Welcome, wonderful readers, to the bonus chapter of this fic~ Starring our lovely Yullen of course. Thank you very much for all your continued support, and a thanks to LightMyBulb and jy24 for requesting this. It's not quite an epilogue, and I sincerely apologize for that, but I do hope that you enjoy it anyway.
D Gray-man belongs to Hoshino Katsura~
Broken Moonlight
Extra Chapter
If there was one thing Kanda despised, it was being amidst a large group of people. He did value his personal space, and as far as he knew, the only one who could intrude without fear of death was Marie, Tiedoll, and the girl….and maybe the beansprout too. Maybe.
He was clad in the casual clothing that he had purchased on his journey from Mater back to the Headquarters, as he had no need for his exorcist uniform any longer. Even if he did wear it, Mugen had been destroyed along with all other traces of innocence, as well as the akuma. There was no need for exorcists any longer.
And here he found himself, ensnared within some strange celebration that a certain Branch Head decided to throw in honour of this 'Genesis', the two Noah had called it.
With some convincing by the two twins, the Noah too had attended the celebration, albeit some grudgingly. As far as Kanda could see, however, there was no complication between both sides, although the faint tension was still present between the more obstinate.
The Headquarters was gone once again, leaving many of the exorcists at a loss for where to go, as they had called the oppressive building home for so long. He himself didn't bother worrying - he'd solve that problem sometime when it actually became an issue.
Glancing around the island, he caught sight of both exorcists and Noah mingling upon the island that seemed as beautiful as it had been before the Genesis, and perhaps even more so due to the lack of Headquarters that tended to loom darkly overhead. He had never considered a situation where they would all be in one place without the intention of murdering each other.
He supposed that was best, and, quite frankly, something that the moyashi would want. He rolled his eyes at the thought, taking a sip of his green tea whilst eyeing the scene before him with wry amusement. At least no one was bothering him.
Unfortunately for certain other people, namely the beansprout, that didn't seem to be the case. The white-haired former exorcist was entrapped within the attention of his two friends, the girl and the rabbit, and one very lively golem.
Whatever seemed to be happening, was clearly causing the beansprout some form of discomfort, or so the red that spread over his face stated. Kanda leaned against the tree trunk behind him, watching the events unfold before his eyes.
Soon, much to his dismay, the redhead left Allen and began to traipse towards him with an air of cheeriness that Kanda immediately knew could mean nothing good.
"Yuu-chan~" the apprentice Bookman chirped, running towards him. Irritably, he raised a foot, allowing Lavi to run into it and wind himself. An expression of comical dismay crossed the face of the redhead who promptly crumbled to the ground, clasping his arms around his stomach and fighting for breath.
"Yuu-chan's so meeean," he complained, staring querulously up at the raven.
"I never asked for your company, usagi," the raven responded calmly, taking another sip of his tea and ignoring the redhead in favour of watching Allen struggle with the remaining two that he retained the attention of. Out of the corner of his gaze, Kanda could see that the two twins, the apparent adoptive family of that beansprout, were watching as well in amusement.
The sight seemed to revive Lavi in a matter of seconds, the redhead jumping to his feet and sidling close to Kanda. "Hey, Yuu~" he sang in a tone that dripped of mischievousness. "I'm an apprentice Bookman so I see everything and record everything~ And I think that you should wipe that grumpy scowl off your face and go get your moyashi~!"
Within moments, Lavi once again found himself on the ground, winded once again as Kanda left the tree to head for the refreshments once again and refill his cup of tea. Thank goodness Jerry had enough decency to serve the beverage, even during a party.
He would admit it. He had already admitted it to Alma, and he was certain that the 14th Noah… Neah, was well aware of his affections for the white-haired teen. But he had yet to know what Allen thought of the entire ordeal. As far as he knew, the moyashi was completely oblivious to his sentiments. With a characteristic scowl, Kanda retreated to another corner of the clearing where he would not be bothered.
His eyes drifted over to Komui, who was glaring rather unsubtly at Allen, octopus gun in hand as Lenalee hovered over the beansprout like a worried mother hen. Some distance away from the Supervisor, stood the rest of the Science department, most likely there to prevent him from doing anything idiotic.
Many of the Noah still remained self-conscious and somewhat distant from the less trusting of the exorcists, as one could never know when a dispute would break out over old rivalry, although the more social of the group had chosen to mingle pleasantly and strike up conversation here and there.
