similar thoughts running through all their minds the students hurried to their rooms. They all knew that there were going to be some big changes. Harry Potter a previously unknown entity, was now known to wield vast amounts of power. He also suggested he was dark, which was the opposite of everything they were expecting.