Chapter 7:Surprise

Stealth Dropship, 1755 hours
Location: Near the East Coast of Vale
ETA 5 minutes till Operation starts
No one's POV

The dropship was beginning to near the storm. Off to the left of the dropship in the distance, was the enemy air fleet. Alpha Team was doing a weapon check while Team RWBY just sat in silence.

"5 minutes till drop!" the dropship pilot yelled from the cockpit.

"Roger that. Teams, buddy check each other, we don't want anything to go wrong half way through this mission." Kyle said to the group.

The teams check each other for any thing out of place, checking ammo, armor, gear, the pilots made sure each others jump kits were fueled and in working condition. Once done, they grabbed their weapons and stacked up on each other, waiting for the back bay door to open.

"That storm does not look pretty" James said while looking out the window. He was right, the storm was looked a lot worse than an average storm.

"Hang on, things are gonna get bumpy!" the co-pilot shouted. The dropship was now inside the storm, violent 50-80 mile winds shook the ship. Not only that, the rain that was being produced from the clouds blocked the pilot's vision, not being about to see more than 10 feet ahead of them.

Kyle gripped his R101 Carbine tightly. He had only been on these types of missions one other time, that's where he lost the original CQC pilot of their team. He shook off the memory before it got to him, focusing on the mission that was at hand now.

"Air fleet is in sight! Pushing to lead ship now. ETA 1 minute till drop off!" came from the cockpit. The dropship being a lot sleeker and combined with stealth technology, was undetected by the fleet's radar. The dropship then neared the what they seemed to be the deck.

"Opening bay door now. Good hunting Sgt.!" The back bay door then opened, Kyle shot down a zip line cable onto the deck, he didn't want them getting blown away on the way down.

"GO GO GO!" Kyle shouted over the wind. Everyone zip lined down onto the deck, with Kyle being the last one down. The dropship then flew off into the storm, not being visible anymore.
"Mag grips on. Push the green button on your left gauntlet Team RWBY" Kyle said into the comlink. With that turned on, it was practically impossible to be blown away now. The teams made their way to one of the maintenance hatches on top of the deck.
"Alright, here's our ticket in. Davy, your on point." Kyle lifted the hatch up and Davy jumped down.

"Clear." Davy whispered into the comms.

"Copy, lets go, everyone down." Kyle replied. Everyone jumped down and he closed the hatch on the way down. They made their way through what seemed to be a maze till they reached one of the hangars. Kyle raised a fist, signaling a hold to the rest of the group. He then tried to take a look into the hangar without showing his head too much. The hangar wasn't very large, it had 4 fighters and 2 gunships sitting neatly lined up. A few crates were stacked up around and he didn't see any guards patrolling the area.

"Weird, thought they would have some better security" Kyle thought. He then turned around to face the group. "Alright, we search till we find the bridge. We move fast and low. If things hit the fan, well, we might have to shoot our way out. Let's hope that doesn't happen. Let's move out."

The group move past the hangar, taking one of the doors near the rear of the hangar. They moved up one deck, taking out any White Fang member along the way. They didn't kill them though, just to the point that they were knocked out as killing in front of the young huntresses would probably start some PTSD. But that's what dummy rounds were for, they had enough power to knock out a person with a clean headshot. The bullet it self was made of a mixture of harden rubber and ballistics gel, dulled to the point it couldn't break skin but could cause a large welt or a bad bruise. So it was useful for taking down targets non-lethally, and they were much easier to manufacture. Anyways, they passed the CIC, Kyle had J.P. send out an all clear message to the other ships before moving on. They finally reached the Bridge.

"Alright stack up, we breach and clear the bridge, set the explosives, and haul ass back to the hangar for pick up." Kyle told the group. They stacked up against the door, Garrett first on the left and Yang first on the Right. "Garrett, place the charge." In the next 30 seconds, all hell was gonna break loose. "3,2,1, hit it."