The night sky was illuminated, not only by the moon and stars that shone above, but also with the lights and lanterns that had been strung from the rubble of Headquarters to the trees, hanging over their heads and illuminating the lush field with a mellow glow.
The air too, was pleasantly warm with a light breeze blowing through the air every now and then, caressing Kanda's skin. He breathed out as he listened to the mild chaos, peculiar to throwing the eccentric group of exorcists into one area together. It was troublesome, but he supposed he would not have it any other way.
His eyes drifted back to Allen. The purpose of his old life had disappeared, and now he had no real reason to continue existing. The war against Noah had ended, and should have left him devoid of purpose. However, he couldn't help but feel that it was acceptable to continue living.
Alma had wished for him to move on, the only remnants of the brunet upon the earth being within the memory of those that had known him. A faint smile curled onto his lips, but he hid the expression under his tea, hoping no one had seen it. Affection could make one do strange things, he realized. His thoughts were much like Allen's words had once been.
The white-haired teen had sworn to keep walking for Mana. Kanda himself would continue to live, but for the sake of Allen himself. Perhaps one day the beansprout would come to realize just how much Kanda valued him. Perhaps it was madness to even hope for such a thing.
Regardless of which of the two it was, Kanda was certain of one thing. He had devoted his old life to the destruction of the akuma, treading a path of desolation and despair. This new life that had been created by the two halves of the Millennium Earl, he would devote to Allen.
"You're thinking about him, aren't you."
Lost in his thoughts, Kanda was not aware of the approach of a certain white-haired Noah. The sound of the aloof voice startled him, but he hid it well as his dark eyes shifted to where Wisely stood beside him, the Noah's amber eyes fixed upon Allen as well.
The raven had assumed that, with the disappearance of innocence and dark matter, the powers of both sides were stripped from them. Why then was it that Wisely could so easily read his thoughts? After all, the Noah no longer possessed his demon eye.
"It's easy to read people once you've observed them for long enough," the Noah droned. "You don't need a special ability for that."
"So I was right?"
Kanda ignored the Noah, his eyes drifting over to the others within Wisely's 'family'. Despite having lost their Noah genes, their history was quite obvious through the exhibition given off by their dark complexion and golden eyes.
He wondered why. Perhaps it was because the DNA embedded within their blood had changed their appearance permanently, and the lack of powers prevented them from shifting back to their human mien.
"You really should just tell him, you know," Wisely drawled, a yawn passing his lips as he leaned against a tree trunk behind him, wrapping a length of his scarf languidly around his arm with disinterested eyes. "It'll save you the trouble of people telling you to tell him."
"Or maybe you should save yourself the trouble and not say anything at all," Kanda retorted, his words unusually lacking in their normal venomous bite.
"Hm. Good point." The Noah shrugged and lowered his arm, not having much of a response to the retaliation of the raven.
Said raven had to contemplate upon why the typically aloof and indolent Noah would go through the trouble of approaching him only to say something he had heard prior. It was uncharacteristic, and did not profit the white-haired male in any way, after all.
"Maybe I'm just trying to be nice for once," Wisely broke into his thoughts, golden eyes drifting away from Kanda.
"Then be nice to someone else," he retorted coldly. His body remained at ease regardless of the close proximity between himself and the Noah. Why it would not show sign of hostility despite his irritable behaviour, he couldn't be certain, but he didn't wish to trouble his mind with the thoughts either.
Kanda's eyes managed to find their way back to Allen, who had meandered over to where the refreshments were situated, and had begun to satisfy his seemingly insatiable appetite while Lenalee and Lavi watched on in amusement. Timcanpy too, managed to steal a few bites here and there before being pulled away by the tail, by an umber hand.
Neah chuckled and pulled the golem to his chest, preventing it from play eating Allen's immense repast. It was the least he could do for not satisfying the appetite of the teen for the time in which he had control of Allen's body.
His eyes smiled as he spared a glance at Mana, who stared, astounded, at the sight of his adoptive son veritably gorging himself with copious amounts of food. Even without his parasitic innocence eating away at his energy, the white-haired male still retained his voracious appetite and ludicrously fast metabolism.
Allen himself paid no attention to the scrutiny he was receiving by multiple persons that conspicuously watched him. All his mind could focus on at the moment was how hungry he felt. After all, Neah did not seem to have done his body any favours by stinting himself when it came to food. Not to mention the first thing he had to accomplish upon regaining control of his body was the defeat of some crazy dark matter creature.
He was starving, but, ever efficient when it came to any and all matters in the kitchen, Jerry had served up a virtual feast. Of course, not many had the intention of eating more than a bite here and there except Allen himself.
Within minutes, he had finished his lavish meal and wiped his lips with a napkin before folding it and setting it aside. He leaned back and sighed slightly in contentment. It had been so long since he had the opportunity to eat properly….
"Allen, is that really healthy?"
His silver gaze drifted over to where Mana stood, watching him with concern. A laugh escaped his lips and he smiled at the man.
"I was hungry," he responded simply. "I normally eat less."
"Liar!" Lavi yelped from where he stood beside Lenalee, having snapped out of his daze. Allen's grinning face turned to look at the redhead.
"I need energy, Lavi," he responded mildly. "If I don't eat well, I'll drop dead."
The Bookman Junior sweatdropped and shrugged with a grin. "How all of that can fit into your stomach, even I will never know…" he sighed.
Mana chuckled softly at the exchange and smiled at both the redhead and Lenalee. "I'm glad Allen has friends that take good care of him," he stated.
"I can take care of myself…" Allen ventured with an uncharacteristic childishness, causing Neah to laugh.
"Yes, of course," he responded quickly before wrapping an arm around Allen's neck and pulling him away from the small group, Timcanpy hovering around his shoulders. Glancing back, he noted that the two had struck up conversation with Mana, leaving their attention occupied.
"Anyway, aside from that, I think there's someone you really should talk to," the younger twin informed mildly. Allen blinked, puzzlement flooding his gaze.
Surprise crossed Neah's amber gaze before he turned the white-haired male's head to face the area where Kanda and Wisely stood. The white-haired Noah caught the gaze of the 14th and a faint smirk crossed his lips before he turned to say something to Kanda and walk away.
Urging Allen on with a gentle push, Neah grinned. "Go on. You have a lot of things to say, and I'm sure he does too."
Drawing his hand back, Neah turned back to where the small group of three stood, grabbing Timcanpy gently by the tail before the golden spherical creature could traverse after Allen. His gaze drifted back to watch the male as his footsteps carried him back to the side of his older twin.
Allen hesitated momentarily before stepping over to where Kanda stood, alone now, his cup of tea within his hand. They hadn't spoken with each other since the end of the incident, and he couldn't fight the thought that perhaps the raven was ignoring him.
As the dark eyes of the long-haired male fixated upon his figure, he did not stop walking, instead meeting Kanda's eyes as he approached him. A slight frown marred his features as he stepped closer to Kanda, stopping a mere foot away from him.
Allen's eyes narrowed. "It's Allen."
"I know."
"You're awfully talkative today."
Allen sighed. Perhaps he had been correct, and Kanda truly did not wish to speak to him. After all, this was the end of the Black Order and the Noah. They could part ways after this if they so wished, and perhaps would never see each other again.
And yet, the slight tingling sensation he felt in his fingers when Kanda had moved to entwine their digits at the break of day still lingered. Allen lowered his head, his gaze drifting over to his hand. He couldn't help but wonder just why Kanda, the antisocial and perhaps even somewhat sociopathic Kanda, had done such a thing. Or why he had such a reaction to such a thing.
The silence that hung in the air between them was uneasy and thick. He wanted to break it, but didn't know how. Nevertheless, before he could muse further on the matter, he felt his head being tilted up with two hands, and his silver eyes trailed up to meet the dark ones of the raven.
For a moment, everything seemed to freeze. The silence between them had grown nearly tangible, it was so thick. Allen wasn't sure why he was rendered immobile.
Before he could move, the hands that held his face with an uncharacteristic gentleness moved to wrap around his body. His eyes widened as he returned the embrace without even registering it, too stunned to do much else.
Perhaps it was his imagination. His mind was definitely a strange one, he knew. And yet, it had sounded so real - that voice that drifted through the air almost inaudibly. His eyes drifted over to the raven's lips only to find them barely parted.
"I love you, Allen."
The words, regardless of how soft, tore through Allen's perception violently, nearly winding him. His grip around the raven tightened as the elation that spread through his heart and his mind directed to one impossibility that was in the process of occurring.
No words passed his lips as he abruptly broke the embrace and reached up to take Kanda's head in both his hands. A genuine smile spanned his lips which wasted no time in meeting those of the second exorcist in a swift, chaste gesture.