The bridge door blew off its hinges and flew into the bridge, smashing into the guy at the wheel. The guy on the console next to him barely had time to react as 4 bullets from Garrett's Spitfire slammed into the back of his head. The guy on the weapons console took out his side arm, only to take 2 shotgun rounds from Yang's EVA shotgun. Blake had threw her Gamble Shroud at the furthest guy away from them, he was standing near the lookout window, so she assumed he was the commander of the ship. The Navigation officer manage to get a shot off at J.P. before a fist connected with his face from the latter. Everything happened in slow motion and it only took exactly 30 seconds for everything to happen. Right after J.P. Punched the navigation officer, everything sped back up to normal time.

"Alright lads, lets work fast, I'm sure someone heard that gunshot. James, find the transmitter and plant a satchel charge on it. The rest of you, lets get some of these Sabre grade charges on the rest of the room, then we place some along the route back to the hangar. So I want Yang, Ruby, Garr-" Kyle was cut off mid-sentence when he saw Blake stare at the doorway. Standing there was a White Fang member, who look like he just got fresh off the boot camp train, looking back at Blake while holding two mugs of some steaming liquid.(Credits to those of you who get the reference xD) Looking at them, then looking at the red alarm button close to him, he only had one chance to warn the rest of the ship.

"Don't even try buddy" Yang threaten him.

Scared to the point that he could piss his pants without a second thought, he did the only option he had, throw the left mug at the button and run for your dear life. So that's what he did. Ruby tried to shoot the mug before it hit the button, but as luck would have it, she missed. Said mug smacked the button and then shattered into a million pieces, splashing the liquid all over the button and getting into the system it was connected to, rendering it beyond repair.

"Well guys, sh*t just hit the fan hard" Davy deadpanned.

"Well its bout time we leave" Kyle said to him. "Alright we need to haul ass back to the hangar and place those charges along the way. Lets move team!"

The group began to make its way back to the hangar, sticking the Sabre charges here and there. The charges them selves were a disk shaped charge, it could stick to any flat surface and was the size of a regular music CD. As they neared the Hangar, J.P. got a sudden blimp on his HUD's motion sensor. He normally would have ignored it because all that's been showing up were red blimps, but this blimp was a white one, meaning there was a neutral person or a civilian near by, possibly a friendly. The blimp lead down another hallway, away from the Hangar. Not wanting to leave behind a possible friendly, he darted down the hallway.

"J.P. where are you going?! Hangars this way!" Davy yelled to him. J.P. just turned back and gave him a thumbs up, then continued down the hallway and rounded a corner. Davy was about to go after him, but Kyle stopped him.

"Don't worry about him, he's gonna be fine. I've seen his skills. We'll meet him back at the hangar." Kyle reassured. Davy just gave a sigh and continued towards the hangar with the rest of the group.

With J.P.

He continued to follow the white blimp, finally reaching two White Fang Soldiers pushing what seemed to be a prisoner. He took out one of his combat knives and threw it at the soldier on the left. It struck him right in the left shoulder, before he could scream in pain the knife was pushed further into his body as J.P. punched the handle of the blade. The right soldier pushed the prisoner right into the wall behind him and took out his rifle and began to fire at J.P.

J.P. picked up the soldier he stabbed with the knife by the knife itself and used him as a body shield to soak up the bullets fired at him. Pulling out his RE-45, he fired back at the soldier's knees, trying to disable him so he could get close up. He managed to get the soldier on one knee, that was enough for him to close distance and give him a jump kick to the face. With his two opponents down, he went to go check on the prisoner.

Turns out the prisoner was a girl that was shorter than he was, she had brown and pink hair, with some white strands mixed with the pink. "That's odd, never seen anyone with a mixed hair color like this" J.P. thought. She was handcuffed and had a tracker around her ankle. He shot off the hand cuffs and the tracker, then helped her onto her feet. He got a full look at her face, her eyes were also different colors, the left one being pink and her right being brown, matching her hair color. "This is the weirdest thing I've seen today, other than that she's kinda cute, wait hold up, don't get distracted J.P. you need to get her and yourself out of her"

"Are you ok?" J.P. asked the girl in a barely audible voice. She surprisingly heard him, then she smiled at him and gave him a nod, then pointed at his pistol then at herself.

"So you need to get your weapon?" J.P. asked, trying to understand what she wanted to do. She nodded then pointed back down the hallway at what seemed to be a holding cell. "Ok, we can go get it and then we go meet my friends at the hangar."