His eyes widened as all around them, pale pink blooms filled the air, adorning the entirety of his vision with their glow and surrounding the body of the raven. Allen's silver eyes lidded themselves partially as he took in the surreal sight.
Pulling away, Allen once again embraced the taller male, his smile still present upon his lips as he found himself unable to tear his gaze away from the exorcist that had likened himself to a flower. Truly, Kanda was indeed as beautiful if not more than the blossoms that surrounded them.
Allen recalled the sight of the lotus that he had seen in Kanda's room once upon a time, as well as the bouquet of seven that Neah had set within the raven's hands. He wondered if Kanda could see the glowing blooms that surrounded his body.
Lifting his gaze to stare at the raven's visage, he blinked, surprise shining within his silver orbs. His eyes widened as the darkness in Kanda's gaze dissipated before his unaided vision revealing two beautifully clear, pristine, blue eyes.
Those eyes seemed to tremble for a few moments before thin lines drew themselves down the pale face of the long-haired male soundlessly. Although this time Kanda's features maintained an inscrutable expression, Allen realized that it was the first time since he had traversed within Kanda's memories that he had seen the taller male cry.
It too, was beautiful in all its melancholia, and Allen could only freeze and stare, dumbstruck, at the one whom he had bickered and exchanged blows with countless times before. He had never before realized just how expressive Kanda could be, but as he continues to watch, not daring to move, he was met with the sight of what he could only describe as love.
He finally reached up to brush the droplets of water away, allowing his knuckles to rest gently against the long-haired male's jaw without any hesitation. The taller of them both still had not yet budged, but continued to watch him with a stare no longer shrouded with the darkness that had dwelt in his heart for so long.
Lowering his hand slowly, Allen then proceeded to step back and take in the sight before him. The silence between them was in no ways something he was accustomed to, and yet, it was not a cause of discomfiture for either of them.
He blinked as the light breeze around them suddenly whirled about them, plucking a few leaves from the trees and sending them on a course for the sea. In that faint movement, Allen could have sworn he could just barely catch sight of two near transparent figures by the sides of the raven.
The first, a woman whom he did not recognize, the second, a familiar brunet that Allen had only seen for a small period of time, but felt as though he'd known for an eternity. He looked from the two to Kanda, unsure if what was being registered in his sight was real.
The vague amazement and slight apprehension in the long-haired male's eyes confirmed his suspicions, but he could not speak a word for fear of breaking the delicate silence that hung between the four of them.
"I love you forever…" the words drifted around them as the lips of the woman parted slightly, her slender hand moving to take Kanda's in a tender action. Immediately, Allen could see the faintest flashes of guilt in the raven's azure eyes.
"Take care of Yuu," Alma whispered after, his almost transparent hand moving to take Allen's as a smile crossed his youthful face, lacking in the tiredness that Allen had once seen when he had engaged in combat with the former womb of the third exorcists.
The two extended their arms so that the hands of Allen and Kanda moved to hold each other. The two former exorcists stared at each other in slight surprise, although the taller was quick to hide the expression. Their gazes drifted over to the pair, who smiled happily at them.
The eyes of the woman drifted over to meet Allen's silver, causing him to tilt his head slightly. Soft, tinkling laughter drifted through the warm air as she reached out to him, almost touching his cheek, but falling short by mere hairsbreadths. "Make my lotus happy."
Alma, on the other hand had, in a less reserved movement, approached Kanda, taking his head in both hands and pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead. "Don't ever let him go," his barely audible voice commanded. Kanda could only nod wordlessly in response.
As the wind took the presences of the two away, silver and blue met each other wordlessly. For a few moments there was neither words nor movement between them. Finally, a smile slowly spanned Allen's lips as he entwined his fingers with Kanda's.
"I love you, Kanda," he stated, not merely as a response to the confession that he had received, but as a new declaration.
The first genuinely caring smile that Allen had seen upon the face of Kanda was at that moment, and it was nothing short of stunningly beautiful.
Neah's eyes narrowed in a smile as his eyes drifted away from the small corner and back to his older twin, who merely smiled back and nodded in understanding.
A person had three faces: one for the public to see, one for family and friends, and the last, only one person would ever see.
And thus, this all comes to a close. I hope you all found it enjoyable, and even if you didn't, I'm glad you took the time to read it ^.^ See you sometime, dear readers - hopefully when I write another fic; I'm looking forward to it~