Back at the Hangar with the others

"Reloading! Cover me!" James was trying to reload his Kraber for the 7th time, the other times he got cut off when bullets kept flying over his head. And yet no one has given him cover. So he was stuck using his Wingman to defend himself. Luckily this time Ruby came and sat right next to him, giving him cover fire.

Meanwhile on the other side of the hangar, Davy, Garrett, Blake, and Weiss were trying to hold off one of the hangar entrances. Kyle and Yang were taking out ones at another entrance, all of them were separated.

"WHERES OUR DAMN RIDE!" Davy yelled over the gun fire.


"ITS A SH*T STORM IN HERE! WE'RE GONNA DIE BEFORE IT GETS HERE!" Garrett yelled while helping Weiss suppress a LMG soldier.

"QUIT WHINING AND HOLD THEM OFF" Yang shot back at Garrett.

True, they were in the middle of a war inside the hangar, they were doing the best they could, but they were way outnumbered. If this continued any longer, they would be captured and forced to surrender. And J.P. wasn't back yet. Kyle didn't want to leave him behind, but for all he knew, J.P. could be dead. He shook this thought off. He believed in him. After all, he did read everything on his file, even the censored parts.

They all then heard the familiar sound of the dropship.

"Alright, lets move! Rides here!" Kyle ordered.

They all began to fall back, moving closer and closer to the edge of the hangar, the only problem though was the White Fang were trying to shut the Hangar door.

"Gramps! There trying to cut us off with the door! Were not gonna make it at this rate!" James yelled.

Kyle looked over at the control room, he could see someone at the console up there. He then aimed at the target and unloaded live rounds into the glass of the control room, killing the guy at the console. He was hoping that the grunt would fall back and pull the lever he had in his hand to open the door back up, but instead the grunt fell forward and pushed the lever all the way forward.

"I need someone to get up there and open it! Davy! if you can get up the-" Once again, Kyle was cut off, as he saw J.P. emerge with a girl at the control room. He couldn't help up give a smile. He knew his private could do it. "Never mind! J.P.'s got it! Everyone to the dropship now!"

They all hauled ass to the dropship, everyone making it in except J.P. and that mysterious girl. J.P. picked up the girl bridal style, and then jumped out of the broke window, using his jump pack to slow his descent. Running as fast as he could, he was trying to make it to the dropship, jumping over crates and dodging enemy fire. He was almost there until a Paladin jumped right infront of him. The Paladin tried to grab him, but he used his jump pack to slide to the left and barely missed the mechanical hand grabbing him. J.P then tried to jump over a stack of crates next to the Paladin's foot, only to be knocked back by the other hand. Remembering he had a girl in his arms, he used his back to land, making sure the girl didn't get hurt.

"We need to help him get out of there!" Blake was looking worried about J.P., as well as his teammates.

"Gramps! We need to get him out of there now!" James shouted to his Sgt., but his Sgt. was already formulating a plan.

"Alright I got an idea. Davy, you said you need a new titan since your old one was getting worn out right?" Kyle asked Davy. Knowing what his Sgt. was about to do, he replied "You got it Gramps, its on the way."

"Hey Baker! I need you to drop my titan at these coordinates" Davy said into his comlink.

"Uhh sure I guess, but you do know this is over the ocean right?" Baker replied.

"Don't worry, its for a good use and its worth it"

"Alright, stand by for Titanfall!"

In the next few seconds, they heard a rumbling sound from the sky. They couldn't see what it was, but they all knew what was coming down. In the next second, the hangar looked completely normal with a killer robot about to take there comrade away. In the next second, a part of the hangar was missing, along with the Paladin.

"Nice! Alright J.P. get your ass over here!" Kyle said into the comlink.

J.P., not knowing what just happened, then got up and ran to the dropship, jumping off the edge and using his jump pack to get inside the dropship.

"Pilot! Everyone's aboard, lets get out of here!" Kyle yelled into the cockpit.

"Roger that! Warp in 3!" was the response.

"Davy, James, blow the charges."

Both men complied and right before they warped, the ship then started to blow up, twisted shards of medals flying around, bodies mixed in and screams could be heard. They warped out of there right before the whole ship exploded, causing the other ships to retreat back to safer waters(That's just an expression, there still in the air and there moving to a safer area with more allies, if you got confused by that).

On the way back to base

"WOO! We did it!"

The group was celebrating since they completed the mission, giving each other hi-fives, handshakes, any celebration move you can think of. However, a certain cat girl was have a chat with our silent private.

"Are you ok? Are you hurt any where" Blake asked J.P., clearly she was worried about him.

"Yeah, I'm ok thanks for worrying about me though" J.P. said back in a low voice.

"Are you sure? You could have died back there! That was really reckless" She responded.

"I know, but if I was holding back the evac, you guys should have left me, I rather have you guys get out over my own life." J.P. said that last part much quieter, but Blake still heard him.

"Don't say that! I'm sure your Sgt. would never leave you behind, if anything, I wouldn't leave you behind."

J.P. smiled under his helmet. It was nice to have someone care for him, he hadn't felt something like this in a long time, as the last time he felt this was when he was with his parents. He thought back to those times, when his mom and dad cared about him and were still with him. He wished to get a good education and help his family out, get a good job, live a happy life, maybe enjoy it. But that dream was crushed when the IMC came to his home town. His father tried to defend there home while his mother had sent him and his younger sister into hiding. That was the last time he saw them. When he came back later that night, he didn't find anything. No body, only blood. He could only assume his parents were dead, and he wanted to avenge them. That's when he started to shut himself off from the rest of the people he knew. He joined the Militia soon after his parents "death", leaving his sister behind. She didn't want him to go, but he was insistent. He now regretted that. He didn't know what happened to her. He hoped she was alive, as he didn't know her whereabouts now.

Blake saw him space out, she let him do this for around 3 minutes before she asked if he was ok. It took him a second to gain his sense and come back to reality.

"Yeah I'm all good, but its nice to have a friend like you. Come to think of it, your my first real friend that I have now. My team doesn't count as I have to be with them, but they're good guys. But thanks for being a good friend Blake."

She slightly blushed at that, she could already tell he was a good guy to have as a friend and to be around.

They were soon nearing the base, everyone wanted to grab something to eat and relax, but one certain girl was give a death stare at the youngest girl.

"We need to have a nice and long chat Red."

I'm finally back guys! I hope you enjoyed this new chapter, as I finally got it out. Its been in production since November, but I got so caught up that I couldn't finish it. But now I finally have some free time, so why not use that time for writing chapters? I am a little rusty as some of the actions in this chapter may need some work but I'll nail it eventually. Also if you got the reference half way through the chapter, congrats. The original content is owned by Rooster Teeth and I give them the credit for it. But still I had to include it and its still a great episode to watch. Now I know TitanFall 2 is out, but I don't think I'm gonna add anything from it into this story because these guys are stranded and there from the first TitanFall and TitanFall 2 is set further into the future. I don't know, tell me what you guys think, should I add anything in from the second game? I've also been keeping up with the 4th season of RWBY. Its been really good so far and I really like where its going. I'm not sure about putting anything from season 4 into this story, maybe some of the characters and events, but nothing super major.

Now you may have some questions. What about team RWBY and Pyrrha's death? How do the White Fang get knocked out from those shots? How come none of them have PTSD? Well to answer the first question: Don't worry, they will be connected with it, they won't ignore it. Second: I know everyone on Remmant has aura, but not everyone has unlocked it, and as a recruit of the White Fang or just a regular soldier of the White Fang, I'm sure they don't have it unlocked. Well not all of them at least. And finally the third question: Well they haven't killed anyone, the only death scene written in this chapter was the guy in the control room, but there was a firefight going on, so no one noticed. Yeah, the whole ship exploded and killed everyone, but Team RWBY didn't witness the death as they were warped away before it happened. I may have them get accustomed to killing, but that's a decision I have to make with your guys feedback.

I also must thank BrokenLifeCycle, as he's the one who has helped me with writing, and still is. Well, till the next chapter, have a good day comrades.~YellowFellow19

P.S., this was originally suppose to come out on the 14th, but I decided to upload today on the 15th.